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Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build: skills, talents and Melomon

Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build

So you've chosen to play as the Swordbearer, the tank of Go Go Muffin? Not so easy to get to grips with, it's essential to choose the right builds to perform well both in story mode and during trials and dungeons. In this guide, we take a look at the best Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build.

The best skills for the Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build

Go Go Muffin offers a choice of several builds for each class. Check out our Go Go Muffin class guide to find out more!

If you've chosen to play the Swordbearer, then you'll need to consider two different builds:

  • A story build, where you'll need to rely mainly on damage, as well as defence, to survive bosses and groups of enemies.
  • A dongeon build, where you'll need to use all your skills to fulfil your main role, i.e. the ability to aggro bosses and enemies and take damage.

In this Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build guide, we present the best build for the CC1 specialisation for the mid and late game. Mobi.gg has also put together a selection of the best Go Go Muffin builds.

The best Swordbearer skills for the main storyline

The main story of Go Go Muffin consists of exploring the map, traversing the different levels and facing numerous bosses. As a result, the tank can't just absorb damage- it also needs to be able to inflict damage using specific skills. So here are our suggested core, technical and passive skills:

Type of skill Recommended skills
Core skills Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build core skill
Technical skills Technical skills of the build Go Go Muffin Sword Bearer
Passive skills Passive skills of the Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build

The best Swordbearer build skills for trials

For trials, you'll be recruited as a tank (although you can also choose to be a DPS, but remember that the Swordbearer is Go Go Muffin's one and only tank ). As such, your role is to inflict heavy damage, but also to absorb a great deal of it. Here are the recommended skills:

Type of skill Recommended skills
Core skills Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build core skill for events
Technical skills Technical skills of the build Go Go Muffin Sword Bearer for the events
Passive skills Passive skills of the Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build for events

The best skills for the Swordbearer build

Choosing the right skills isn't enough to create a good Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build. You also need to think carefully about your different talent trees, depending on the story mode (DPS build) or events or dongeons (tank build).

Talents for a Swordbearer DPS build

With Shield Slam Main build talent Swordbearer Go Go Muffin DPS, you can improve the physical damage inflicted by 5%. The secondary talents focus on improving damage and shielding.

Talent type Recommended talent
Main talent Main build talent Swordbearer Go Go Muffin DPS
Secondary talents Secondary build talents Swordbearer Go Go Muffin DPS

For your second talent tree, we recommend Zealous Burden. And for the third, you can opt for Lightning Reflex.

Talents for a Swordbearer tank build

The same main talent is used here, namely Shield Slam.

Type of talent Recommended talent
Main talent Main build talent Swordbearer Go Go Muffin DPS
Secondary talents Secondary build talents Swordbearer Go Go Muffin DPS

The recommended secondary talents focus on improving damage, but especially on absorbing it. For your second Swordbearer Go Go Muffin tank build talent tree, we recommend Unwavering Bulwark. And for the third, you can opt for Turning Point.

The best Melomon for the Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build

Let's finish off this Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build with the main Melomon for story mode or trial mode. Here are our suggestions, but feel free to try out other possibilities!

Melomon Capabilities Mode

Polar Shadow for the Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build

Polar Shadow

Polar Shadow boosts defence and limits the damage taken in prolonged combat. His awakened skill allows him to taunt enemies, while providing a shield. Dongeons

Melomon de lAcolyte


Its passive skill improves the critical hit rate. His awakened skill allows him to inflict fire-type damage. Story

Having trouble finding your way around the talents, skills and Melomon? We've got a beginner's guide to help!

That's it for our Go Go Muffin Swordbearer build! Now you know the skills, talents and Melomon to aim for in the mid and late game. It should enable you to progress quickly through the game, whether in story mode or during challenges. Don't hesitate to check out our other Go Go Muffin tips and tricks!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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