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Genshin Impact Furina Guide: Build, Weapons and Artifacts

Genshin Impact Furina Build Guide

The recent addition of the Fontaine region brought forth new characters, including the Genshin Impact Hydro archon herself, Furina. If you're curious about how to play this character and how you can make her stronger, keep reading as this Genshin Impact Furina Guide offers tips and insights into the best build, weapons, artifacts and teams you can use as you explore Teyvat. Just like the previous archons, Furina offers a lot of utility to the team by providing teamwide buffs while contributing to the overall damage output of the team through her Ousia-aligned elemental skill.

Genshin Impact Furina Guide: how to get her?

Furina is a 5-star Hydro character which you can only summon in the Featured Character Banner. Much like most of the 5-star characters in Genshin Impact, this is the only way to get your hands on the character so be sure to save up primogems and grind for it for the Hydro Archon to come home.

Banner of Genshin Impact Furina

Furina made her first arrival in the game in Genshin Impact 4.2. If you're one of many players who want to add Furina to their team, there is only one way to obtain her and that is by using Primogems or Intertwined Fates on the Wish Banner.genshin impact furina banner chanson of many waters

Players have a small chance of obtaining Furina through this banner by making wishes or using primogems on the Chanson of the Many Waters banner. However, the banner is no longer available and you will have to wait again for her rerun in the future.

The constellations of Furina

Furina shines even at C0, but unlocking her constellations opens up avenues to enhance her burst and offers versatile gameplay options.

Genshin Impact Furina Guide: constellations

Her first constellation is a game-changer especially for team compositions struggling to stack up the Fanfare points, immediately granting 150 points and increasing the limit to 400, from 300.

Reaching the maximum points, on the other hand becomes much easier and faster at second constellation, by increasing the fanfare gain by 250%. Additionally, the excess points increase Furina's HP, allowing her to instead opt for a Hydro Goblet. Reaching C2 overall is a great decision, especially if you want her Ousia-aligned skill to deal more damage. Next, C4 allows her to restore more energy continuously through her elemental skill.

Meanwhile, C6 Furina allows her to change her playstyle to an on-field character, as her normal attacks get infused by Hydro, giving effects depending on her Arkhe alignment.

How to play Furina in Genshin Impact?

Furina excels at dishing out an excellent amount of off-field damage with her elemental skill and providing team buffs with her Fanfare Mechanics. Additionally, switching to her Pneuma Arkhe alignment allows her to restore a portion of herself or an ally’s health.

Genshin Impact Furina in-game picture

The Hydro Archon can alternate between Pneuma and Ousia alignment, and she can do so by using her charged attack. Depending on her current alignment, Furina’s elemental skill will provide different purposes. Additionally, Spiritbreath Torn or Surging Blade will descend when her Normal attacks hit an opponent, depending on the alignment.

genshin impact furina salon solitaire elemental skill

During Ousia, Salon Solitaire will spawn three Salon members, each dealing Hydro damage based on her max HP to nearby opponents. Keeping the HP of all team members above 50% is crucial as it will increase the damage of every salon member’s attacks. Under this condition, Salon Solitaire will also drain the characters’ HP.

On the other hand, her Pneuma alignment will summon the Singer of Many Water capable of healing the active character based on her HP. Take note though that this skill only has the ability to heal, and cannot apply Hydro damage and generate hydro particles. Additionally, while it is capable of healing, it is not enough for her to replace a strong healer such as Jean, especially due to how her Fanfare mechanics work.

Below C6, Furina teams can kick off the rotation by tapping on her elemental skill, swifly followed by her burst. This enables Salon members to sustain damage and boost Fanfare points thanks to the HP drain. Additionally, her skill generates Hydro particles over time, which will allow her to cast her burst again as soon as the first rotation ends, provided that you have enough ER stats.

genshin furina burst let the people rejoice

During Let the People Rejoice, it will deal hydro damage upon activation and will cause the party members to enter the Universal Revelry state. For the duration, Furina will gain fanfare points for every HP change on nearby party members, either from her skill, healing or damage taken. During this time, Furina will increase all party members’ damage depending on the amount of Fanfare points she has. Hence, reaching the maximum stacks as quick as possible is essential to make the most out of her burst.

Genshin Impact Furina Guide: the best equipment

Furina significantly capitalizes on her max HP in dealing consecutive damage and healing her team using her elemental skill. Also, make sure to prioritize crit stats to further increase her off-field damage. However, due to the teamwide buff that her burst brings, Energy Recharge is something you should also consider, as casting Furina’s burst every rotation is a must.

