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Genshin Impact best memes: our selection

Genshin Impact best memes: our selection

Since its release, Genshin Impact has become a real phenomenon. Whether you like the game or not, it's everywhere on the net, and inevitably this translates into hilarious memes featuring characters or situations from the game. We propose you to discover our selection of the Genshin Impact best memes.

Memes dedicated to Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact best memes

For years, Internet users have been taking great pleasure in hijacking images and videos to offer parody montages. And for our greatest pleasure, Genshin Impact has been paying the price, whether it be for its characters, invocations, the quest for treasures, etc.

You can find a large choice of Genshin Impact memes on the twitter account Genshin Impact Memes. But we limit your search by offering you directly to discover the funniest ones.

The best healers in Genshin Impact

To progress in the adventure and not die prematurely, it is essential to have a good healer in Genshin Impact. For this purpose, there is no lack of candidates: Qiqi, Jean Kokomi or even Barbara and Shinobu. But in truth, we know who heals us most often. A little tour of the Archons' statues and you're in great shape.

The 50/50 stress in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact baits us every month with new characters and very tempting banners. But unless you pay, summonses are limited. So like us, you probably have to pray that your favorite character drops quickly. And once you've passed the pity mark (which is at least 75 summons), you're just crossing your fingers more to win the 50/50 when you finally see the famous orange light.

Alas, as these Genshin Impact memes show , the RPG is often cruel.

The Chest Hunt

To make invocations, you need first of all Primogems and we have to admit that chests are a good way to get them. Unfortunately, MiHoYo likes to give us false hopes or make us struggle.

While waiting for Sumeru...

To say that the Genshin Impact 3.0 update is expected sounds like an understatement. Thus, the predictions are going well and give rise to Genshin Impact memes for the least funny.

And you, how do you imagine the Dendro Archon? Behind his kawaii look, what character is hidden ?

We will also be able to discover new characters, which remind us slightly of known figures.

Statue of the Seven in Brazil

Still waiting for Suméru, you can perhaps go to Brazil to discover a new statue of the Seven.

A relaxing video game?

Playing is supposed to entertain us, yet Genshin Impact can sometimes be frustrating. This is especially true for the Abyss. Even at a high level and with well-equipped characters, it can take a lot of effort to get all the stars on floor 12.

Goodbye to the competition!

Even on Genshin Impact and Tower of Fantasy

While Tower of Fantasy is trying to conquer the Genshin Impact players, it is given little chance against the new region Sumeru arrival.

Genshin Impact end game content

If there is one thing that is debated at Genshin Impact, it is the end game content, which is admittedly particularly limited. Once all the quests are done, you are left with the Abyss and the different events. And well, we have to admit that sometimes some of them are not really exciting.

Genshin Impact best memes about characters

Some characters are particularly appreciated or on the contrary criticized. We let you discover several Genshin Impact memes featuring them.


Released with the Genshin Impact 2.8 update, Heizou stood out for its surprising gameplay.


The Genshin Impact 2.7 update had to be postponed and in the meantime, for a few days, Ayaka was able to gain the coveted eternity of the Raiden Shogun.


Since her release, Klee is one of the most popular Genshin Impact characters. She is particularly cute, especially when she blows things up with her adorable little bombs.

But his explosions are not to everyone's taste. Fortunately, Yoimiya shares the same passion.


Meme Genshin Impact : Amber

While other characters are only used in very specific situations.


As cute as he is, Gorou can still show his teeth. But facing the terrible Yae, it's another story.

Be AR 60 in Genshin Impact

A long term challenge that requires above all a lot of patience, especially when the game is a bit repetitive and does not progress.

A Genshin Impact meme full of cuteness

We finish our selection of the Genshin Impact best memes with this concentrate of sweetness.

That's it for this selection of Genshin Impact best memes. This is of course only a small sample of what you can find on the net. We hope we could make you smile a little while waiting for the next update.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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