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State of Survival Gen 10 Heroes Guide

State of Survival Gen 10 Heroes Guide

Have you just unlocked Conor, Strings or Laura, one of the State of Survival gen 10 heroes and want to know what their potential is? In this guide, let's learn about their history, the explorer and military effects of their skills, and the stats these SoS heroes can achieve at max level.

Conor, the State of Survival gen 10 hunter hero

A former hitter and captain of one of the best baseball teams in the country, Conor Walsh is the State of Survival gen 10 hunter hero. After his early retirement, he decided to use his passion to make survival gear, like defensive gloves and studded bats.

Conor, the State of Survival gen 10 hunter hero

Since the apocalypse, Conor has been training other survivors in self-defense and leading a group that keeps his neighborhood safe from the hordes of infected.

Maximum statistics

Military (without hero equipment bonus)

  • March capacity: +13,400
  • Hunter Attack: 1,194.80
  • Hunter Defense: 1,194.80
  • Hunter Health: 158.25
  • Hunter Lethality: 158.06%.

Explorer (without hero equipment bonus)

  • Health: +154 880
  • Attack : +10 920
  • Defense: +2,090

Skills of Conor, State of Survival gen 10 hero

CompetenciesExplorer effectMilitary effect
Baseball Barrage skill of Conor, State of Survival gen 10 hunter hero
Baseball Barrage
The hero hits a ball with his bat, which inflicts area damage and reduces the movement speed of enemies by 60%.After two rounds of preparation, Conor throws a ball that causes damage to the target. The third attack explodes causing area damage.
Game Day Focus Skill
Game Day Focus
Conor increases his attack speed every 10 seconds. This effect is cumulative up to 3 times.The hero takes 10% less damage and deals more damage.
Precision Strike Skill
Precision Strike
When he suffers an attack, Conor's attack power increases.The attack weakens the target by reducing the amount of damage.

Strings, the State of Survival gen 10 rider hero

Strings is the State of Survival gen 10 rider hero. This former puppeteer, passionate about his art since childhood, was a lonely artist until he met the love of his life and started his own family.

Strings, the State of Survival gen 10 rider hero

Unfortunately, his wife and daughter died before his eyes at the beginning of the apocalypse, which plunged Strings back into his loneliness. He has since turned his guilt into inspiration and created a new deadly puppet.

Maximum statistics

Military (without hero equipment bonus)

  • March capacity: +13,400
  • Rider attack: 1,194.80%.
  • Rider Defense: 1,194.80
  • Rider Health: 158.25
  • Rider Lethality: 158.06%.

Explorer (without hero equipment bonus)

  • Health: +224 460
  • Attack : +4 520
  • Defense: +2,090

Skills of Strings, State of Survival gen 10 hero

CompetenciesExplorer effectMilitary effect
Tainted Puppet skill of Strings, the State of Survival Gen 10 Rider Hero
Tainted Puppet
The hero uses a doll with infected limbs. This doll shoots needles that inflict damage over time.Every other turn, Strings uses an infected doll, which causes damage to enemies.
Limb Collector skill
Limb Collector
Strings' puppets harvest materials from the infected, enhancing his attack. This effect is cumulative.Each time a puppet is summoned, Strings gains a shield of the value of his attack.
Self-Destruct Skill
Strings' puppets self-destruct by causing damage and slowing the speed of the infected by 50% for 3 seconds.On the next turn, the puppet self-destructs and inflicts damage to all enemies.

Laura, the State of Survival gen 10 infantry hero

Laura Mendez is an assassin who works for the Dark Wolf organization, which took her in when she was a young orphan.

Laura, the State of Survival gen 10 infantry hero

Real name Laune, this State of Survival gen 10 hero is the youngest to reach such a high rank and has never missed a mission. The infantry heroine now travels the world alone, searching for the White Wolf, who disappeared during a previous mission.

Maximum statistics

Military (without hero equipment bonus)

  • March capacity: +13,470
  • Infantry Attack: 1,194.80%
  • Infantry Defense: 1,194.80%
  • Infantry Health: 158.25%
  • Infantry Lethality: 158.06%

Explorer (without hero equipment bonus)

  • Health: +268 980
  • Attack: +5 270
  • Defense: +2,090

Laura's skills, State of Survival gen 10 hero

CompetenciesExplorer effectMilitary effect
Blademaster-Slash Skill of Laura, the State of Survival gen 10 infantry hero
Laura performs a slashing blow with her katana, which deals damage and stuns the infected for 2 seconds.Laura's katana damage improves each round if she stays on the same target.
Blademaster-Thrust Skill
Every 5 seconds, Laura upgrades her katana, which will inflict more damage the next turn.Katana blows cause the target to bleed and take more damage.
Blademaster-Parry Skill
Laura parries opposing attacks with her katana, which improves her defense by 15% and regenerates her health with each kill.Every 5 turns, Laura uses her katana in defense. She takes less damage, but it also reduces the damage she inflicts.

That's it for this State of Survival gen 10 hero guide. You now know the story, skills, and maximum stats for Conor, Strings, and Laura. If you want to check out our other guides and get ahead in the game, please visit our State of Survival tips page.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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