Sigret in Epic Seven is a 5-star character of the Warrior class and the Ice element. She can be obtained, with a bit of luck, from the first moments of the game. Indeed, she is one of the heroes in the 30 free summons and is highly recommended. In this guide, we explain why this stern-looking warrior is a great ally.
Uses of Sigret in Epic Seven
To get off to a good start in Epic Seven, the main focus is on getting heroes. However, you quickly realise that the key to success is on a completely different level. Indeed, equipping yourself well by carrying out hunts quickly becomes a top priority. Sigret is simply the best heroine for the most farmed hunt in the game. Indeed, facing and defeating the Vulture allows you to obtain the Speed Set.
No matter what class you play or what PvE or PvP content you want to play, this is still an excellent set. As a result, Sigret remains a hugely popular 5-star hero on Epic Seven.
The best team compositions for the Wyvern Hunt require the presence of Sigret
Beyond hunting, Sigret can also be used in other content offered by Epic Seven. She can be found in PvP thanks to her 3rd skill, which causes extinction and thus prevents certain heroes from resurrecting. However, other heroes will generally prove to be more optimised for the content in question. Sigret is the queen of the Wyvern Hunt, so she will be used almost exclusively for this content.
If this sounds restrictive and limiting, think again. Successfully completing this hunt will allow you to equip all your other heroes more easily. Investing resources to optimise Sigret is therefore particularly profitable.
Build for Sigret Epic Seven
Sigret will apply debuffs to a target and greatly improve its damage depending on the number of debuffs on the target. She is therefore the perfect choice to face the Vouivre since the huge dragon will need to have debuffs applied to it to do less damage to your team. Moreover, the Vouivre being of type fire, Sigret will profit from the elementary advantage which will increase its chances of critical as well as its damage while reducing the damage which it will receive. We recommend the following build for Sigret in Epic Seven:
Artifact: Daydream Joker. In addition to being simple to obtain, this 3-star artifact will significantly increase Sigret's damage against the Vouivre. A must-have!
4 PieceEquipment Sets: Depending on your progression. You can take advantage of the Attack Set given during your first days on Epic Seven to make Sigret offensive. You can then switch to a Speed Set or try to get a better Attack Set. If you really want to maximise damage, the Rage Set outshines the others, although it is more difficult to obtain.
2 Piece Equipment Sets: Again, this will depend on your equipment stats. Prefer the Crit Set if its total value is too low or the Hit Set to improve Sigret's efficiency.
Exclusive equipment: According to your preferences. We recommend the one that modifies his skill #2 (Impact)
Example of build and stat of a Sigret able to defeat the Vouivre in its highest difficulty
Stats to prioritise for Sigret
The stats listed below should be achieved without too much difficulty. After that, it's up to you to optimize your Sigret and see if you prefer to trade attack for speed for example.
Attack: This is the biggest priority for Sigret in Epic Seven. Look for equipment withATK%. If the attack reaches 3500, it's not bad, beyond that it's even better.
Critical Hit Chance As with many DPS, we aim for 100%. This way, Sigret's attacks will always be critical. However, since the target will always be the same and will have an elemental disadvantage, 85% will be sufficient.
Critical Hit Damage You can try to aim for at least a good 250%.
Speed: Always good to take so that Sigret can attack as often as possible.
Effectiveness: This will allow Sigret to apply his bleeds. Be careful not to invest too much in this stat as it will be at the expense of damage. Nevertheless, it is interesting to have at least 50%.
As soon as you manage to defeat the Vouivre with Sigret, there is no need to try and optimise it. Afterwards, you can try to improve your team to get to the dragon even faster, but that's another topic!
We hope this guide has given you a better understanding of the importance of Sigret in Epic Seven. Don't forget that it is possible to obtain this hero from the free summons offered at the beginning of the game if you have just created an account. Finally, don't hesitate to turn to the PC version of Epic Seven in order to carry out long sessions of farming of Vouivre without fear of damaging the battery of your mobile!
Freelance writer, rabbit fan, manga and novel devourer, video games have always had a big place in my life. Curious, I enjoy many genres (rpg, rogue-like, card games, management, survival, monster hunting...). My favourite games are Zelda Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy XIV and Epic Seven.
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