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Go Go Muffin build: choose your skills, talents and Melomon

Go Go Muffin build

Whatever class you choose, optimising your build is absolutely essential in Go Go Muffin. But between the skills, the talent tree and the Melomon, it's hard to find your way around. Here, I'd like to give you a clearer idea of how to build the best Go Go Muffin build.

The best Go Go Muffin builds for each class

To help you design an effective Go Go Muffin build, here's an overview of the best skills for your class. These are the ones you should be aiming for in the mid and late game, so don't forget to wishlist them for future draws!

How to create a good Go Go Muffin build?

To progress in Go Go Muffin, but also to shine in challenges and boss raids, you need an effective Go Go Muffin build. Here we've put together the best tips for quickly designing the best Go Go Muffin build. Choose your skills carefully, optimise your talent tree and opt for the right Melomon!

And if you're looking for advice on how to get started, we recommend our Go Go Muffin beginner's guide.

Unlock your character's skills quickly

When you start Go Go Muffin, your character has no skills. So you'll need to unlock them. To do this, take part in each boss battle that the game offers. These battles will allow you to gain experience and therefore quickly unlock new skills. And to progress even faster with rewards, don't forget to check out our Go Go Muffin codes!

Skills set for your Go Go Muffin build

Skills can also be obtained through draws. But don't spend your resources just yet! When all your skill slots are full, the game will tell you which skills are best for your Go Go Muffin build. You can then whislist the ones that interest you and spend your resources on draws.

Your choice of skills obviously depends on the style of play you want to adopt, as well as your character's class. Take the time to read the description of each skill carefully, to identify the most appropriate ones.

Don't settle for just one build in Go Go Muffin

Go Go Muffin allows you to create several builds. I'd advise you to plan one build for the main story, giving priority to DPSs so that you can survive bosses and hordes of enemies for longer (you can also choose a companion healer to simplify the task).

The skills of your Go Go Muffin build

On the other hand, for trials or boss raids, opt for a specialised build that matches your Go Go Muffin class. For example, the Swordbearer, who is the game's tank, will have a build that focuses on damage and defence. The healer's build will focus on healing and support.

Customise your talent tree

The talent tree is unlocked at level 15. There are three distinct talent trees, which are unlocked as you level up. Each tree has two branches. Again, as with the skills, you need to select the branch that suits your style of play, whether offensive or defensive.

Talent tree for build Go Go Muffin

Talent trees are much slower to unlock than skills, so take the time to fully understand the bonuses they grant you in order to optimise your Go Go Muffin build.

Choosing the right Melomon for your Go Go Muffin build

The ability to choose a Melomon is unlocked at level 30. Melomon are very useful pets in combat, each with specific skills, stats and synergies. From the mid-games onwards, you can equip three Melomon.

Melomon for the Go Go Muffin build

Each pet has two types of skill:

  • Passive skills: these are active at all times and offer some very interesting bonuses (improved damage, defence, buffs, etc.). This is the skill that will be applied during combat. Your choice of Melomon should therefore depend on this skill.
  • Awakened skill: this is activated in certain situations and can become a real game-changer.

Your choice of Melomon should therefore be consistent with your Go Go Muffin build and your character's specific characteristics.

You now have all the keys you need to create the best Go Go Muffin build! I hope it will help you to build your character and shine in the main story, as well as in trials and boss raids. And if you need any other useful tips, check out our Go Go Muffin tips and tricks now!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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