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Go Go Muffin beginner's guide | Tips and Tricks

Go Go Muffin beginner's guide

Getting started in a new MMO can be a bit daunting, even if it' s a cosy one like Go Go Muffin! Don't worry: we've collected all the best practices and tips for getting off to a good start in the game. In this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide, you'll find all the information you need to understand the gameplay, improve your character and progress effectively.

Go Go Muffin beginner's guide: understanding the gameplay

Go Go Muffin is a cosy MMO, so getting to grips with it and learning the gameplay are particularly straightforward. The game features an auto mode from the very start of your adventure. Your character will automatically engage in combat, collect resources and level up on his own. And for even more rewards, check out our Go Go Muffin codes page!

Auto mode for the Go Go Muffin beginner's guide

But the game doesn't do everything for you! It's up to you to decide whether or not to engage in boss battles, but that's not all. In this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide, we suggest that you take some time to manage these famous resources to optimise your progress.

These resources include gear, skills and the in-game currency, the Stellarite, which allows you to make draws. But we'll come back to that later in this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide.

The Go Go Muffin gacha system

Go Go Muffin may be an RPG, but it is first and foremost a gacha, the mechanics of which you need to understand in order to progress effectively. The gacha system allows you to collect :

  • Characters to accompany you throughout the adventure,
  • Melomon, Go Go Muffin's companions,
  • Skills to build your character.

Gacha in Go Go muffin

To draw, you'll need Stellarite, the in-game currency. We recommend that you manage it properly and spend it evenly between character, Melomon and skill draws. And if you're targeting particular characters (especially top-tier characters), the game offers a wishlist system. We urge you to use it in this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide.

Drawing for the Go Go Muffin beginner's guide

Our final tip for this section concerns the skill draw reroll. To optimise your build, you'll need to use Star Essence, a currency that will allow you to reroll a draw, giving you every chance of obtaining the skills you're interested in.

Is Go Go Muffin a free-to-play MMO?

Like any game that includes gacha mechanics, Go Go Muffin will offer you microtransactions to buy Stellarites or other resources to progress faster. However, the game remains well balanced and free-to-play players will be able to get by without too much difficulty.

With daily free resources, events that deliver numerous bonuses and rewards, and the ability to purchase XP via in-game currency, F2P players will find it easy to stay competitive with other players.

Choosing your Go Go Muffin class

Like all good MMOs, Go Go Muffin lets you choose between several classes when you start your adventure. In this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide, we'll take a quick look at them:

  • The Wayfarer, Go Go Muffin's best DPS.
  • The Scholar, a DPS class.
  • The Shadowlash, another DPS class.
  • The Acolyte, Go Go Muffin's healer.
  • The Swordbearer, the game's only tank.

Go Go Muffin beginner's guide: classes

We've put together a Go Go Muffin class guide to help you make sense of things and choose a character type that suits your play style and MMO experience.

Go Go Muffin beginner's guide: improving and building your character

It's true that Go Go Muffin has an auto mode that makes the experience much simpler. However, without a good build for your character, it will be very difficult to advance and progress. So it's vital to choose your skills, talents and equipment carefully .


Skills in Go Go Muffin can be active or passive, and allow you to improve your stats to make you stronger in battle. They are unlocked when you level up or through draws, as we have seen previously in this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide.

Go Go Muffin skills

Skills can be improved by using resources, particularly stars. We therefore recommend that you only use stars for skills that interest you and that actively contribute to your build.


Like skills, talents are important for designing a good build and provide bonuses for your character. But unlike skills, talents are only passive (improving attack speed, increasing the chance of critical costs, etc.).

Talents in the Go Go Muffin beginner's guide

Talents can be unlocked from your character's talent tree, allowing you to fully customise your build. Choose which branch to unlock according to your play style, whether in PvP or PvE .


In this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide, we strongly recommend that you take the time to choose the right gear. Equipment can be looted after battles and helps to improve your stats. Of course, equipment can also be improved by collecting stones.

Go Go Muffin equipment

We suggest you opt for legendary-type equipment, which is far more effective and will greatly improve your character.

Don't neglect the journal to progress in Go Go Muffin

It's not easy to know what to do when you start a new MMO! That's why, in this Go Go Muffin beginner's guide, we advise you to use your journal and not to neglect this feature. It allows you to track your progress in the main story and find out the next stages of your adventure.

Journal for the Go Go Muffin beginner's guide

It's also in the Go Go Muffin journal that you'll find the daily tasks you need to complete, the weekly tasks, as well as the successes you can achieve over the long term. This will help you to set goals and not feel overwhelmed by all the things you have to do in the game.

Go Go Muffin beginner's guide: other useful tips

To finish off this guide, we'd like to offer a few tips to help you get off to a good start:

  • Join a guild : this will give you access to exclusive events and the guild shop, which sells rare items.
  • Using the Melomon: Like talents, the Melomon give you unique and useful bonuses to optimise your builds. They are unlocked at level 30 and each Melomon can be upgraded with a special food item. So we'd advise you to take full advantage of these little creatures as soon as you reach the necessary level. The same goes for the Go Go Muffin mounts.
  • Boss battles : the game's bosses are a good way of giving you an idea of your level. If you lose, you can go back to farming, improve your build and level up. So take part in these battles as much as you can.

That concludes our Go Go Muffin beginner's guide. We hope it will help you get off to a good start and get the most out of this cosy MMO. If you ever need more specific tips, we encourage you to check out our other Go Go Muffin advice and tips.

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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