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Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build: skills, talents and Melomon

Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build

If you've chosen Shadowlash, you're going to have to opt for a DPS-oriented build. What are the skills, talents and Melomon that will help you become stronger and progress in your cosy MMO of the moment? Here we present the best Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build!

The best skills for the Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build

Shadowlash is one of the DPS-oriented classes in Go Go Muffin. It's a great class for beginners because it's prettyeasy to get to grips with, provided you have the right Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build. So here's a look at the best skills, the ones that will help you inflict maximum damage, whether in story mode or during trials.

Type of skill Recommended skills
Core skills Core competencies of the Go Go Muffin Shadow Whip build
Technical skills Technical skills of the Go Go Muffin Shadow Whip build
Passive skills Passive skills of the Go Go Muffin Shadow Whip build

In this Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build, we present the best CC1 specialisation build for the mid and late game. Mobi.gg has also put together a selection of the best Go Go Muffin builds.

The best talents for the Shadowlash build

Talents shouldn't be overlooked, as they're an integral part of the Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build. So we're going to opt for talents that will, once again, allow you to maximise damage.

Type of talent Recommended talent
Main talent Main skill of the Go Go Muffin Shadow Whip build
Secondary talents Secondary talents of the Go Go Muffin Shadow Whip build

With Art of Arrow Main skill of the Go Go Muffin Shadow Whip build, your damage is increased by 5%. For your other talent trees, we recommend equipping Zealous Burden Zealous Burden Go Go Muffin and Voice of Bloodlust Voice of Bloodlust Go Go Muffin.

The best Melomon for Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build

The Melomon are creatures with passive and awakened skills. You'll need to select Melomons that are suited to your Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build. For this class, we suggest you equip Demon Hound first, as it's the Melomon best suited to DPS classes.

Melomon Capabilities


Demon Hound, the Melomon for the Scholar build in Go Go Muffin

Demon Hound

Improved critical hit rate, thanks to its passive skill. You can inflict fire damage with his awakened skill.

Ice Valley Colt Go Go Muffin

Ice Valley Colt

Increase your damage with this Melomon. Its skill is based on distance: the further away the enemy, the greater the damage.

Thunder Go Go Muffin

Blade Hound

With its passive skill, this Melomon increases your attack speed and damage. With its awakened skill, you can perform an AoE targeting nearby enemies.

If all this sounds a bit vague, we've got a beginner's guide to help you out!

That's it for our Go Go Muffin Shadowlash build! Now you know which skills, talents and Melomons to target for a really effective DPS. And for even more help on Go Go Muffin, don't hesitate to check out our other Go Go Muffin tips and tricks!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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