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Genshin Impact Dendro Element Guide: reactions and teams

Genshin Impact Dendro Element Guide: reactions and teams

The Genshin Impact 3.0 update was expected to say the least. In addition to opening the doors to Sumeru, HoYoverse offers us brand new elemental reactions thanks to the Dendro element. You will be able to create new teams and enjoy a new gameplay. In this guide we explain in detail how the Genshin Impact Dendro element works. You will learn everything about its reactions and sub-reactions and which are the best Dendro teams.

Genshin Impact Dendro reactions

The Dendro element can create elemental reactions when it interacts with Hydro, Electro or Pyro. The damage will generally be calculated according to the level of the trigger and its elemental mastery. Thus, the higher your hero's level and elemental mastery, the more damage he will do.

The Dendro-Effekten with the Electro-Effekten

When Dendro and Electro meet, a Quicken reaction occurs. Enemies affected by Dendro and Electro then go into a Quickened state. But beware, this state will be suppressed by contact with Pyro or Hydro.

Genshin Impact Quicken Reaction

Then, if you attack an enemy in Quickened state with a Dendro attack, you'll get a Spread reaction, which will increase the Dendro damage.

Genshin Impact Spread Reaction

If it's an Electro attack that hits the enemy, you'll activate an Aggravate reaction that will, in turn, boost the Electro damage. In both cases, this is an excellent Dendro combo.

You can also take advantage of these reactions if an anemo character absorbs the Electro element. With this reaction, you can make your Electro characters even more powerful. This applies to Fischl, Yae Miko, Lisa, Shinobu, Keqing and Raiden, among others.

The Dendro element with the Pyro element

Genshin Impact Dendro element Burning Reaction

When casting a Pyro ability on an enemy affected by Dendro, you will trigger a Burning reaction. The affected enemy will suffer continuous Pyro damage until the effect wears off. The amount of damage is calculated based on the elemental mastery and level of the hero who triggered the reaction.

The Dendro element with the Hydro element

By activating a Hydro skill on an enemy already under the effect of a Dendro attack, you will perform a Bloom reaction, which will give life to a Dendro Core. It will inflict DMG Dendro for about 5 seconds, then explode. You can have a maximum of 5 seeds at the same time.

Dendro element Bloom Reaction

To do even more damage, you can activate additional reactions on it:

Dendro element Burgeon Reaction
  • Upon contact with Pyro, the Dendro Core will trigger a Burgeon reaction and explode in a much larger area. But be careful not to stay in the impact zone, you will also be injured;
  • Upon contact with Electro, the Dendro Core will be transformed into a projectile that will chase the enemy. This is a reaction of Hyperbloom.
Dendro element Hyperbloom Reaction

The Dendro resonance

By playing two Dendro characters on your team, you will increase the elemental mastery of your entire team by 50 points. And after a Burning, Quicken or Bloom reaction, you'll get an extra 30 points of elemental mastery for 6 seconds.

Genshin Impact Dendro elemental resonance

Finally, by triggering an Aggravate, Spread or Hyperbloom reaction, you will gain a 20 point bonus for 6 seconds.

The Dendro element with the Anemo, Cryo and Geo elements

The Dendro element does not generate any elemental reaction when it comes into contact with the Anemo, Cryo and Geo elements. However, you can still take advantage of it.

Dendro and Cryo

The Dendro and Cryo elements do not interact at all. But this has the advantage of being able to trigger Dendro and Cryo reactions at the same time. For example, you can enjoy reverse melt reactions with theCryo element, then Burning. To do this, first attack with a Cryo character, then a Pyro hero and finally with a Dendro character.

Dendro and Anemo

Anemo characters equipped with the Viridescent Venerer set will not be able to lower the Dendro resistance of enemies. However, if you use the Aggravate effect to increase Electro damage, you will be able to lower the Electro resistance of your opponents, and even do Electro damage by absorbing this element with the Elemental Unleash. The Anemo character will benefit from Aggravate. In addition, Kazuha and Sucrose have the advantage of being able to gather Dendro Cores.

Dendro and Geo

You can't get any more opposite than the elements Dendro and Geo. There is no point in playing both types at the same time. However, Zhongli remains an excellent support thanks to his shield, especially since he will be able to protect your characters from the damage caused by the explosions of the Dendro cores. Albedo is also a good support thanks to his elemental mastery boost.

The best Dendro teams in Genshin Impact

You will be able to build particularly powerful and fun teams by focusing on the different Dendro reactions. We give you several ideas of compositions Dendro to play in the abyss.

However, we only have 3 Dendro characters for the moment: the Dendro Traveler, Tighnari and Collei. So we focus only on them.

The best Dendro teams focused on Spread, Aggravate and Hyperbloom reactions

Among the best Genshin Impact Dendro teams are those that focus on Spread (Dendro boost) or Aggravate (Electro boost) reactions, which can be triggered by launching a Dendro or Electro attack on an enemy in Quickened state:

  • Tighnari / Collei / Fischl / Kuki Shinobu: this team will aim to boost Tighnari's damage to the maximum;
  • Tighnari / 2 Electro characters / one healer or Anemo character;
  • Raiden / Yae Miko / the Dendro Traveler / Jean or other healer: in this configuration, you will boost the Electro attacks.
Yae Miko
Yae Miko

By adding a Hydro character to a team based on the Dendro and Electro elements, you will be able to create Dendro Cores that will chase enemies and explode on them.

To create Exuberance reactions, we recommend the teams:

Dendro Traveler

It is also possible to choose to simply leave the Dendro Cores on the field so that they inflict damage regularly. In this case, choose items that do not interact with them.

Dendro Traveler

You can for example compose a team Kokomi / Dendro Traveler / Diona or Rosalia / Kazuha or Sucrose. You will freeze your enemies in this way, while damaging them with Dendro Cores.

Pyro and Dendro : explosive teams

To detonate Dendro Cores and cause large area damage (Bursting reaction), you will need to play Pyro, Hydro and Dendro characters such as:

Dendro Traveler

You can also focus on the Burning reaction (Dendro + Pyro element) with a Tighnari or Collei / Dendro Traveler / Xiangling / Thomas or Bennett team if you need healing, that is 2 Dendro characters and 2 Pyro.

Dendro Traveler

That's it for this guide dedicated to the reactions of the Genshin Impact Dendro element. We hope that our tips have helped you to see things more clearly and have made you want to test compositions and Dendro combos to do maximum damage in the abyss. To discover all our tips on characters and many others, go to our Genshin Impact tips page.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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