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Sigewinne Genshin Impact Guide: Build, Weapons and Teams

Sigewinne Genshin Impact

Looking for a solid healer to round out your team? Sigewinne could be just what you need!  This lovely Melusine, being the Head Nurse of the Fortress of Meropide is one of the most reliable healers in Genshin Impact with a set of adorable animations. Now, if she's able to capture your attention with her charm, make sure to stick around and rely on this Sigewinne Genshin Impact guide, showcasing her best artifacts, weapons, teams and more!

Best team for Sigewinne Genshin Impact

Sigewinne is a Hydro Bow Support and Healer, and if you're aiming to get her, worry not as Sigewinne can easily slot herself into many team compositions! With that, here are some of the best Sigewinne Genshin Impact Teams

Sigewinne Genshin Impact teams clorinde

This is an Electro-charged Clorinde team comp consisting of Clorinde herself, Fischl, Furina and Sigewinne. Each member of this party synergizes with each other, making this one of the most ideal team for the Melusine. 

While Clorinde is dishing out deadly blows to enemies, Furina boosts her damage with her burst and Fanfare buffs. Moreover, her elemental skill, combined with Fischl's, amps up the team's overall damage output. Both of them benefit from Sigewinne's passive that enhances elemental skills, so you can expect a lot of numbers on your screen. And of course, Sigewinne keeps everyone patched up, ensuring the team stays alive with her heal and enable Furina's buffs.

This comp triggers the Hydro and Electro resonance effect that increases the HP of Sigewinne and Furina, making them more effective, and allows more energy regeneration for better rotations. 

Navia team sigewinne genshin impact teams

Navia unlike other Geo DPS, shines best when paired with characters of different elements in order to obtain Elemental Shards via crystallization. Navia becomes the on-field quickswap Geo DPS, with most of her damage coming from her elemental skill and burst. Meanwhile, Furina serves as the buffer, hydro applicator and sub-DPS, alongside Chiori. For the final slot, Sigewinne becomes the main healer

The best weapons for Sigewinne  in Genshin Impact

Take a look at the best weapons you can have for Sigewinne Genshin Impact

The best weapon set for Sigewinne  in Genshin 

Silvershower heartstring

Sigewinne's signature weapon, Silvershower Heartstrings is the best option there is for her, not to mention, it does complement with her aesthetics. It has an HP substats and a passive effect that further increases her max HP for every Remedy stack, which could easily help her reach 60,000 HP. Additionally, when stacks are completed, she will receive a crit rate buff on her burst.

Aqua Simulacra

Aqua Simulacra is a Crit damage weapon that can be used for Sigewinne regardless of her role to the team. With an incredibly high amount of crit damage, she can deal a lot of damage from her burst, making this the best-in-slot bow weapon for DPS Sigewinne. Now, if you're only after her support capabilities, don't worry as it is also capable of increasing her max HP by 16 to 32%, therefore better heals. 

The best F2P weapons for Sigewinne

Favonius Warbow

Favonius Warbow is the best 4-star weapons in the game for Sigewinne, which spawns elemental energy provided you have a high crit rate. Especially if you're in a quickswap team comp, this weapon is an excellent choice to pull off better rotations. 


Recurve Bow Sigewinne Genshin Impact weapons

For free-to-play players who barely have any of the weapons listed above, the Recurve Bow can be your best equipment. Since there aren't many weapons that provide HP, it is great to be able to use an HP bow that is almost free at this point due to how easy it is to acquire. Additionally, it restores your HP each time you defeat an enemy. 

The best artifacts for Sigewinne Genshin Impact

Here are the best artifact sets that you can ever have for Sigewinne Genshin Impact, whether you're a newbie or a veteran!

Genshin Impact Maiden Beloved artifacts icon

For healers such as Sigewinne, Maiden Beloved artifact set is the best one to equip if your only goal is to achieve higher amount of heals, even more after casting her burst. 

Best artifact set for Sigewinne

Genshin Impact Ocean-Hued Clam artifacts icon

Much like Maiden Beloved, Ocean-hued Clam is an artifact set perfect for healers. This provides healing bonus, but unlike the former, you will be able to dish out additional physical damage just by healing your team.

