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Whiteout Survival Pets: Unlock Guide and Full List Overview

Whiteout Survival pets guide

One of the most exciting features you’ll unlock in mid-game is the adorable pet companions that can improve your squad's stats and become key members of your team. In this guide, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about Whiteout Survival pets, including how to unlock and upgrade them.

How to unlock pets in Whiteout Survival?

The game isn’t just about training your Whiteout Survival troops or upgrading heroes—you can also collect pets to give your squad an extra boost. However, these Whiteout Survival pets are not available from the start. Players will need to make a lot of progress to unlock these helpful pets and add some extra fun to their gameplay. 

Whiteout Survival pets beast cage

To unlock pets, you'll need to complete a few key requirements:

After meeting these two requirements, you'll get access to a new building called the 'Beast Cage' where you can tame beasts captured from the wild. After successfully taming the beast, they become your loyal pet companions.

How to upgrade Whiteout Survival pets?

At first, players can only capture a limited number of beasts. To unlock more, you'll need to level up one beast to a specific point. Upgrading each beast is also necessary for an increase in stats and power. You also unlock various Pet Skills when Pet Advancement increases. 

Pets List

To level up your Whiteout Survival pets, you'll need Pet Food. You can get pet food from the Beast Whisperer event by collecting daily rewards. You'll also receive a Taming Manual from the event, which is used for Pet Advancement. The Pet Advancement feature is available after every 10 upgrades done on a beast. This makes your beast even stronger.

Another way to gather resources for pet upgrades is by sending your pets on Pet Adventures. This not only provides Pet Food but also rewards you with Taming Manuals and Energizing Potions.

Whiteout Survival Pets List

Currently, there are only 11 types of pets that are available to get captured and tamed. Here is a Whiteout Survival pets list:

Pet Rarity
Cave Hyena Common
Arctic Wolf Uncommon
Musk Ox Uncommon
Giant Tapir Rare
Titan Roc Rare
Snow Leopard Epic 
Giant Elk Epic
Snow Ape Legendary
Cave Lion Legendary
Saber-tooth Tiger Legendary
Iron Rhino Legendary

This concludes our Whiteout Survival pets guide. Unlocking and upgrading these loyal companions can truly be an exciting and cute experience. Be sure to participate in the Beast Whisperer event and send your pets on exciting adventures. With each pet you tame, you’ll unlock new skills and powers, adding even more fun to your journey. Happy hunting!

Want to enjoy your Whiteout Survival experience? Check out our Whiteout Survival tips and tricks!

Ayesha As an indie RPG enthusiast, I believe life's too short to miss out on epic adventures. In my free time, I relish the enchanting worlds of fantasy novels and movies.
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