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Crème Brûlée Cookie toppings: Builds, Beascuits and best teams in 2025

Crème Brûlée Cookie Cookie Run Kingdom

In this guide, you'll find the Crème Brûlée Cookie toppings in Cookie Run Kingdom. Have you managed to summon it but don't know how to build it? Look no further, our guide is here to enlighten you. In addition to the optimum toppings to equip this peerless pianist with, the most powerful team composition and, above all, we'll explain which content he's most effective in. So stay with us to the end to discover our tips and advice for mastering this cookie to perfection!

Here's our advice on the best way to build Crème Brûlée Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom. He inflicts DMG blows of light on enemies and upgrades his normal attacks with his Accelerando buff. When its normal attacks are enhanced, the skill also applies a buff called Mysterious Melody to nearby allied cookies. It not only increases the Cookie's ATQ, but also causes additional damage equivalent to 115% of the Cookie's attack speed improvement rate, all proportional to its ATQ. We therefore recommend that you concentrate on its attack and ATQ speed.

Choosing the best toppings for the Crème Brûlée Cookie is crucial to exploiting its full potential. We recommend a full Raspberry Set (ATQ%) to increase its attack and ATQ speed. Other secondary stats to look out for include DMG Resist and recharge time.

Raspberry Set toppings

The Swift Chocolate Set (Reload Time %) is a good situational alternative of toppings to equip to Cookie Crème Brulée.

Best Beascuits to equip it with

The best Beascuits to equip for Crème Brûlée Cookie should, as with the toppings, give priority to its attack as a primary stat. For secondary stats: recharge time, DMG Resist and ATQ speed.

Legendary shooter Beascuits

Among the many possible teams, there's one that particularly stands out. It's ideal for all summoners, whether beginners or experts, especially in the current meta. Here's an example of a team we recommend for your future arena battles.

We advise you to upgrade your cookies to the maximum level and fully develop their skills. You can also use treasures such as :

  • The Explorer's Monocle: eliminates allied starts, restores max HP and increases Def

  • The Sparkling Candy Watch: reduces the cooldown time of all cookies and increases their ATQ.

  • Librarian's Enchanted Robes: increases the ATQ VIT of the two cookies with the highest ATQ VIT increase rate.

Team arena Cookie Crème brulée CRK

Crème Brûlée Cookie is very good. He's a formidable fighter in Cookie Run Kingdom thanks to his ability to inflict massive Light damage and his Accelerando skill. This skill enhances his normal attack and systematically targets the enemy with the strongest attack. As it strengthens, it also gives nearby Cookies a buff called Mysterious Melody.

But that's not all! It also generates brown sugar fragments on the accumulated number of Melody buffs, up to three times. He first targets the opponent with the highest attack to inflict extra damage. Once this maximum accumulation has been reached, it ignores its target's resistance, making it particularly effective against bosses like the Smoked Cheese for CRK's 18-30 and even in Dark Mode. This makes it ideal for most PvE content and even arena battles in PvP.

Team Crème Brûlée Cookie Cookie 18-30 CRK

We hope this guide has been useful in helping you better understand the Crème Brûlée Cookie build and toppings in Cookie Run Kingdom! Don't forget to check out the Tier list and other tips for improving your in-game cookies.

Sopy_Jo An intrepid explorer of mobile games, I travel through different universes, searching for my next great adventure. These days, it's Cookie Run: Kingdom and Summoners War that occupy a good part of my days.
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