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TFT Set 9 best comps tier list

TFT Set 9 best comps tier list

To help you get off to a good start in this new season, we're unveiling our TFT set 9 best comps tier list. Discover our tips and tricks in this guide to the most effective traits and strongest champions, as well as the best TFT item builds to climb the leaderboard and shine in your ranked games.

Void / Bruiser: the best TFT Set 9 comp of our tier list

Let's start our TFT set 9 best comps tier list with a team composition that can be described as vertical, i.e. centered in particular on a TFT Set 9 trait. Very simple to play, this composition consists in taking all the Void champions offered in the store, to which you add two other Bruisers. Until you find Sion, you can opt for Renekton or Vi.

TFT Set 9 best comps tier list: Void / Bruiser

However, this composition TFT from set 9 requires an Void Emblem in order to deploy its full potential when summoning Baron Nashor. Equip your defensive items on Sejuani, magic attack items on Kai'Sa and physical attack items on Bel'Veth.

The comp champions

Icon Cho'Gath TFT set 9
Icon Malzahar TFT set 9
Icon Kassadin TFT set 9
Rek'Sai TFT icon set 9
Vel'Koz TFT set 9 icon
3VoidMulticaster / Sorcerer
Icon Kaï'Sa TFT set 9
Sejuani TFT icon set 94FreljordBruiser
Bel'Veth TFT icon set 9
Icon Sion TFT set 9

TFT set 9 best comps tier list: Ionia / Aphelios

We continue our tier list with another composition TFT from set 9, whose strategy is easy to set up, provided you have an emblem. Here, your aim is to reach all 6 Ionia champions as quickly as possible and add Aphelios to level 7.

To start the game comfortably and lose as few VPs as possible, we recommend you place two Juggernauts and two Rogues, as Shen and Yasuo will arrive much later.

TFT Set 9 best comps tier list: Ionia / Aphelios

If you can't get the Ionia emblem you need for 9, replace Sett by unlocking the first level of the Bastion trait for your Shen tank, and Sorcerer for Ahri, your magic carry. Physical attack items are to be equipped on Aphelios and Yasuo.

The comp champions

Irelia TFT set 9 icon
Icon Jhin TFT set 9
Sett TFT set 9 icon2IoniaJuggernaut
TFT icon Zed set 92IoniaRogue / Slayer
Karma TFT set 9 icon
Aphelios TFT set 9 icon
Shen icon TFT set 9
4IoniaBastion / Invoker
Icon Yasuo TFT set 9
Ahri TFT set 9 icon

TFT Set 9 best comps tier list: Noxus / Slayer

The third composition TFT in set 9 of this tier list is oriented around two features: Noxus and Slayer. Once again, the ideal is to obtain an Slayer emblem to equip on Katarina. Nevertheless, unlike the previous two, this team remains very strong without the latter. Depending on the augments and items on offer, you can also do without Samira if you manage to obtain an additional Noxus champion.

TFT Set 9 best comps tier list: Noxus / Slayer

Your most important champions are Swain, who plays the role of tank, and above all the Darius / Katarina duo, who inflict the majority of your team's damage. To resist for as long as possible, Darius will need Bloodthirster, as it does not benefit from the omnivampirism of Slayers, and Infinity Edge to inflict critical damage with its spell, which allows it to chain targets if it delivers the finishing blow.

Once your three main champions are heavily equipped, make physical attack items similar to those on Darius and place them on Aatrox.

The comp champions

Cassiopeia TFT set 9 icon
1Noxus / ShurimaInvoker
Icon Samira TFT set 9
Kled TFT icon set 9
2Noxus / YordleSlayer
Icon Swain TFT set 9
2NoxusSorcerer / Strategist
TFT icon Zed set 92IoniaSlayer / Rogue
Icon Darius TFT set 93NoxusJuggernaut
Icon Katarina TFT set 9
Icon Gwen TFT set 9
4Shadow IslesSlayer
Aatrox TFT set 9 icon5DarkinSlayer / Juggernaut

TFT set 9 comp Gunner / Piltover

IF you've played the previous sets, the next TFT Set 9 comp from our tier list should bring back memories. Just like the Pirates from set 3 or the Mercenaries from Set 6, the Piltover trait allows you to obtain more gold coins and items than your opponents through a series of defeats. This origin also allows you to summon a T-Hex, which can be a very solid unit, provided you get it early in the game.

So start with this objective in mind, and get Orianna, Vi and Ekko on your terrain as soon as possible. Once you've reached this first stage, focus on obtaining the Gunners and their build of physical attack items. You can also start equipping Tristana with these items, as she will leave your team when you get your hands on Senna.

TFT Set 9 best comps tier list: Gunner / Piltover

This TFT set 9 composition is the riskiest of our tier list , since your objective will be to lose voluntarily at the start of the game, while conserving a maximum number of hit points. This team's strategy is all about decision-making, as you have to decide when to stop your losing streak. The longer you wait, the more powerful your T-Hex will be, but be careful not to be caught by surprise by your lack of HP.

Once Zeri joins your team, use all your money to move up to level 8 to obtain Senna and Heimerdinger. As for items, place defensive items on Sejuani, while attack items enable Zeri and Senna to melt the HP of enemy units. Last but not least, Jayce can accommodate one or more of Zeke's Herald to further maximize the impact of these two champions.

The comp champions

Icon Jinx TFT set 9
Vi TFT set 9 icon
Icon Jayce TFT set 9
Icon Lissandra TFT set 9
Sejuani TFT icon set 94FreljordBruiser
Zeri TFT set 9 icon
Icon Heimerdinger TFT set 9
5Piltover / Yordle Technogenius
Senna TFT icon set 9
5Shadow IslesGunner / Redeemer

Juggernaut / Demacia: the first TFT Set 9 reroll comp

To round off our TFT set 9 best comps tier list, we bring you a reroll composition with a rather unusual item build. First of all, before launching the game, choose Twisted Fate from the TFT Set 9 legends. This allows you to obtain more components, which transform every turn if not equipped on units. What's more, you'll be able to obtain Zeke's Herald more easily, essential to the smooth running of your team.

TFT Set 9 best comps tier list: Colossus / Demacia

This composition is mainly based on Garen. Indeed, he's the champion to equip first with a Bloodthirster and a Guinsoo's Rageblade. Leave the third item slot free, as he'll gain a light item when you have 3 Demacians on the field. Then all you have to do is place Juggernauts around him and equip his adjacent units with as many Zeke's Herald as possible.

If you don't have Aatrox, opt for an Juggernaut emblem as well as a Teemo, which brings the Multicaster and Strategist traits. Once your composition is complete, buy all copies of Garen in the store to upgrade it to 3-star level and watch it crush your opponents.

The comp champions

Sett TFT set 9 icon2IoniaJuggernaut
Icon Warwick TFT set 9
2ZaunJuggernaut / Challenger
Icon Darius TFT set 93NoxusJuggernaut
Icon Garen TFT set 9
Sona TFT set 9 icon
Jarvan IV TFT set 9 icon
Jarvan IV
Nasus TFT set 9 icon
Aatrox TFT set 9 icon5DarkinJuggernaut / Slayer

This concludes our TFT Set 9 best comps tier list. By applying our tips and tricks, you now have the keys to a successful start to the season and a string of good results in ranked games. Bear in mind, however, that the strength of TFT players lies in their ability to adapt, and this is all the more true with Set 9, which adds new variables for even more unique games than before.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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