Kuki Shinobu is a 4-star Electro character, fighting with a one-handed sword. She is the only Electro character capable of healing, which makes her a unique character and a good support. On the other hand, while she does deal continuous damage, it is quite low. We detail the strengths and weaknesses of Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact in this comprehensive guide. With our tips and advice, you'll know which artefacts and weapons to equip her with to give her the best build, but also in which teams to play her.
How to get Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact ?
Kuki Shinobu was released on June 21, 2022 as part two of the 2.7 update to Genshin Impact. Being a 4-star character, you will have a small chance to summon her by making wishes in the Standard Wish and Character Event Wish when she is no longer featured.
Kuki Shinobu banner
You have an increased chance of unlocking Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact on the Arataki Itto banner: Oni's Royale. This one is available from June 21 to July 12, 2022.
Constellations by Kuki Shinobu
Unlike most 4-star characters, Kuki Shinobu's constellations are not exceptional and thus easily dispensable. They will only slightly increase the ninja's damage.
However, C2 To Sever Sealing increases the duration of Shinobu's elemental attack by 3 seconds. You will be able to apply heals permanently.
C4 Breaking Free deals additional damage with the elemental attack, but only every 5 seconds.
How to play Shinobu in Genshin Impact ?
Kuki Shinobu is most useful as a healer. She does very little damage on the field. Nevertheless, she has the advantage of allowing you to compose new teams and to bring you the comfort of regular heals on your active character.
With his elemental attack Sanctifying Ring, Kuki Shinobu sacrifices 30% of his HP to create a Grass Ring of Sanctification that heals the active character to his maximum HP. However, he will always have at least 20% of his HP left. The ring also deals continuous Electro damage, which is calculated based on Shinobu's ATK max. The ring remains active for 12 seconds.
The passive Breaking Free improves Shinobu's healing by 15% when his HP is at or below 50%.
Shinobu's gameplay consists of launching his elemental attack, then giving way to your main DPS. Only the active character will be healed by Shinobu's ability.
Cast Gyoei Narukami Kariyama Rite, Kuki Shinobu's elemental rampage when he has finished charging. The heroine drives a blade into the ground to create a barrier that deals continuous Electro damage for 2 seconds, the damage is calculated based on her max HP. If it is less than 50%, the duration of the barrier is extended to 3.5 seconds.
The less HP Shinobu has, the more effective she will be. But she will also be more fragile, which is why the trick is to change characters quickly to avoid premature death.
Our advice is to only mount his elemental attack, then his elemental rampage, as you will not be using his normal attack.
What is the best Genshin Impact Kuki Shinobu build?
Kuki Shinobu's equipment in Genshin Impact depends on which build you want to focus on. To ensure better healing, you should increase her health as much as possible. On the other hand, if you want to do more damage with her elemental attack, you should opt for a hybrid build, more focused on her ATK max. But in all cases, Kuki Shinobu only achieves a low personal damage score and does not compete with sub-DPS such as Fischl. We recommend that you focus on a healer build instead.
In this guide, we reveal the best artifacts and weapons to equip on Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact.
The best artefacts for Shinobu
Tenacity of the Millelith
To optimize Kuki Shinobu's healer build in Genshin Impact and allow him to boost his team, we recommend the 4-piece Tenacity of the Millelith set. ATK not only will you increase his HP by 20%, but you will also give a 20% bonus to your team when Shinobu hits an enemy, which will often happen with his elemental attack.
Maiden Beloved
Noblesse Oblige
If you don't have many pieces of this set, you can make do with 2 pieces of equipment and combine them with 2 pieces of the Artifact Set Maiden Beloved. The latter will give you a 15% healing bonus.
You can also choose 4 pieces of the Noblesse Oblige set. It increases the DMG of the elemental rampage by 20% and the attack of all characters in your team by 20% after casting it.
The main statistics to be prioritised:
Hourglass: HP% ;
Cut: Electro or HP% damage;
Crown: Healing bonus or HP%.