Genshin's best F2P artifacts for Sigewinne

Gambler Sigewinne artifacts

If you need to increase the damage you deal with your elemental skill, consider equipping the Gambler! Upon defeating an enemy with this artifact set equipped, there is a chance of completely removing the cooldown of your elemental skill.

The Exile Sigewinne artifacts

The Exile increases your energy recharge, and at the same time provides elemental energy after casting your burst. This is certainly helpful for teams that requires ER and batteries.

How to play Sigewinne Genshin Impact?

Check out all of Sigewinne Genshin Impact active and passive talents!

Sigewinne' attacks in Genshin

The Head Nurse of the Fortress of Meropide is a bow wielder who boasts an interesting animation when casting her charged attack. This releases bubbles in the shape of a heart that move slowly towards enemies, dealing Hydro damage. 

It's important to note that Sigewinne's entire kit mainly revolves around her strong healing ability, which comes from her elemental skill. When casting Rebound Hydrotherapy, she pulls out the Bolstering Bubblebalm that can bounce between nearby enemies up to five times, dealing Hydro damage based on her max HP. Given that she is a Fontaine character, she is also capable of landing Ousia-aligned damage through this. When it bounces, all nearby party members except Sigewinne herself receive a heal based on her current HP. After bouncing five times, Bubblebalm disappears and heals Sigewinne.

How to play Sigewinne Genshin Impact

You can hold the Bolstering Bubblebalm or your E to increase the size of the bubble, resulting in greater damage and healing. When it bounces, its size gradually returns to its original size over time. Additionally, if the bubble is larger than the enemy, it will imprison them, which may remind you of the Hydro Abyss mage.

Lastly for her elemental skill, after all of this, she will drop two Sourcewater Droplets. Collecting these provides Bond of Life worth 10% of her max HP. Clearing this allows her to gain access to up to 5 elemental energy. 

Moving on to her burst, Super Saturated Syringing, allows her to pull out a large syringe dealing AOE damage in front of her. At the same time, she will absorb up to 2 Sourcewater Droplets for the duration of the burst. Well, let's just say she's a mini Neuvillette.

Sigewinne' passives

When exploring underwater, Sigewinne is your ideal healer. As we know, when underwater, healers cannot cast their heal. This also applies to the Melusine, but with her passive, she can restore your health over time when your HP goes below 50%

For her second passive, she gains an effect that gives her 8% Hydro damage and 10 stacks of this passive. Each elemental skill you and other party members cast will consume 1 stack of the passive, increasing the damage it deals. This makes her an ideal support for characters who use elemental skills. 

For her final passive, the amount of healing Sigewinne can offer is also increased based on the total value of Bond of Life on all party members, which is great for characters like Clorinde.

Sigewinne's constellations

Listed down below are all of Sigewinne's constellations! 

Constellations Effects
"Can the Happiest of Spirits Understand Anxiety?" Bolstering Bubblebalm can bounce three more times, and the first three bounce won't decrease the size of it. Additionally, each bounce will add 1 stack of second passive. C1 also increases the damage bonus provided by this passive.
"Can the Most Merciful of Spirits Defeat Its Foes?" When using Rebound Hydrotherapy and Super Saturated Syringing, Sigewinne can create a Bubbly Shield worth 30% of her Max HP that absorbs Hydro DMG with 250% efficiency. Additionally, after using her ult and skill, opponents affected with it will have their Hydro res decreased. 
"Can the Healthiest of Spirits Cure Fevers?" Increases the level of elemental skill by 3. 
"Can the Loveliest of Spirits Keep Decay at Bay?" Duration of her elemental burst is extended by 3s. 
"Can the Most Joyful of Spirits Alleviate Agony?" Increases the level of elemental burst by 3. 
"Can the Most Radiant of Spirits Pray For Me?" When Sigewinne performs healing, the crit rate and crit damage of her burst is increased based on her max HP, for up to 20% CR and 110% CDMG, respectively. 

Sigewinne's ascension and talent materials in Genshin Impact

In order to further improve Sigewinne Genshin Impact in her own role, we highly recommend increasing her leveling her up and upgrading her talents!

Sigewinne's ascension materials

Listed down below are the Sigewinne Genshin Impact materials that you will need to ascend her to level 90.

