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TFT items cheat sheet set 7: combinations and effects

TFT guide to set 7 items

In this TFT items cheat sheet set 7, we'll take a look at the available item components and all the possible combination recipes and their effects. After all, although it is important to know the most effective TFT comps in the meta, you will not be able to progress if you do not know how to equip your champions correctly.

TFT: set 7 items components

In TFT, items are essential for good results. In the course of the game, you will get object components or complete items. Without further ado, let's start our TFT item guide with the list of item components and their effects.

TFT ItemsSet 7 item components effects
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemYou gain 10 points of attack damage.
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemYou gain a 5% critical strike chance and a 10% dodge chance.
Recurve Bow TFT Icon ItemYou gain 10% attack speed.
Tear of the Goddess TFT Icon ItemYou gain 15 mana.
Giant's Belt TFT Icon ItemYou gain 150 HP.
Needlessly Large Rod TFT Icon ItemYou gain 10 ability power.
Negatron Cloak TFT Icon ItemYou gain 20 magic resist.
Spatula TFT Icon ItemUseless on its own, but can be used to create emblems.
Chain Vest TFT Icon ItemYou gain 20 armor.

TFT: set 7 complete items

Let's continue with the second part of our TFT cheat sheet: the complete items. By combining the component items, you will get different results. Here is a list of TFT set 7 complete items.

