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Guide to Punisher's Crypt B10 from Summoners War

guide pb10 summoners war

The Punisher's Crypt is a new dungeon available in the Cairos Dungeon of Summoners War. This dungeon is totally different from the others and requires specific monsters to pass the B10 Crypt floor. (also called PB10)

What is the Punisher's Crypt of Summoners War?

The Punisher's Crypt is a dungeon with a different boss mechanic as it turns out that you will face the fastest boss in Summoners War. It consists of 10 floors, each containing four waves.

Punisher's Crypt summoners war

It is necessary to use a strategy that you may have applied during the TOA (H) to control the enemies or in PvP. For this, we will see the different waves of this dungeon.

How to make the Punisher's Crypt PB10 a success?

The boss of the Punisher's Crypt is difficult to understand, as it is very fast and it is forbidden to make a mistake against it, otherwise you risk losing the whole fight.

The first wave of the Punisher's Crypt

The first wave of the Punisher's Crypt is made up of four crystals that will inflict heavy damage on your monsters if they are not quickly eliminated.

The first wave of the Punisher's Crypt Summoners War

The second wave of the Punisher's Crypt

In the second wave, you will face the mini-boss of this dungeon who has special skills and is surrounded by two devices that increase the attack gauge and remove beneficial effects.

Rotary BladeAttacks all enemies to reduce their attack gauges by 30%.
Rain of BladesAttacks an enemy four times and absorbs 10% of their attack gauge with each attack. The power of the attack increases with the speed of the attack.
The Mini Boss of Punisher's Crypt

You will have to control this mini-boss and these subjects to pass this level.

The third wave of the Punisher's Crypt

In the third wave, you will still have to deal with crystals and the strategy remains the same as in the first wave.

The third wave of the Punisher's Crypt Summoners War

The Boss of Punisher's Crypt B10

You have now arrived in front of the final boss on floor 10 of this new dungeon. You'll have to be careful with all these attacks so as not to waste the efforts made on the previous waves. To do this, you need to know your attacks and adopt the right strategy.

Dance of the Swords Attacks all enemies to reduce their attack gauges by 30% with 30% chance.
ConvictionAttacks an enemy seven times and absorbs their attack gauge by 20% with each attack.
Judge's Sword (passive) When the Ancient Judge reaches one of the rounds listed below, his skills are enhanced:

5th round: Sword Dance's number of hits increases up to 3 times depending on attack speed.

10th round: Increased effects of Condemnation either, up to 100% depending on his attack speed.

15th round: All attacks ignore up to 100% of the enemies defence depending on attack speed.
Retrograde (passive) Reduces up to 70% of damage received from enemies based on attack speed. In addition, recovers one turn when receiving an attack gauge reduction effect.

In view of his skills, it is necessary to protect your monsters well and if possible to kill him as quickly as possible to avoid his liabilities.

The Boss of the Punisher's Crypt Summoners War

But to do this, you'll need to find the right monsters to be as effective as possible.

Team farmable for PB10 success

As previously mentioned, this boss is very complex and you will need to strategise well with the monsters you get to succeed in Punisher's Crypt B10.

raoq swRaoq (2nd awakening)It is played as Violent/Blade in ATK%/DCC%/ATK% and allows to inflict heavy damage.
jubelle swJubelleUncommon, it will replace other monsters in this dungeon. It is rune in Energy/Endurance or Energy/Destruction in VIT/PV%/PV%.
raoq swRaoq (2nd awakening) It can be played as Violent/Blade or Rage/Blade in ATK%/DCC%/ATK% to inflict heavy damage and attack together.
verdehile sw Verdehile It will bring speed to your team's attack. It is rune in Violent/Vengeance in VIT%TCC%/PV%.
homunculus fire swHomunculus FireIt is runeable as Fatal/Blade in VIT/DCC%/ATK% and allows you to inflict heavy damage even on multiple opponents.

It is possible to replace "Jubelle" by Jultan depending on the monsters available in your box.

Once the boss has been killed, you will be treated to some freshly arrived sublime rewards .

The different rewards of the Punisher's Crypt of Summoners War

Once you have defeated the boss of this dungeon, it will be possible to obtain artefacts, but different from those obtainable in the Steel Fortress. Here you will be able to get the artifacts of type.

summoners war type artefact

These artefacts improve the statistics of the monsters according to their different types:

  • attack
  • pv
  • support
  • defence

They apply to any attribute, as long as the type of the monster matches the type of the artefact.

With this guide, you can now attack Punisher's Crypt relentlessly in Summoners War to obtain beautiful artefacts.

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