Secondary statistics :
HP% ;
Energy recharging ;
Critical rate ;
Critical damage ;
ATK% ;
Basic mastery.
It is also possible to start with a build focused on elemental mastery. The talent Heart's Repose improves the elementary attack of Shinobu according to its elementary control. Its cures will be increased to 75% of its elementary control and the damage to 25%. But we only recommend this setup if you are playing Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact with a team based on elemental reactions.
Shinobu best weapons
Primordial Jade Cutter (5★)
Freedom-Sworn (5★)
To complete Kuki Shinobu's equipment in Genshin Impact, we recommend the Primordial Jade Cutter (5★): the weapon gives him a high critical hit rate, increases his HP by 20%, and then his ATK to the tune of 1.2% of his max HP.
Freedom-Sworn (5★) also embodies one of the best weapon choices for Shinobu. The sword increases elemental mastery and its passive boosts DMG inflicted by 10% when Shinobu triggers an elemental reaction. She then gains a talisman every 0.5 seconds. When two are combined, it increases the damage of normal, charged, and plunging attacks of the entire team by 16% and their ATK by 20% for 12 seconds.
If you don't have them, here are our tips for other one-handed swords:
Favonius Sword (4★)
Iron sting (4★)
Lion's Roar (4★)
Favonius Sword (4★): The weapon boosts energy recharge as well as elemental particle generation when Kuki Shinobu performs critical hits;
Iron Sting (4★): this is an excellent free-to-play weapon to craft at the blacksmith's shop. The sword increases elemental mastery and increases the character's damage by up to 12% when doing elemental damage ;
Lion's Roar (4★): The sword increases the ATK and damage dealt to enemies affected by Pyro or Electro by 20%. This is a good weapon choice if you are playing Kuki Shinobu in an Electro-Charged or Overloades team.
Kuki Shinobu's ascension materials in Genshin Impact
To raise Kuki Shinobu to level 80+ in Genshin Impact and thus increase his max HP, you will need to collect the following resources:
1 Sliver, 9 Fragments, 9 Chunks and 6 Gemstones of Vajrada Amethyst, which you can obtain mainly from the Thunder Manifestation or theElectro Hypostasis;
46 Runic Fangs to loot from the Ruin Serpent;
168 Naku Weed: you can pick them on the islands of Inazuma. Locate them directly with the interactive map of Teyvat;
18 Spectral Husks, 30 Spectral Hearts and 36 Spectral Nucleus to be recovered from the Specter.
Which team should Kuki Shinobu play in?
Kuki Shinobu, because of her healer ability, allows you to create new teams. You can play her in an Electro-Charged team, you can replace Kokomi with a more powerful Hydro DPS like Ayato, Tartaglia or Yelan. For example, you can create a team with Ayato / Kuki Shinobu / Fischl / Kazuha or Sucrose.
For variety, you can play two Hydro and two Electro characters: Tartaglia / Xingqiu / Fischl / Kuki Shinobu.
You can also integrate Shinobu in a Superconduct team with Eula, Rosalia and Zhongli.
Finally, it is possible to play Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact with Itto, the leader of his gang in the team Itto / Shinobu / Albedo or Zhongli/Gorou. Shinobu will perform Crystallize and heal, which is pretty handy if you don't have Gorou's C4.
How old is Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact and how tall is she ?
Kuki Shinobu is the deputy leader of theArataki Itto gang. The ninja is mainly in charge of fixing their mistakes.
Kuki Shinobu is approximately 1.60m tall, as for her age, all we know is that she was born on July 27th. The young woman is probably between 16 and 18 years old.
That's it for the tips and tricks in this Kuki Shinobu Genshin Impact Guide. With the right build, she'll be able to apply decent healing to your active character and thus make it easier for you to survive in the abyss. On the other hand, if you're looking for an Electro sub-DPS to do more damage, we recommend Fischl, especially since Kuki Shinobu provides very few energy particles. However, its effectiveness could be increased thanks to elemental reactions with the Dendro element, but you'll have to wait until you get to Sumeru to learn more.
Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.
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