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All heroes of each generation in State of Survival

List of heroes by generation State of Survival

In each section, we will see all the heroes of each State of Survival generation studied. These heroes are presented with their maximum stats in both the exploration and military aspects. Here is the list of heroes by gen that you can't find in game. In addition to the 8 generations already present, we will soon add the characters of gen 9, namely Arthur, Jessie & Vodka the grizzly and the duo Derek & Bingo the crocodile.

8th Generation Heroes State of Survival

As each generation's heroes are unlocked as your state's age increases, State of Survival's legendary 8th generation heroes will be the last available. When your state reaches gen 8 SoS, you can access Courtney Young, Tina and Hank. Here is a picture of the stats of these heroes at their maximum power made by the game community on Discord.

State of Survival 8th Generation Legendary Heroes List

Courtney Young

Courtney Young is a legendary Pathfinder hero from the 8 State of Survival generation. Initially a diviner using tarot cards, she realises that some people come to her to find their targets more easily and the onset of the zombie apocalypse allows her to use her cards for something else... combat.

She now asserts herself as a good support hero. Indeed, her first skill offers CC to your composition by hypnotising the infected in AoE to make them turn against others. On top of this comes the heal provided by her cat, a maine coon named Diablo, who will lick the wounds of your wounded heroes. Finally, Courtney's third skill sends an explosive card every 5 attacks. She also boosts the lethality of colony troops and reduces the attack of enemy colony troops. As you can see, her skills are primarily utilitarian compared to the other 8th generation heroes.

Details of military stats gen 8 SoS heroes
Here are the military stats of the heroes

Even if the stats change, the general usefulness of the skills remains the same. For example, Courtney's skill 1 is CC, skill 2 is heal and skill 3 is AoE damage.


Tina plays the role of the Hunter in this gen 8. Fascinated by the culture of the Amazonian tribes, she ends up going deep into the forest to become part of a local tribe. Faced with the zombie problem, she feels compelled to return to fight to protect her adopted people and becomes a gunfighter capable of eliminating the infected. Fighting from a distance with her boomerang, Tina heals herself by hitting wounded targets, placing markers on the infected hit by her boomerang and then inflicting increased damage. Tina also provides an attack bonus to rally troops and a VP bonus to colony troops.


Thelegendary infantry leader of the 8 State of Survival heroes, Hank is no slouch. Originally a high jump athlete, he had his legs amputated and replaced with state-of-the-art prosthetics after a tragic car accident. After the infection started, he decided to turn his legs into lethal blades to fight the infected. Highly mobile, he frequently dashes towards the enemy dealing bonus damage and can even repair his legs to regain HP and reduce the damage he takes. Hank provides a boost to the lethality of rally troops and reduces the lethality of enemy colony troops.

7th generation heroes SoS

We introduced the gen 7 State of Survival heroes in a news article at the time of their release. But, for those who weren't around at the right time, here are the gen 7 State of Survival heroes presented first as exploration and then as military heroes with their maximum stats.

State of Survival 7th Generation Legendary Heroes List

Dean "Cardini" Chaplin

A magician known as Cardini, Dean Chaplin is the Pathfinder hero of Generation 7 State of Survival. Since the beginning of the infection, he has chosen to use his card manipulation skills to help the group survive. A true Twisted Fate of SoS, Dean sends burning cards to the infected, poisons them and boosts the damage of his allies on the infected affected by one of these side effects. He also gets a Siege and Rally bonus from his subtypes and provides a VP boost to allied rally troops and a defense reduction to enemy colony troops. He and Courtney from gen 8 swear by their cards.


Grimm is the closest thing to an assassin in the State of Survival generation 7, with his Hunter type and Rally and Patrol subtypes. Grimm wields blades to perfection, throwing them at his enemies, increasing his own attack speed and poisoning his targets. Among his additional bonuses, Grimm provides a boost to the defence of colony troops and rally troops.

Details of military stats gen 7 heroes SoS

Magnus Peterson

Magnus Peterson, the infantry warrior among the 7th generation heroes of State of Survival, is a former football coach turned terrifying fighter. In addition to his Infantry type, he has a Siege subtype and a Patrol subtype. His sole purpose is to inflict maximum damage while strengthening himself to reduce his damage output.

6th Generation Heroes State of Survival

Let's continue this list of heroes by generation State of Survival with gen 6. You will unlock these characters after 43 weeks. I'll go into detail about Martha, Luca and Jess with their skills as exploration or military heroes and their types and subtypes.

State of Survival 6th Generation Legendary Heroes List


Don't let the frail build of old Martha James fool you. The SoS Generation 6 HeroPathfinder even fights from a wheelchair. In addition, she benefits from Siege and Patrol subtypes and boosts the attack of colony troops while reducing the lethality of enemy colony troops. Martha's Gatling gives her attack speed and firepower while boosting the damage and damage reduction of her wounded allies.


For his part, Luca the Generation 6 State of Survival Fighter relies on firepower that he has been working on for a long time. Originally, Luca Di Matteo ran a toy shop that also sold weapons, with the big guns hidden behind rows of stuffed animals. Since the infection, Luca has been able to bring out his explosive weapons. His Rally and Patrol sub-types add to the VP bonuses of the colony and rally troops. On the skill side, he sets his enemies on fire and bombs them until they cave in.