TFT ItemsRecipesSet 7 complete items effects
Bloodthirster TFT Icon Item
Blood Thirster
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemThe damage heals the wearer by 25% of the damage dealt. Once per battle, at 40% health, you gain a health shield of 25% of max HP that lasts up to 5 seconds.
Blue Buff TFT Icon Item
Blue Buff
Tear of the Goddess TFT Icon ItemYou gain 20 mana bonus from the start, then 20 mana points after casting a spell.
Dragon's Claw TFT Icon Item
Dragon's Claw
Negatron Cloak TFT Icon ItemYou gain 120 points of magic resist. Every 2 seconds, the wearer heals by 1.2% of their maximum health for each enemy that targets them. If the wearer is a Dragon, all effects are increased by 20%.
Gargoyle Stoneplate TFT Icon Item
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Negatron Cloak TFT Icon ItemYou gain 18 armour and 18 magic resistance points for each enemy that targets the wearer.
Giant Slayer TFT Icon Item
Giant Slayer
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemAttacks and spells deal 25% more damage. If the target has more than 2200 HP max, you deal 50% more damage.
Guinsoo's Rageblade TFT Icon Item
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Recurve Bow TFT Icon ItemAttacks increase attack speed by 6%. This effect is cumulative.
Hextech Gunblade TFT Icon Item
Pistolame Hextech
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemThe damage heals the wearer and their ally with the least amount of health, by 25% of the damage inflicted.
Infinity Edge TFT Icon Item
Infinity Blade
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemYou gain 10% critical strike damage and 75% critical strike chances. Each point of critical strike chance above 100% increases the critical strike damage by 1%.
Spear of Shojin TFT Icon Item
Spear of Shojin
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemYou gain 8 mana points per attack.
Warmog's Armor TFT Icon Item
Warmog's Armor
Giant's Belt TFT Icon ItemYou gain an extra 1000 HP.
Titan's Resolve TFT Icon Item
Titan's Resolve
Recurve Bow TFT Icon ItemYou gain 2 attack damage and ability power when you inflict or receive damage. When you have accumulated the effect 25 times, you gain 25 armor and magic resist.
Sunfire Cape TFT Icon Item
Sunfire Cape
Giant's Belt TFT Icon ItemYou gain 400 HP. Every 2 seconds, enemies within 2 hexes burn at 10% of their maximum health in raw damage for 10 seconds. Any healing they receive is reduced by 50%.
Hand of Justice Icon TFT Item
Hand of justice
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemYou gain 15 attack damage and 15% ability power. Your spells heal you by 15% of the damage inflicted. Each round, one of these two effects is improved by 30%.
Quicksilver TFT Icon Item
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemYou gain 20% attack speed and are immune to crowd control for the first 15 seconds of combat.
Bramble Vest TFT Icon Item
Bramble Vest
Chain Vest TFT Icon ItemYou gain 60 armor. The extra damage taken by a critical hit is reduced by 75%. When hit by an attack, deal 75/100/150 magic damage to all nearby enemies (once every 2.5 seconds).
Jeweled Gauntlet TFT Icon Item
Jeweled Gauntlet
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemYou gain 40% critical hit damage and 10 ability power. Magic and raw spell damage can inflict critical strikes.
Statikk Shiv TFT Icon Item
Statikk Shiv
Recurve Bow TFT Icon ItemYou gain 15% attack speed. Every 3 attacks, you deal 70 magic damage to 4 enemy units and reduce their magic resist by 50% for 5 seconds.
Redemption Icon TFT Item
Tear of the Goddess TFT Icon ItemYou heal adjacent allies of 12% of their missing health every 5 seconds. Affected allies take 25% less area damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).
Thiefs Gloves TFT Icon Item
Handschuhe des Diebs
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemEach turn, your champion gains 2 random items, which improve with the player's level. On TFT, this item takes all 3 available slots per unit.
Archangel Staff TFT Icon Item
Archangel's staff
Tear of the Goddess TFT Icon ItemYou gain 20 ability power at the beginning of the fight, then every 5 seconds.
Morellonomicon TFT Icon Item
Giant's Belt TFT Icon ItemYou gain 30 ability power. Magic or raw spell damage burns the wearer's target, dealing 25% of the target's maximum health as raw damage over 10 seconds and reducing healing by 50% for the duration of the burn.
Zeke's Herald Icon TFT Item
Zeke's Herald
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemAt the start of combat, the carrier and units in the same line within one hex gain 30% attack speed.
Ionic Spark TFT Icon Item
Ionic Spark
Needlessly Large Rod TFT Icon ItemEnemies within 3 hexes have their magic resist reduced by 50%. When they cast a spell, they take magic damage equal to 250% of their maximum mana.
Shroud of Stillness Icon TFT Item
Shroud of Stillness
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemAt the start of the fight, you fire a beam in front of you which delays the first spell of the affected enemies by 35%.
Frozen Heart Icon TFT Item
Frozen heart
Tear of the Goddess TFT Icon ItemEnnemies attack speed within 2 hexes of the wearer is reduced by 25%.
Banshee's Claw Icon TFT Item
Banshee's Claw
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemThe wearer and allies in the same line one hex away gain a shield that blocks the first spell up to 600 HP.
Chalice of Power TFT Icon Item
Chalice of Power
Tear of the Goddess TFT Icon ItemThe wearer and allies in the same line one hex away gain 30 ability power.
Last Whisper TFT Icon Item
Last Whisper
Sparring Gloves TFT Icon ItemWhen you deal physical damage, you reduce the target's armor by 50% for 5 seconds. This effect does not stack.
Rabadon's Deathcap TFT Icon Item
Rabadon's Deathcap
Needlessly Large Rod TFT Icon ItemYou gain an additional 75 ability power bonus.
Runaan's Hurricane TFT Icon Item
Runaan's Hurricane
Recurve Bow TFT Icon ItemYou gain 10 attack damage. Attacks fire a bolt of lightning at a nearby enemy, dealing 70% of the wearer's attack damage as physical damage.
Zephyr TFT Icon Item
Giant's Belt TFT Icon ItemAt the start of the fight, you summon a whirlwind on the other side of the arena that removes the enemy furthest from the combat carrier for 5 seconds.
Edge of Night TFT Icon Item
Edge of Night
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemOnce per battle, when the wearer drops to 50% health, you briefly become untargetable and get rid of negative effects. Afterwards, you gain 30% bonus attack speed.
Locket of the Iron Solari TFT Icon Item
Locket of the Iron Solari
Needlessly Large Rod TFT Icon ItemThe wearer and allies in the same line two hexes apart gain a 300/350/400 shield for the first 15 seconds of the fight
Deathblade TFT Icon Item
B.F. Sword TFT Icon ItemYou gain 40/70/100 attack damage.
Zz'Rot Portal TFT Icon Item
Zz'Rot Portal
Recurve Bow TFT Icon ItemAt the beginning of the fight, you provoke enemies within a radius of 4 hexes. When the wearer dies, a monster appears, provoking nearby enemies and effective at 25%.
Rapid Firecannon TFT Icon Item
Rapid Firecannon
Recurve Bow TFT Icon ItemYou gain 50% attack speed and one hex of range. Your attacks cannot miss.

TFT: set 7 spatula items

To finish this TFT items cheat sheet set 7, let's look at the Spatula items. While this component has no effect on its own, when combined with any other component, it allows you to gain an Emblem. When you equip an Emblem on a champion, the trait of the Emblem is added to those of the unit. Here is the Spatula items list and the trait they provide.

TFT ItemsRecipesSet 7 emblems effects
Assassin Emblem TFT Icon Item
Assassin Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Assassin trait
Rider Icon Emblem TFT Item
Cavalier Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Cavalier trait.
Dragonmancer Emblem TFT Icon Item
Dragonmancer Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Dragonmancer trait.
Ragewing Emblem TFT Icon Item
Ragewing Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Ragewing trait.
Guardian Emblem TFT Icon Item
Guardian Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Guardian trait.
Shimmerscale Emblem TFT Icon Item
Shimmerscale Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Shimmerscale trait.
Mage Emblem TFT Icon Item
Mage Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Mage trait.
Mirage Emblem TFT Icon Item
Mirage Emblem
Spatula TFT Icon ItemThe wearer gains the Mirage trait.

We have finished with our TFT items guide to Set 7. You now know all the possible combinations of the item components. To find out which champions to equip them on, head over to our TFT builds items guide to Set 7 and create one of the best TFT comps in Set 7.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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