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Noëlle's Guide Genshin Impact : Build, Weapons and Artifacts

Guide Noëlle Genshin Impact

Noelle in Genshin Impact is one of the first 4-star characters you can get. But she is usually quickly abandoned in favour of 5-star heroes. However, when properly optimised and equipped, the Geo fighter is a great asset. Versatile, she can be the main DPS, a support and even a healer. Her shield protects the active character. To help you take full advantage of Noelle's potential in Genshin Impact, we have written this complete guide. With our tips and tricks, you will know how to equip her, what skills to use and who to play her with.

How to get Noëlle in Genshin Impact ?

Having Noëlle in Genshin Impact

You can summon Noelle in Genshin Impact for sure thanks to the Beginner's Banner. However, it is only possible to get her once through this method. To get Noelle several times and increase her constellations, you will have to summon her with the Standard Wish or the Event Banner. Her loot rate has been increased from November 24th to December 14th 2021 on theEula andAlbedo banners.

Constellation of Noëlle

Noëlle benefits from some interesting constellations: her C1 I've got your back guarantees 100% of the HP restoration effect of her elemental attack Heart Armour if her elemental rampage is active at the same time. This makes it easier for her to heal your team.

And, with her C6 No Dust, during Noelle's elemental rampage, her attack is increased by 50% to her max DEF. In addition, you extend the skill for up to 10 seconds when defeating enemies.

What is the best equipment for Noëlle?

Noëlle 's gameplay in Genshin Impact is essentially based on her defence. The power of her shield, the healings she gives as well as her damages are calculated according to her defence. For a DPS build, you will also have to increase her CRIT rate. To do this, we've put together a selection of the best artifacts and weapons to equip her with.

The best artefacts for Christmas

Artifact Shell of opulent dreams for Noelle

Husk of Opulent Dreams

Artifact for Noëlle: Inverted Meteor

Inverted meteor

Artifact for Noëlle: Love

Maiden Beloved

update 2.3 has particularly enhanced Geo characters, especially with the Opulent Dreams Shell set. The 4-piece set increases DEF by 30% and allows you to rack up additional Geo defence and damage bonuses of up to 24%. This is without a doubt the best set of artifacts for Noelle. It can be obtained in the Hibernation Court dungeon.

You can also equip Noëlle with the 4-piece Reverse Meteor set. The set increases the strength of her shield by 35%. Normal and charged attacks generate 40% more damage when the shield is active.

And if you want to accentuate the care provided by Noëlle, combine this set with 2 pieces from the Amour chéri set.

To perfect his build, choose well the statistics of his artifacts. Focus on DEF%, CRIT% and DMG CRIT for the sub stats, as well as DMG Geo on the cut.

The best weapons for Noëlle

Best weapon for Noëlle in Genshin Impact : Redhorn Stonethresher

Redhorn Stonethresher (5★)

Weapon for Noëlle: Dragon bone

Serpent Spine (4★)

Claymore for Noëlle: Immaculate Shadow

Immaculate Shadow (4★)

A good claymore is essential for Noëlle to be optimally equipped. We can only recommend the Redhorn Stonethresher (5★). It increases the damage of charged and normal attacks by 40% of its DEF.

If you don't have it, you can equip Noelle with theDragon's Bone (4★). This Claymore can be obtained directly through the Battle Pass. With it, damage dealt is increased by 6% and damage received by 3% every 4 seconds.

TheImmaculate Shadow is also recommended. Normal and charged attacks grant a 6% defence and attack bonus for 6 seconds. You can make this weapon at the blacksmith's.

Noëlle's climbing materials in Genshin Impact

To get Noëlle to level 90 in Genshin Impact, you will need to collect several resources:

  • 18 damaged masks, 30 dirty masks and 36 sinister masks. To do this, it's simple: slaughter all the Hilichurl you come across! A little tip: for the sinister masks, don't hesitate to use alchemy.
  • 168 Tombs: you will find them mainly in the Watch Mountains in Mondstadt. Locate them more easily with the interactive map of Teyvat.
  • 1 shard, 9 fragments, 9 pieces and 6 gems of Prithivia topaz, as well as 46 Basalt Pillars. You will get them by facing theGeo Hypostasis.

How to play Noëlle in Genshin Impact ?

Gameplay of Noëlle in Genshin Impact

Noëlle is one of the most versatile characters in Genshin Impact.

As a support, she will protect your team with her shield and heal them at the same time. Her elemental attack, Heart Armour, creates a rock armour that not only deals damage, but also absorbs damage in proportion to Noelle's max defence. And if you attack with Noelle while the shield is deployed, you have a chance to restore the HP of all team members. As an added bonus, thanks to the Ultimate Devotion passive, Noelle automatically grants a shield to a character in play if their HP is below 30%.

Noëlle's skills in Genshin Impact

Noëlle is perfectly suited to the position of main DPS. Her Grand ménage ability makes her formidable. When her elemental rampage is active, all of Noelle's damage is converted to Geo damage. On top of that, her attack range is considerably increased. With her giant claymore, she can hit several enemies at the same time, especially with her charged attack, which makes her spin around. If you've optimised Noelle's CRIT rate well, and on top of that you boost her with other characters' abilities, she'll inflict a lot of damage.

As forNoelle's skill improvement, it all depends on how you want to play her. As a support player, we advise you to prioritise her elemental attack. But to play her as a DPS hand, you will have to increase her three abilities.

Which team should Noëlle play in?

Team to play Noëlle in Genshin Impact

Noëlle works very well with other Geo characters such as Zonghli Ningguang, Albedo or even the Geo Traveller. To play Noelle as the main DPS, Gorou is a good choice. He will boost his defense with his elemental attack. If you play 3 Geo characters, it will also grant a bonus of DMG Geo.

You can also combine him with Bennett to strengthen his attack and further heal your team.

It is also possible to add Electro characters such as Fischl or Raiden in order to provide additional energy to Noëlle and deliver Electro damage on a constant basis. This is a good way to generate Crystallization on enemies.

Although often underestimated, Noelle is an excellent character in Genshin Impact. She will support your team in the abyss and will generate important damage if you have optimized her equipment well. I myself have recently rediscovered her full potential. The Opulent Dreams Shell set makes her even more powerful, so this is a good opportunity to bring her out! We hope this guide has made you want to play more Noelle and build a team with her.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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