Details of military stats gen 6 SoS heroes


To conclude the list of legendary heroes of 6th generation SoS, let's focus on Jess and her nunchaku fighting technique. Born on the Chinese side, she uses her skills and mastery of martial arts to help the group survive. Specialising in Infantry, Rally and Siege, Jess benefits from boosting the lethality of rally troops and reducing the defence of enemy colony troops. She uses her skills to reduce the damage dealt to her and protect herself with a shield, while attempting to hit vital points and regenerate her HP.

5th generation heroes

Before you can unlock Martha, Luca and Jess, you will need to go through the 5th generation State of Survival heroes. Tweak will be your cavalry leader, Roxy from the hunters and Emma & Eli from the infantry. You will reach this stage after 33 weeks of play.

State of Survival 5th Generation Legendary Heroes List


Tweak is the Silco (Arcane) of the bunch. Real name Jack Pickard, Tweak has a mastery of chemistry like no other survivor. This 5th generation State of Survival hero poisons his targets with special bullets whose effect over time can even add up to stacks. He can also inject a stimulant into his comrades to increase their attack power or heal them.


Tamika Robinson aka Roxy is first and foremost a hero shooter. Leading the hunter troops, she specialises in Patrol and Rally. A former rap icon, she boosts herself with charisma and focus, which allows her to increase her damage and that of the troops she leads, as well as protecting herself with a shield.

Details of gen 5 SoS hero military stats

Emma & Eli

A post-apocalyptic version of Nunu(Wild Rift), the duo of Eli and Emma divide the duties in this 5th generation State of Survival hero. With Eli stuck at a fairly young mental age and Emma having suffered a foot injury early on in the infection, the older brother carries the younger sister on his shoulders and she helps him make decisions. He is the arms and she is the brain. This duo is one of the State of Survival heroes of all generations who defend their allies the most. He can tank the assaults of the infected in defensive mode by attracting them to him to better slaughter them in offensive mode.

Heroes of the 4.1st generation

With these 4.1 generation State of Survival heroes, you have already reached an advanced state age. Beyond the skills of each character, it's really only the maximum power and the general level of improvement of the hero that should push you to use the latest generations. Where Jeb from gen 2 won't be able to exceed 6.5 million, Courtney Young from gen 8 will be able to exceed 11 million power. It all depends on how far you progress in the game and how much you use each character's skills.

List of legendary 4.1th generation State of Survival heroes
Exploration statistics max level gen 4.1


Aninfantry hero from gen 4.1, Brooke fights with her points and benefits from the Siege and Rally subtypes. She boosts the lethality of allied rally troops and reduces that of enemy colony troops. With a succession of punches, Brooke remains particularly agile. She can both dodge attacks and inflict damage on her opponents. In addition, she is also able to increase allied damage with her third skill.


Tyler Kurtz the wolf cub was raised among the pack. In battle, he uses traps as well as his wolf friends. With a howl, the Gen 4.1 hero Tyler can boost the damage of troops or of two wolves summoned by his second explorer skill. Tyler's traps gradually slow the target to a halt while inflicting damage over time.

Details of military stats hero gen 4.1 SoS
Exploration statistics max level gen 4.1


Among the characters on the list of heroes in each generation of State of Survival, Julie Garcia is the one who certainly has the simplest outfit. Becca's mother, she has long been a mercenary. With her knowledge, she will be able to summon reinforcements with her first skill, control the infected with CC and even give energy points or boost her team.

4th Generation Heroes State of Survival

You will unlock the 4th generation State of Survival heroes when your state reaches 23 weeks of existence (approximately 6 months). The three new SoS legendary heroes at this point are Zach, Jarret and Ernie. You can see the stats of the maxed out characters in the image below made by members of the game community.

4th Generation State of Survival Legendary Heroes List


Zach Fairchild gets on better with machines than with humans and doesn't hide it. He is one of the SoS heroes on this list who collects parts to create drones or other machines, like Jeb. His first drone is an explosive decoy and the second is a shock drone that releases a damage wave that also stuns the infected. Zach's third skill is to boost the skill damage of his comrades or the troops he leads.


Wrapped in his protective suit like a beekeeper, Jarret Taylor is fully capable of fighting the pandemic infection. He fights all the more fiercely because he is separated from his daughter. Jarret attacks his enemies both with a whip and with bullets. A Generation 5 Hunter hero, he benefits from the Patrol and Rally sub-types. Furthermore, even though he boosts his normal attack damage by 10%, he mainly increases the damage rate suffered by his opponents with his skills to become more efficient.

Details of military stats gen 4 SoS heroes


Ernie is another of the characters converted into the heroes of 4th generation State of Survival. He originally worked as a professional American football player. Since the beginning of the infection, he has designed a large electric hammer with Nikola (gen 1) and now uses it to crush his victims. Ernie combines impact damage and stun/shield with his first skill and can allow his allies to regain power.

