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Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings: event guide

Guide to Operation Paper Wings from Go Go Muffin

Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings is a weekly event that allows you to obtain rare rewards. But to do that, you're going to have to use your resources! I'll explain what this event is all about and, more importantly, how you can take advantage of it!

What is Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings ?

Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings  is a weekly event. During this event, you can earn points (in the form of paper aeroplanes) that you can then convert into tokens, which will allow you to obtain rare rewards that are very useful for your progression, mainly artefacts.

Go Go Muffin's Operation Paper Wings event

If you'd like to know how to progress in Go Go Muffin, take a look at our build guide!

Each new cycle of Operation Paper Wings brings new rewards. I'll explain this later in the guide, but not all cycles are created equal.

How to earn points during the event?

You can earn 'paper wings' points by completing the various quests offered by the event or by using resources. Here's a list of all the resources you can use in the Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings event and their equivalent in points:

  • Skill Divination: 10 points
  • Melody Summoning: 15 points
  • Created Move: 1 point
  • Treasure Hunt: 3 points
  • Mount Exploration: 2 points

There are three tiers, each of which can be reached by obtaining 3,000 points.

Earning points in Go Go Muffin's Paper Wings operation

Each level unlocks tokens, which you can use in 'token redemption' to obtain rare rewards. You can also check out our Go Go Muffin codes to obtain resources!

Tokens in Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings 

Tokens in Operation Paper Wings can be exchanged for rare rewards. They can be obtained as explained above, for points, or via microtransactions.

Go Go Muffin Paper Wings tokens

There are 5 tiers of tokens to unlock:

  • Tier 1: 50 tokens
  • Tier 2: 80 tokens
  • Tier 3: 150 tokens
  • Tier 4: 250 tokens
  • Tier 5: 905 tokens

Warning: if you plan to complete all 5 tiers, choose no more than one reward per tier!

Adopt the right strategy for Operation Paper Wings

Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings event is pretty simple to understand, but there's a real strategy to getting the most out of it ! Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

Buy Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings packs

Go Go Muffin's limited-time Operation Paper Wings offers allow you to get packs. You will be offered one free pack per day. You can buy the others with Stellarites, or with real money. I recommend that you use your Stellarites to buy these different packs, as the resources you obtain can be converted into tokens. You can even get a second Tier 5 reward!

Go Go Muffin Paper Wings tokens

As you can see, buying packs is far from insignificant. So, during Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings , don't hesitate to farm them and use them to buy these famous packs 3 times a day (no more, otherwise your return on investment will be less and less attractive).

Prioritise the best cycle for Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings 

As you've probably already noticed, there's a colour coding system for Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings:

  • Yellow tells you that the cycle in question will give you the rarest and most interesting rewards. So I suggest you stockpile your resources and wait for Operation Paper Wings to spend them.
  • Purple offers interesting rewards, but not as attractive.
  • Blue offers you the chance to win items for your Melomon only. You can take part if you have a lot of stored resources.

Use your resources efficiently

As I explained earlier, it's best to reserve your resources for the yellow cycles of Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings . This is particularly the case for resources that don't expire, such as Skill Divinations, mount expeditions or Created Move runes. In any case, avoid using these before tier 5 of the token redemption.

Now you know all the secrets of Go Go Muffin Operation Paper Wings ! If you need any other guides, I refer you to our other Go Go Muffin tips and tricks!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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