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Go Go Muffin Melomon guide: choosing and upgrading them

Go Go Muffin Melomon Guide

The Go Go Muffin Melomon aren't just adorable little creatures! Thanks to their abilities, the Melomon complete your character's build and are essential for progressing in the game. Here's a guide to Melomon to help you choose and improve them.

Which Go Go Muffin Melomon to choose?

The Melomon are cute little creatures that are essential for optimising your build in Go Go Muffin. You can choose from three different Melomon, with the first Melomon unlocking at level 30. You can obtain your first companion through the draw when you return to your camp.

The Melomon selection in Go Go Muffin

To recruit Legendary Melomon, I suggest you use the Wishlist. It gives you a 50% chance of getting the Melomon you want, especially the Legendaries.

Here are my Go Go Muffin Melomon suggestions for the 5 Go Go Muffin classes:

Class Melomon
Swordbearer Blade Hound, Polar Shadow, Steelwing Guardian, Stonehorn Stalwart
Acolyte Demon Hound, Raven, Smartie, Thunder
Shadowlash Demon Hound, Blade Hound, Thunder
Wayfarer Demon Hound, Ice Valley Colt, Blade Hound
Scholar Demon Hound, Smartie, Ice Valley Colt

The choice of the second and third Melomon is not very important, as they will act as support. I suggest you use the Melomon for which you have the most dupes, so that you can boost them as much as possible (the dupes are used to improve your support Melomon).

How to improve your Melomon?

The first way to improve your Go Go Muffin Melomon is to give them food that you collect as you progress through the game. You'll need to upgrade your Melomon to level 40 to unlock the next upgrade.

Upgrade the Go Go Muffin Melomon

I'd advise you to upgrade your main Melomon as much as possible, for the simple reason that you'll then be able to recover the upgrade resources and redistribute them. As well as food, there are other options to help you boost your Go Go Muffin Melomon: the UP star system and movement.

The Star UP system for Go Go Muffin Melomon

The UP star system in Go Go Muffin allows you to improve your Melomon's skill, stats, awakening cooldown and awakening duration. Once again, you can pick up the Shiny Blue Crystals needed to 'star UP' a Melomon, so you can revise your companions' build.

Etoile UP des Melomon de Go Go Muffin

Again, I recommend that you give your main Melomon a big boost. As you level up and pick up more companions, you'll be able to recreate a build based on your Melomon.

Improving your Melomon's moves

You'll have to wait until level 40 to get access to the Go Go Muffin Melomon moves. To get them, you need to go to the camp, where the Melomon draws are available.

Camp for Melomon de Go Go Muffin movements

There are 4 move slots for each Melomon: an attack slot, a defence slot and two balanced slots. These are unlocked according to your companion's level. For a DPS build, I recommend Superb DPS, which increases critical damage by 10%. And for a heal build, Superb HP, which increases your hit points by 2000, or Perfect Evasion (+200 Evasion).

You now have everything you need to improve your Go Go Muffin Melomon, whatever your build. And if you need even more guides, check out our tips and tricks for Go Go Muffin!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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