Childe (Tartaglia) is a rather unique 5-star Hydro character. Very versatile, the hero can fight both at range and in close combat. He even has two different elemental unleashes. Naturally, his gameplay is more complicated than the other characters. We'll help you get the hang of it with this complete guide to Childe from Genshin Impact. Our tips and tricks will tell you which artefacts and weapons to equip him with to give him the best build, as well as who to play him with and how to make the most of his different fighting styles.
How to get Childe (Tartaglia) in Genshin Impact ?
Childe is a 5 star character. You can only summon him when he is featured in an Character Event Wish.
Childe banner
Tartaglia was released in MAJ 1.1 of Genshin Impact on 11 November 2020. It has since enjoyed two reruns in April and October 2021. There is currently no information on a future release.
Childe Constellations
You can play Childe without worrying about his constellations. However, if you want to improve the character, focus on :
His C1 "Foul Legacy : Tide Withholder": it makes Childe's rotation more flexible by reducing the recharge time of his elemental attack by 20%;
His C3 "Chaos of the Abyss: Vortex of unrest": with this, you increase the level of Childe's elemental ability by 3 points.
How to play Childe in Genshin Impact ?
In Genshin Impact, Childe takes on the role of Enabler; he applies the Hydro element to enemies. He can also inflict heavy damage with his Foul Legacy. However, he is not intended to remain on the battlefield for long. To make the most of its potential, you need to perform precise rotations.
Childe initially fires arrows with his normal attack. By throwing loaded arrows, you infuse them with Hydro and apply the effect "Riptide". This inflicts area damage to enemies.
By activating Childe's elemental skill "Foul Legacy : Raging Tide", he switches to melee attack. From then on, his normal and charged attacks transform, performing direct hits infused with Hydro. These apply the effect "Riptide Flash" effect which deals area Hydro damage, considered elemental skill damage. Tartaglia can remain in this mode for up to 30 seconds.
However, you are advised to change character quickly and not to exceed 9-10 seconds of use. The longer you keep the melee stance, the longer its recharge time will be.
When attacking with it, perform two normal attacks, then a charged one and so on until you switch to another character to create elemental reactions.
Childe's elemental rampage "Havoc: Obliteration" has two variations. If activated in bow mode, Childe fires an arrow charged with Hydro, dealing area damage while applying the "Riptide" effect to enemies. The talent also restores some of the character's energy. In addition, if you are in Foul Legacy, Childe will attack head-on and do more damage.
It is recommended that you cast elemental rampages in bow mode, as this reduces the animation time and allows you to restore Childe's energy more easily. You can however cast the talent in melee mode at the end of a fight to finish off your enemies.
Prioritise Childe's elemental skill, his elemental rampage, and then possibly his normal attack.
What is the best equipment for Childe?
You are advised to increase Childe's critical hit rate as much as possible in Genshin Impact. His "Sword of Torrents" passive applies the "Riptide" effect to enemies receiving critical hits from normal and charged attacks when Demon's Stance is active. Childe will also require a high amount of critical and attack damage. Check out the best artifacts and weapons to equip on Childe now.
The best artefacts for Childe
Nymph's Dream
Nymph's Dream upon its arrival has completely surpassed Childe's artifact sets and now becomes his best-in-slot artifacts. The more hydro damage bonus and attack you give him, the higher damage he will deal, and that's what this artifact gives. Overall, it seems that the set is tailor-made for the Hydro hypercarry as he can also easily stack it up with a series of normal attacks, skills and bursts.
Gladiator's Finale
Shimenawa's Reminiscence
You can also equip Childe with 2 pieces from the Hydro set and 2 pieces from Gladiator's Finale or Shimenawa's Reminiscence to increase his ATK by 18%. You will do more damage with elemental rampages.
Statistics to be mounted :
Hourglass: ATK%;
Cut: damage bonus Hydro ;
Crown: critical hit or critical damage.
Secondary statistics to be prioritised:
Critical move;
Critical damage ;
ATK% ;
Energy Recharge;
Basic mastery.
The best weapons for Childe
To complete Childe's equipment in Genshin Impact, choose bows that increase his ATK and his critical hit and damage rates such as:
Polar star (5★)
Thundering Pulse (5★)
Skyward Harp (5★)
Polar Star: This is the best bow to equip on Tartaglia: it greatly increases his CRIT rate, his elemental rampage damage and his attack (up to 48% for up to 10 seconds);
Thundering Pulse: This arc increases critical damage, ATK by 20% and normal attack damage by up to 40%;
Skyward Harp: The weapon boosts CRIT and CRIT damage. Hitting an enemy gives you a 60% chance to inflict physical damage at 125% of Childe's ATK.
Four-star options are also available:
The Viridescent Hunt (4★)
Rust (4★)
Prototype Crescent (4★)
The Viridescent Hunt: The Battle Pass Bow gives you a 50% CRIT rate and a 50% chance for normal and charged attacks to generate a cyclone that attracts enemies to deal 40% of Childe's ATK damage for 4 seconds;
Rust: This weapon increases ATK and the damage done by normal attacks by 40%. However, charged attacks do 10% less damage;
The Prototype Crescent Bow: It also increases ATK and if your charged attacks hit a weak point, movement speed is increased by 10% and ATK by 36% for 10 seconds.
Childe's climbing materials in Genshin Impact
Do you want to raise your Childe to level 90 in Genshin Impact ? To achieve this, you will need to collect several resources:
18 Recruit's Insignia, 30 Sergeant's Insignia and 36 Lieutenant's Insignia to be collected on Fatui;
1 Shard, 9 Fragments, 9 Pieces and 6 Stones of Lazurite varunada as well as 46 Cleansing Heart, which you obtain on theOceanid;
168 Starconch, which you will find on the beaches of Liyue. You can locate them more easily with the interactive map of Teyvat.
Which team should Childe play in?
Childe is mostly played in teams based on elementary reactions. We recommend the following teams:
The international team: Childe / Xiangling / Kazuha or Sucrose / Bennett. This is where Childe shines the most. Start by applying Hydro with him, plus cast Bennett's, Kazuha's and Xiangling's elemental rampages (also placing Guoba) as well as Childe's in arc mode. Then activate his Foul Legacy to attack directly. This will allow you to do a lot of damage thanks to the Vaporize reactions. You can also replace the character Anemo with Raiden;
The firework team: Childe / Fischl / Beidou / Bennett. In this configuration, you will rely mainly on Electro-Charged, but also on Vaporize;
Team permafreeze: Ganyu / Childe / Kazuha / Diona: Ganyu's elemental rampage will allow you to freeze a maximum number of enemies.
How old and how big is Childe in Genshin Impact ?
Childe was born on 20 July and is believed to be between 19 and 21 years old. He is about 1.85m tall. Although he is mostly known as Childe, his real name is Tartaglia and he is the eleventh Fatui enforcer. He is even one of the bosses of Genshin Impact. The young man comes from Snezhnaya.
I hope that this guide to Childe (Tartaglia) from Genshin Impact has been useful and helped you to better understand the character and his build. If his handling is not always obvious, he remains a sure value for the abyss!
Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.
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