The best artifacts for Furina

genshin impact artifact golden troupe furina

No artifacts can surpass 4 PC Golden Troupe as of the moment, and will remain as her Best-in-slot set for most team compositions. Golden Troupe significantly increases the damage of her elemental skill, which further ramps up when she’s not on the field.

genshin impact furina artifacts tenacity of millelith

A whole set of Tenacity of Millelith leans towards the supportive role. Furina will benefit from the 20% HP boost from the 2PC set, while her team will receive a 20% ATK buff.

emblem of severed fate artifactsvourukasha's glow artifact iconnymph's dream genshin impact artifacts heart of depth

While searching for the right Golden Troupe artifacts, you may look for temporary artifact sets that provides the stats she needs. This can be achieved by equipping any of the 2pc set of artifacts that could boost her HP, ER, and Hydro Damage.

Main stats:

  • Hourglass: HP% or ER

  • Goblet: HP% or Hydro DMG

  • Circlet: Crit Damage or Crit Rate

Secondary Statistics:

  • Crit Rate/Damage

  • Energy Recharge

  • HP%

  • HP

Best Weapons for Furina

furina 5 star genshin impact weapon splendor of tranquil waters

The Splendor of Tranquil Waters not only complements Furina's aesthetic but stands out as her optimal weapon choice. It offers elemental skill damage and HP boost, and the huge amount of crit damage it gives enables the Hydro archon to bring more value to the team.

If you do not have her signature weapon, you can also opt for the following:

Primordial Jade cutter weapon Key of Khaj Nisut furina weapon furina weapon festering desire

  • Primordial Jade Cutter: Grants 20% and crit rate.

  • Key of Khaj-Nisut: Key of Khaj-Nisut is a 5-star weapon that provides a large amount of HP.

  • Festering Desire: FD is currently Furina's best 4-star weapon due to the skill damage buff and ER it provides. However, being an event-exclusive weapon from 1.2, not everyone has this weapon.

  • Fleuve Cendre Ferryman: Boosts your crit rate and energy recharge. It is a 4-star weapon that you can obtained by fishing.

Furina Ascension Materials

In order to reach level 90 with Furina, you will need the following materials:

  • 1 Shard, 9 Fragments, 9 Pieces and 6 Varunada Lazurite as well as 46 Water That Failed to Transcend which you can obtain by defeating the Hydro Tulpa.

  • 168 Lakelight Lily that you can locate with the help of the Genshin Impact Interactive map.

  • 18 Whopperflower Nectar, 30 Shimmering Nectar, 36 Energy Nectar

Guide of the best teams for Furina in Genshin Impact

The Hydro Archon is a versatile character that can be used in any team composition, much like the other currently playable Archons in Genshin Impact.

genshin impact ayaka icon furina icon kazuha icon charlotte icon

Furina, alongside any cryo character can maintain the freeze status through her Salon Solitaire on her Ousia alignment. One of the best example for this team is the Ayaka, Kazuha, Charlotte, Furina perma-freeze team.

genshin raiden shogun icon genshin impact furina icon yelan icon jean icon

A taser team consisting of Furina, and Hydro, Electro and Anemo characters can deal continuous damage through the electro-charged reaction. In this team, Furina and Yelan can inflict off-field Hydro damage and Raiden can become the on-field DPS. On the other hand, your team will benefit from Jean's teamwide healing and Viridescent Venerer shred.

genshin impact cyno icon nahida icon furina icon baizhu icon

Furina's slow hydro application allows her to join Cyno and Nahida in a Quickbloom team, with Baizhu as the main healer. Salon Solitaire has 100% uptime, which greatly helps Cyno during his burst which has a pretty long uptime.

neuvillette icon furina icon genshin impact zhongli icon genshin impact jean icon

A double hydro composition consisting of Neuvillette and Furina is also an excellent combination. Furina, while bringing in personal damage, can boost Neuvillette's damage through her burst. Apart from it, it can also activate the Hydro resonance where Furina and Neuvilllette can benefit as both of them scales on HP.

How old is Furina in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact Furina profile

Furina, the second Hydro Archon of Nation of Justice is believed to have existed for around 500 years. She was born on October 13, and is 5'5" tall.

And there you have it—a thorough Genshin Impact Furina Guide. Investing primogems in building the Hydro Archon is a decision you won't regret, given the utility and off-field damage she offers. With a versatile kit, Furina seamlessly integrates into any team composition, that when played well, can dish out a large amount of damage. Just make sure to pair Furina with a strong healer such as Jean, Charlotte, and Mika to unleash the full potential of her burst. And if you're new to Genshin Impact, consider checking out our Genshin Impact beginner guide, and other Genshin tips and guides that you can rely on as you progress through the game.

Heizo A writer with a love-hate relationship with role-playing games, gacha, MOBA, and first-person shooters. In her free time, you'll usually find her either whiffing her shots or recovering from a massive tilt.
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