Level Materials

1x Varunada Lazurite Sliver 

3x Romaritime Flower

3x Transoceanic Pearl

20000 Mora


3x Varunada Lazurite Fragment 

10x Romaritime Flower

2x Water That Failed To Transcend

15x Transoceanic Pearl

60000 Mora


6x Varunada Lazurite Fragment 

20x Romaritime Flower

4x Water That Failed To Transcend

12x Transoceanic Chunk

120K Mora


3x Varunada Lazurite Chunk

30x Romaritime Flower

8x Water That Failed To Transcend

18x Transoceanic Chunk

200K Mora


6x Varunada Lazurite Chunk

45x Romaritime Flower

12x Water That Failed To Transcend

12x Xenochromatic Crystal

300K Mora


6x Varunada Lazurite Gemstone

60x Romaritime Flower

20x Water That Failed To Transcend

24x Xenochromatic Crystal

420K Mora

In order to achieve her final ascension, players must keep these Sigewinne Genshin Impact materials in mind when farming:

  • 1x Varunada Lazurite Sliver 
  • 9x Varunada Lazurite Fragment 
  • 9x Varunada Lazurite Chunk 
  • 6x Varunada Lazurite Gemstone 
  • 168x Romaritime Flower
  • 18x Transoceanic Pearl
  • 30x Transoceanic Chunk
  • 36x Xenochromatic Crystal
  • 46x Water That Failed To Transcend
  • 420K Mora 

Sigewinne's talent ascension material

Listed down below are the Sigewinne Genshin Impact materials that you will need to ascend her talents to level 10. 

Level Materials

3x Teachings of Equity

6x Transoceanic Pearl

12500 Mora


2x Guide to Equity

3x Transoceanic Chunk

17500 Mora


4x Guide to Equity

4x Transoceanic Chunk

25000 Mora


6x Guide to Equity

6x Transoceanic Chunk

30000 Mora


9x Guide to Equity

9x Transoceanic Chunk

37500 Mora


4x Philosophies of Equity

4x Xenochromatic Crystal

120K mora

1x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom


6x Philosophies of Equity

6x Xenochromatic Crystal

260K Mora

1x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom


12x Philosophies of Equity

9x Xenochromatic Crystal

450K Mora

2x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom


16x Philosophies of Equity

12x Xenochromatic Crystal

700K Mora

2x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom

1x Crown of Insight

To ascend Sigewinne's talents to Level 10, players will require a total of:

  • 3x Teachings of Equity
  • 21x Guide to Equity
  • 38x Philosophies of Equity
  • 6x Transoceanic Pearl
  • 22x Transoceanic Chunk
  • 31x Xenochromatic Crystal
  • 6x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom
  • 1653k Mora 
  • 1x Crown of Insight

How to get Sigewinne in Genshin Impact?

Sigewinne is a 5-star Healer and sub-DPS from Fontaine, and in order for you to acquire her and her constellations, you must spend primogems or Intertwined Fates on her banner. Her wish banner, alongside Furina's, runs from June 25, 2024 until July 16, 2024

Sigewinne Genshin Impact banner

That's everything you need to know about the most adorable Sigewinne Genshin Impact! Consider following these builds and other helpful tips to make your Sigewinne stronger! If this helped, do visit our Genshin Impact tips and tricks section!

FAQ - Sigewinne Genshin Impact

Is Sigewinne strong in Genshin Impact?

Sigewinne is an Ousia-aligned healer who can also function as a damage dealer thanks to her burst and skills. While she may not be as overpowered as other Fontaine characters, we consider her a strong unit due to how quickly she can restore the health of her allies, a capability that may even rival Kokomi's.

How old is Sigewinne in Genshin Impact?

Sigewinne, despite looking like a human child, is actually a Melusine which means she's around hundred years old!

How tall is Sigewinne in Genshin Impact?

Sigewinne belongs to the group of characters in Genshin Impact and is speculated to be around 4'5" tall.

Heizo A writer with a love-hate relationship with role-playing games, gacha, MOBA, and first-person shooters. In her free time, you'll usually find her either whiffing her shots or recovering from a massive tilt.
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