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Go Go Muffin classes: complete guide

Go Go Muffin classes

Before launching into XD Games' cosy MMO, you'll need to choose your character carefully. In this comprehensive guide, we take a look at the Go Go Muffin classes, including the Wayfarer, Scholar, Shadowlash, Acolyte and Swordbearer. Are you more of a DPS, tank or heal player? We'll help you choose!

The Wayfarer, Go Go Muffin's best DPS class

The Wayfarer in Go Go Muffin is clearly the best DPS. He's capable of inflicting massive damage on the enemy. Another advantage is that it has a fairly large range, enabling it to attack enemies from a distance. Note, however, that it can only hit a single target and has no AoE attack. I'd also recommend him for beginner players, as he's a fairly easy character to play solo.

Wayfarer from Go Go Muffin

On the other hand, in this Go Go Muffin classes guide, I'd like to warn you that this character has a rather weak defence. You'll need to equip him with the necessary items and upgrade him to boost his defensive capabilities.

The Wayfarer has three specialisations to choose from:

  • The Wayfarer specialisation: with his "Burst of arrows" attack, he inflicts natural-type damage. He is also able to restore 28 energy each time natural damage is inflicted. Recommended for boss battles.
  • The Ranger CC1 specialisation : with its "Falcon Arrow" attack, the Wayfarer CC1 can fire two arrows instead of one, allowing it to inflict extra damage.
  • The Eagle Eye CC2 specialisation: with its "Concentrated Fire", the Wayfarer CC2 inflicts ice damage in the form of AoE, which is very useful for dealing with several enemies.

To improve your characters and progress faster in this cosy MMO, we've prepared some Go Go Muffin codes for you!

The Scholar of Go Go Muffin

If you like playing mages, then the Scholar of Go Go Muffin is the class for you. It's one of the DPS classes. This type of character is appreciated for the AoE damage he can inflict with his spells and abilities, but also for his critical costs.

Read the Go Go Muffin class guide

On the other hand, as with the Wayfarer we saw earlier in this Go Go Muffin classes guide, the Scholar has a very weak defence. You'll need to take this into account when choosing a good build.

The Scholar has three specialisations to choose from:

  • The Scholar specialisation : with its "Explosive Fireball", it uses elemental magic to create explosions on enemies.
  • The Sorcerer CC1 specialisation: With "Scattered stalactites", he throws ice spikes at enemies to stun them.
  • The Archmage CC2 specialisation: the "Glowing Lantern" is a lightning attack that strikes in a circle created around the character.

Go Go Muffin's Shadowlash class

Shadowlash is Go Go Muffin's assassin-type class. With its double blades, it is capable of inflicting massive damage with great speed. This is a very effective class, but with a weak defence. Discreet as a shadow and quick as lightning - that's how you could sum up this Go Go Muffin class.

Shadow Whip from the Go Go Muffin class guide

In this Go Go Muffin classes guide, we recommend this character, who will be able to deal with unexpected attacks and save you from unpleasant surprises.

Shadowlash has three specialisations to choose from:

  • The Shadowlash specialisation: With "Cross slash", the Shadowlash creates a circular attack capable of hitting several enemies.
  • The Darkblade CC1 specialisation: "Jagged Dart" allows him to send darts around and above the enemy.
  • Nightweaver CC2 specialisation: Like "Serrated Dart", "Shadow Shape 1" targets a single enemy, inflicting damage - in this case fire damage.

The Acolyte, the only healer in the Go Go Muffin classes

We've just looked at the Go Go Muffin DPS classes. Now let's take a look at this roaster's healer, the Acolyte. This support is capable of healing its allies and itself, and will be particularly sought after by other players.

Acolyte of the Go Go Muffin class guide

But, like all MMO healers, mastering the Acolyte won't be easy , and we recommend that you give him an excellent build. If you're a beginner, I suggest you look at the other Go Go Muffin classes and opt for a DPS. What's more, unlike the other classes, you won't be able to play the Acolyte as an auto. All the more reason to reserve it for the most experienced players.

Acolytes have a choice of three specialisations:

  • The Acolyte specialisation: with its 'Sacred Radiance', this Acolyte specialises in healing and buffs for allies.
  • The Oracle CC1 specialisation: this Acolyte has the "Shadowlash", which allows him to inflict damage and debuffs on enemies.
  • The Thaumaturge CC2 specialisation: like the CC1 specialisation, Thaumaturge with "Twin Flame" focuses more on damage and debuffs.

The Swordbearer, the only tank in the Go Go Muffin classes

We've taken a look at the Go Go Muffin classes, which focus more on DPS and heal. Now let's take a look at the only tank in this roaster, the Swordbearer. Like the Acolyte, this tank will be much sought-after by other players and is rather difficult to play for beginners .


Go Go Muffin class guide holder

As a tank, the Swordbearer is able to absorb a huge amount of damage. Its DPS capabilities are rather weak, as you'd expect from a tank. If you like playing warriors, I can only recommend it.

There are three Swordbearer specialisations to choose from:

  • The Swordbearer specialisation: he has the 'Lightning Strike' attack, which gives him acceptable DPS. This basic specialisation is fairly versatile.
  • Sword Adept CC1 specialisation: with "Shield Strike", this Swordbearer is able to defend himself as well as attack with his shield.
  • Swordmaster CC2 specialisation: "Dimensional Cut" grants not one, but two blades to the Go Go Muffin tank. This means faster attacks.

That's it for all the Go Go Muffin classes. Now it's up to you to choose the type of character you want, based on your experience and preferences. And if you'd like more guides, head over to our Go Go Muffin tips and tricks!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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