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Whiteout Survival best chief orders​: which one to use?

Whiteout Survival best chief orders

Survivors in Whiteout Survival work every day to produce the essential resources and keep the city running. But did you know the Chief Order feature can speed up progress significantly? With six orders available, choosing the right ones can make all the difference. That’s why we’ve put together this Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders guide to help you make the most of your resources and time!

What are Chief Orders in Whiteout Survival? 

As players upgrade their Furnace in Whiteout Survival, they unlock several important buildings, including the Chief's House. For the Chief House, you need to upgrade your furnace to level 6.

The Chief's House lets players give orders to the city’s survivors. These orders, known as Chief Orders, can help by providing extra resources, speeding up healing, or entertaining the people. It’s an important building for keeping your city running smoothly and meeting the needs of your survivors.

So, whether you are looking for a quick resource collection or to boost the morale of your people, Whiteout Survival chief orders should be your go-to option. All Chief Orders are great, but some tend to be the Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders.

How to use Whiteout Survival Chief Orders?

Whiteout Survival best chief orders - Chief Order

Before we get into Whiteout Survival best chief orders, let's find out how to enact these orders.

  • Unlock the Chief’s House by upgrading your Furnace to Level 6.
  • Once unlocked, click on the Chief’s House to access the Chief Orders menu.
  • A book will appear with different orders that can be enacted to benefit your city.
  • Select the order you want and click “enact” to activate it.

Each Chief Order remains active for a few hours before entering a cooldown period. The best part? You can enact multiple orders at the same time.

Chief order contentment requirement:

  • You’ll need Contentment to use Chief Orders.
  • Assign survivors to work, and they will generate Contentment as they collect resources.
  • If you run out of Contentment, click the + icon in the top corner of the Chief Order menu.
  • You can purchase 50,000 Contentment for 50 diamonds to continue enacting orders without delay.

List of Chief Orders in Whiteout Survival

Chief Order Effect Cooldown Contentment
Comprehensive Care Heals all sick survivors in the city. 4h 150,000
Urgent Mobilization

Force survivors at all worksites to work for 48 hours (Survivor Time), -10 Mood for all Survivors. 

8h 50,000
Rush Job Gives 5 days’ worth of resources from all work sites (Survivor Time) 1 day(s) 150,000
Productivity Day +100% Output across all resource worksites for 24 hours (Survivor Time), -10 Mood for all Survivors  12h 50,000
Double Time Accelerates new building construction or new upgrades in the city by 20% starting in the next 5 minutes.  1 day(s) 800,000
Festivities +50 Mood and +30 Comfort during the Day of City Festivities (Survivor Time)  1 day(s) 50,000

Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders

Now that you're aware of all six Chief Order, here are Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders to enact the most:

Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders : Rush Job 

Rush Job in Whiteout Survival

The most common issue that arises in Whiteout Survival is the lack of resources after constant upgrading, training, and constructions. With Rush Job, players can collect a handsome amount of resources in a single day and continue with their tasks. You can enact this order again after a 1 day (Real Time) cooldown. 

Though it takes 150,000 Contentment, the instant resource collection is worth every bit of it. That's why Rush Job is on our Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders list. 

Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders : Urgent Mobilization 

Urgent Mobilization

Another way to gather resources much faster than usual is by forcing your workers to work overtime. Enact Urgent Mobilization, a Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders, and see your resources go up in no time. 

Also, Urgent Mobilization only requires 50,000 Contentment with an 8-hour cooldown. You can enact this one twice a day to increase efficiency. 

Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders : Productivity Day

Whiteout Survival best chief orders - productivity day

Enact Productivity Day to increase Output to +100% for a whole 24 hours. Productivity Day will also increase your resources by a margin while only consuming 50,000 Contentment. 

Note: We recommend you enact all three of the Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders at once for a better resource output every day. Make sure to enact Festivities afterwards in order to increase the Survivor Mood high again. 

For Double Time, use it only right before starting construction, or else the effect won't work. To make Double Time and even more effective Chief Order, pair it with your Cave Hyena pet skill. This allows an additional building boost to the Double Time. 

That concludes our comprehensive guide on Whiteout Survival Best Chief Orders. Don't rely solely on Chief Orders and do check out our guide on Whiteout Survival tips & tricks.

Ayesha As an indie RPG enthusiast, I believe life's too short to miss out on epic adventures. In my free time, I relish the enchanting worlds of fantasy novels and movies.
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