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Aranyaka - 1 : Woodland Encounter - Genshin Impact

Aranyaka - 1 : Woodland Encounter - Genshin Impact

Woodland Encounter is the very first part of the Aranyaka world quest in Genshin Impact. This will launch you into a very long, but no less exciting sequence of quests. To make it easier for you to progress, we've provided a step-by-step solution in this comprehensive guide. With our tips and tricks you will be able to complete the first chapter of the Aranyaka World Quest: Woodland Encounter in Genshin Impact.

Unlock the Woodland Encounter quest suite in Genshin Impact

Start the quest Woodland Encounter in Genshin Impact

To unlock the Woodland Encounter quest in Genshin Impact, you must have started the Sumeru Archon quest and at least met Tighnari and Collei.

From there, you can go to the north of the village of Vimara just west of Ghanderva, where two roads intersect. There you will see Rana, a young woman surrounded by Fongus.

Rana surrounded by Fongus

Defeat them and go talk to Rana. After she introduces herself, the forest ranger asks you to follow her. This is how The Children of Vimara Village quest begins. You will then need to complete the Into the Woods and Missing Child quests to complete the Woodland Encounter quest in Genshin Impact.

The Children of Vimara Village

Withering Zone to be cleaned for the Woodland Encounter quest

As Rana leads you to her village, you come across an Withering Zone. To get rid of it, start by collecting Dendrogranums, then hit the siccity branches (kind of red stems/buds) with a charged attack. Pay attention to the corruption bar at the bottom of your screen. If it fills up completely, your whole team will be knocked out. You can lower this bar by activating the Dendro life pillars.

Then defeat all the enemies and destroy the miasma of dryness. Rana will then accompany you to the village of Vimara. There you can activate a teleportation point.

Vimara Village

The ranger introduces you to the villagers, after that, you talk with the children. After some not really exciting dialogues, you can go on to the next quest: Into the Woods.

The dialogue choices don't matter, do as you please. You will be rewarded with 250 experience points, 30 Primogems25,000 Moras and 3 Hero's Wit.

Into the Woods: the second part of the Woodland Encounter quest in Genshin Impact

Withering Zone of the Into the Woods quest, the second part of Woodland Encounter

In order to complete the second quest of Woodland Encounter in Genshin Impact, you will have to complete 3 Withering Zone. These are indicated on your map. Nothing too complicated again. Take some Dendrogranums, shoot the red stems, then beat all the monsters present until you can destroy the dryness miasma.

Once the 3 areas are cleared, Rana will ask you to eliminate some Spinocrocodiles. Crocodiles are not very difficult to defeat and have the advantage of giving a lot of meat.

Crocodiles to defeat for the Into the Woods quest

Once the task is done, you can join Rana in her camp. But since she obviously doesn't know how to do much on her own, the young woman asks you to pick up 3 branches. You'll find one right in front of you on a small island with boxes, and the other two behind in the trees and bushes.

Wood to glue for Rana

Then light the campfire using a Pyro character. Talk to Rana again to complete the quest and collect 50 Primogems, 4 Hero's Lessons, 400 Adventure Points, 40,000 Mora and 4 Mystic Enhancement Ores.

The Lost Child

To begin the quest The Lost Child, the third part of the quest series in the world Aranyaka - 1: Woodland Encounter, return to Vimara Village. As you find yourself with Rana and the village children, you lose sight of one of them. As you go after him, you come across some Fatui.

Fairy to follow in The Lost Child quest

Eliminate them, then go in search of Iotham. For that, follow the blue cursor, this one leads you in a cave. Go inside and follow the fairy who is waiting for you. Not surprisingly, some Fatui arrive behind you and attack you. Beat them to resume your search.

Eventually you will reach a new Withering Zone. Face the enemies and get rid of the three branches of siccity, then you can destroy the miasma.

Save Iotham in The Lost Child quest

Now that Iotham is saved, head back to the village together. Unfortunately, Rana gets tired on the way back and asks you to let her rest. Even though it seems like a bad idea, listen to her and take Iotham back to the village.

Once that's done, go back and get Rana. But as you can imagine, she's missing. And spoiler alert: to save her, you'll have to do a lot of quests!

Follow the green tracks in The Lost Child quest to find Rana

In the meantime, go in search of Rana by following some strange green tracks. They guide you to Rana's camp. She is unconscious in a Dendro sphere similar to the one Iotham was in. This is actually Ararakalari, a magical protective bubble that protects anyone inside from the corruption caused by the Marana, the evil that creates dry areas.

Arana, a strange creature comes to meet you. She asks you to go to the world of the aranaras to recover Bija to save Rana.

Rescue Rana to complete the Woodland Encounter quest

This is the end of The Lost Child quest, but also the quest suite Aranyaka -1: Woodland Encounter in Genshin Impact. Upon completion of this quest suite, you will receive 400 experience points, 50 Primogems, 40,000 Moras, 4 Hero's Wit and 4 Mystic Enhancement Ores.

That's it for this guide dedicated to the world quest Woodland Encounter. We will also accompany you for the second part with the detailed solution of the quest suite Aranyaka - 2: Dream Nursery in an article published very soon.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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