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Epic Seven Heroes Guide | Overview

Epic Seven Hero Guide

The first few levels ofEpic Seven are deliberately easy to get through, whether in the Adventure, the Hunt or the Spirit Altar. But the difficulties come quickly! So get the best team possible to defeat the opponents that are in front of you.
To do this, you need to summon the best characters in the game (with a bit of luck) while keeping a good balance in your composition.
Regardless of the individual strength of your Epic Seven heroes, a team that is too unbalanced collectively will quickly fall flat on its face. So there's no point in piling up DPS characters if you don't have a tank to soak up damage on the front line and a support to boost them behind.

Epic Seven heroes list

How to evaluate the individual power of an Epic Seven hero?

Several indicators can be used to estimate the individual power of an Epic Seven hero. Far from perfect, they are still quite useful.

  • Stars: a character's rank and stage of awakening (shaded stars) gives a first idea of its power. Logically, the basic 5-star characters are generally rarer and more powerful.
  • CPs: statistics lovers love to compare the combat points between the different heroes. The indicator is crude, but easy to use. The big differences are quite revealing, but seasoned players want to go further.

The CPs reward the most complete heroes. But heroes who specialise in one area may also be favoured, despite their weaknesses. This is especially true since each game mode is different and requires unique strengths.

hero Epic Seven invocation

The different roles of the heroes in Epic Seven

Each hero has a class (Assassin, Warrior, Knight, Shooter, Soulweaver and Mage) an element (Fire, Ice, Earth, Shadow, Light) and a rank (in number of stars). This information is displayed directly in game and is easy to collect. But the most important thing is his "role". This is not necessarily easy to find, especially since, depending on the equipment chosen, the same hero can play different roles.

The hero classes are mainly useful for obtaining bonus items during the adventure. But when it comes to organizing and optimizing your team, they become completely obsolete. One must refer to the Epic Seven hero roles to visualise their placement, itemisation and overall utility. With over a hundred viable characters, the choice is varied.

  • Tank : a frontline character who provides a barrier with his body, but does not do much damage
  • Bruiser : He can take a hit, but also returns it. It gains in power during the fight like a berzeker
  • Zone DPS: zone damage on all enemies to weaken the opposing team as much as possible
  • DPS single-target: it is only aimed at one target, but it has big one-shot potential
  • Healer: heals his team in the zone or in single-target
  • Buffer: it inflicts malus on enemies and removes yours.
Hero Epic Seven tavern

Epic Seven Hero Guides

Find the guides dedicated to the most powerful heroes! We detail the optimal builds, the artifacts to use and the stats to focus on!

What about you? Who is your favourite hero 😉

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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