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Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build: skills, talents and Melomon

Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build

Here we take a look at the best Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build! This DPS class is easy to pick up, but requires a good build to be truly effective. Here are the best skills, talents and recommended Melomon.

The best skills for the Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build

The Wayfarer is one of the Go Go Muffin classes we recommend for beginners, unlike the Acolyte or Swordbearer, as you only need one skill set for story mode and trials. The Wayfarer is effectively a DPS class that will be able to inflict damage, whatever the game mode.

As such, the skills you choose should enable you to do a lot of damage, but also to defend yourself effectively, especially when exploring. Here are the recommended skills for the Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build:

Type of skill Recommended skills
Core skills Core skills of the Wayfarer build from Go Go Muffin
Technical skills Technical skills of the Wayfarer build from Go Go Muffin
Passive skills Passive skills of the Wayfarer build from Go Go Muffin

In this build guide for the Wayfarer of Go Go Muffin, we present the best build for the CC1 specialisation for the mid and late game. Mobi.gg has also put together a selection of the best Go Go Muffin builds.

The best talents for the Wayfarer build

For this Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build, we're going to concentrate on improving damage:

Type of talent Recommended talent
Primary Talent Main talent of the Go Go Muffin archer build
Secondary talents Secondary talents of the Go Go Muffin Archer build

Hawk Arrow Main talent of the Go Go Muffin archer build increases your damage by 5%. For the other trees, we recommend Forging Foundation Second talent of the Go Go Muffin archer and Voice of Bloodlust Third talents of the Go Go Muffin archer build.

The best Melomons for the Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build

To finish off this Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build, we'd like to suggest the main Melomons that will help you progress effectively. Of course, you can opt for other Melomon and try out different combinations. However, we strongly recommend that you choose Demon Hound as your main Melomon.

Melomon Capabilities


Demon Hound, the Melomon for the Scholar build in Go Go Muffin

Demon Hound

Improved critical hit rate, thanks to his passive skill. You can inflict fire damage with his awakened skill.

Ice Valley Colt Go Go Muffin

Ice Valley Colt

Increase your damage with this Melomon. Its skill is based on distance: the further away the enemy, the greater the damage.

Thunder Go Go Muffin


Thunder applies a shield to allies with his passive skill. His awakened skill allows him to summon a bolt of lightning capable of stunning enemies in a small area.

Having trouble finding your way around the talents, skills and Melomon? We've got a beginner's guide to help!

That's it for our Go Go Muffin Wayfarer build! Now you know which Skills, Talents and Melomons to target for a really effective DPS. And for even more help on Go Go Muffin, don't hesitate to check out our other Go Go Muffin tips and tricks!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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