Have you chosen the Scholar to explore the world of Go Go Muffin ? As you know, this mage-type FPS class inflicts very interesting and effective AoE damage, whether in story mode or during trials. Here, we reveal the best Go Go Muffin Scholar build.
The best skills for the Go Go Muffin Scholar build
Go Go Muffin offers a choice of several builds for each class. Check out our Go Go Muffin class guide to find out more!
If you've chosen to play the Scholar, you'll have a lot less trouble building an effective build. While the Acolyte and Swordbearer of Go Go Muffin are difficult classes to get to grips with, the Scholar can survive very well with just one set of skills. They should enable you to do a lot of damage, but also to defend yourself effectively, especially when exploring.
Type of skill
Recommended skills
Core skills
Technical skills
Passive skills
In this Go Go Muffin Scholar build guide, we present the best CC1 specialisation build for the mid and late game. Mobi.gg has also put together a selection of the best Go Go Muffin builds.
The best talents for the Scholar build
Once again, a single talent tree for exploration and trials should suffice for this Go Go Muffin Scholar build, since your class has only one focus, namely DPS.
Type of talent
Recommended talent
Primary talent
Secondary talents
With School of Ice, you'll be able to improve your ice damage by 5%. For your other talent trees, you can choose Divine Instinctand Zealous Burden .
The best Melomons for the Go Go Muffin Scholar build
Let's finish off this Scholar Go Go Muffin build with the main Melomon for story mode or trial mode. Here are our suggestions, but feel free to try out other possibilities!
Demon Hound
His passive skill improves his critical strike rate. Its awakened skill inflicts fire-type damage.
Ice Valley Colt
Ideal for the Go Go Muffin Scholar build, this Melomon increases your damage output. The further away the enemy, the greater the damage inflicted.
Thunder applies a shield to allies with his passive skill. His awakened skill allows him to summon a bolt of lightning capable of stunning enemies in a small area.
Having trouble finding your way around the talents, skills and Melomon? We've got a beginner's guide to help!
That's it for our Scholar build in Go Go Muffin! Now you know the skills, talents and Melomon to aim for in the mid and late game. It should enable you to make rapid progress in the game, whether in story mode or during challenges. Don't hesitate to check out our other Go Go Muffin! tips and tricks.
In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.