3rd generation heroes

The 3rd generation State of Survival heroes have names that come up a lot when choosing which characters to upgrade first, especially Miho. Zoe and Ash are not to be outdone, and we'll look at the details of these characters, their skills and maximum stats.

State of Survival 3rd Generation Legendary Heroes List


A friend of Rusty' s since his arrival among the survivors, the Japanese Miho Tanaka is a 3rd generation SoS Scout hero and therefore specializes in managing riders. She will be useful in Siege and Rally, accumulating buff and debuff with her skills. Miho will be able to play music to encourage her squad to inflict more damage or throw a smoke bomb to annoy enemies.


Zoe, on the other hand, was a member of the archery league as a child, so her conversion to an Infected Killer seemed obvious. Her first skill sets up a crossbow tower that increases the damage of troops in military or independent attacks like Jeb's drone in exploration mode. Zoe's second skill sets fired projectiles on fire and the last one increases the damage done to infected and enemy troops.

Details of military stats gen 3 SoS heroes


In every generation of State of Survival heroes, you always need at least one big guy to lead the infantry. In Gen 3, Ash, whose full name is Ashley Marshall, is in charge. Ash is effective in Siege and Patrol and doesn't hesitate to multiply explosions. In addition to his double-grenade skill, he also uses contact mines to inflict damage and disorientate the target that hits them.

Heroes of the 2nd generation SoS

In this list of heroes from all generations of State of Survival, gen 2 is the last generation with 3 legendary heroes. It is composed of Jeb, Trish and Wolfe (who looks a lot like Stukov from StarCraft). Let's see the details of the characters of this gen 2 SoS.

2nd Generation State of Survival Legendary Heroes List


Among the 2nd generation State of Survival heroes, Jeb has certainly not had the easiest life. He collects scrap metal and likes to tinker whenever he gets the chance, but he never learned to read properly. But he does know about machines. He built his own combat drone from a delivery drone he picked up not far from his home. Since then, he has used it in combat like Maddie uses her dog Frank. Jeb sends his combat drone to the most dangerous infected and leaves it to fend for itself. He also focuses on armour penetration and specialises in Siege and Rally.


Trish is the epitome of the State of Survival support hero. Her kit combines a health pack that regenerates HP, liquid nitrogen with freeze (crowd control) and a tranquilizing syringe that reduces the attack and movement speed of enemy troops or paralyzes them. In addition to specialising in riders, it has Siege and Patrol sub-types that enhance its utility in these areas.

Details of military stats gen 2 SoS heroes


Modified in a laboratory after the infection began, Wolfe completes the list of 2nd generation State of Survival legendary heroes. With his swollen arm, he brings his fist down to deal damage and manage the fluids he secretes. One of the fluids is a corrosive acid debuff of enemy defense while the other boosts or regenerates HP. Wolfe is predisposed to participate in your composition as a Patrol or Rally hero.

1st generation heroes

You can find the best characters in the tier list heroes State of Survival, which presents the leaders to improve in priority in early and mid-game. The 1st generation heroes are obviously the first to be unlocked by your state, so chances are you already know them! Let's take a look at the stats of Maddie & Frank and Nikola.

List of 1st generation State of Survival heroes
Exploration statistics max level gen 1

Maddie & Frank

If you thought that Courtney Young and her maine coon were the only human/animal duo against infection, you were wrong. Maddie never leaves her dog Frank behind for a fight. Specialising in ranged attacks, she relies on Frank to keep enemies away from her. A 1st generation Rider hero, Maddie has Patrol and Rally subtypes that make her better at both. She boosts the attack of your colony and rally troops. With her crossbow, she can fire sharp, critical damage shots, decoy bombs and send Frank into hand-to-hand combat. Maddie is a versatile hero who will serve you well in the early game.


Nikola, on the other hand, is focusing on Infantry for the 1st generation State of Survival heroes. So there is no legendary Pathfinder hero in gen 1 SoS. Nikola obviously plays as Nikola Tesla and will use his tower and electricity to defeat the infected. A hybrid between support and warrior, he offers protection to allied troops, can CC with a stun and drop heavy damage in a flash.

Details of military stats gen 1 SoS heroes
Military statistics max level gen 1

Then there are :

  • The VIP heroes: Lucky, Ray & Rolex;
  • The epic heroes: Sarge, Eva, Mike, Jane, Travis, Kang Eunjoo, Basel, Candy, Tony, Chef and Nanami;
  • The rare heroes: Rusty and Ghost;
  • And the resonant heroes: Wacko, Daryl and Joker.

This concludes our list of State of Survival heroes by generation. Among the latest generations (6th, 7th and 8th gen), not all characters are equal. But what is certain is that you can count on Nanami and on the other hand the hero Joker for your cavalry, you just have to resonate with your most advanced rider character. Whether you're looking for the newest 8th generation heroes or just the next ones on your state's unlock list, you know everything! Don't hesitate to also pick up the State of Survival codes for maximum free rewards .

This article is produced in collaboration with Huawei, which allows you to install games via the AppGallery and Game Center for even more bonuses dedicated to mobile players.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.

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