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Brawl Stars hidden mini-games: the secrets to access them

Brawl Stars mini-games - A

If there's one thing Brawl Stars doesn't disappoint on, it's its longevity. Supercell 's game offers numerous events and a huge number of very different brawlers. Regular updates, new brawlers, original game modes, but on top of all that, Brawl Stars also offers us some surprises! And not the least. Indeed, it is possible to launch a series of mini-games around the brawler 8-BIT ! Did you know that?
In this article, we share with you the highly guarded secrets 🤫of unlocking the8-BIT mini-games in Brawl Stars. Follow us, it's going to be a busy one!

Step 1: Unlock the first of the Brawl Stars mini-games

The strategic step before you can access these mini-games is to unlock 8-BIT. Without it, no mini-game!
This common brawler is unlocked after 6,000 trophies. This is relatively accessible if you play a little.
Once obtained, open the character selection menu.

Brawl Stars mini-games - selection screen 8-BIT
8-BIT has definitely got things to hide from us!

On this screen, if you wait a few seconds, you will notice that the "face" of8-BIT (if you can call it a face 🤭 ) sometimes takes a different form. Indeed, lines of code appear.
At this point, if you touch the screen, a countdown appears. Touch this screen 7 times and the game will launch a blue page... But don't worry!

loading screen for 8-BIT
A Tribute to Bill Gates? 😂

While this screen is usually a bad sign, here it is confirmation that you are about to enter the first of Brawl Stars' mini-games.

Step 2: Join the second mini-game

You will then be launched into a game reminiscent of the SHMUPS of our childhood (at least, of mine... 😉 ). This level is not very complicated, but it is infinite. If you want to reach the next mini-game, you will have to follow a very particular path. Your opponents appear via portals, one of them is special and allows you to advance.

first mini-game
Remember to shoot at all the gates until you find the right one!

Indeed, one of the portals changes shape when you shoot at it. Once you've done that, throw yourself into the portal and the rest of the Brawl Stars mini-games await you!

Step 3: Find the third mini-game

The next mini-game in Brawl Stars is also a shoot'em up. The difference with the previous one is that here you are directly in control 8-BIT After being careful to avoid the bombs and enemies that assault you, you reach the end of the mini-game.

Brawl Stars mini-games
Bravo 8-BIT !

At this point, 8-BIT is celebrating his victory in front of a green poison gas. If you hit the gas several times, you will be directed to the third of the Brawl Stars mini-games.

Stage 4: Reaching the final stage

This time around, Brawl Stars is having fun parodying the Rangers from the Super Nes (you get that I'm old, right? 😂 ). Watch out for yourself because this platformer is much more complicated. Sneak past the enemies and their projectiles and you'll reach the door at the end of the level.

exit the third mini-game
Do not take the door!

You begin to understand the principle, it is not so simple. Indeed, when you arrive at this door, avoid it! By jumping over it you can reach a hidden area that will unlock the fourth and final mini-game.

Complete hidden mini-games in Brawl Stars

8-BIT 's adventure in the Brawl Stars mini-games is about to end. Indeed, the last stage brings you to a garage where you have to face your double. The latter imitates your movements and attacks, so it can be difficult to hit him.

finish the Brawl Stars mini-games
Be smarter than your double!

In order to eliminate your opponent, you have to touch the socket he is plugged into(see picture above). This way, he will admit defeat and you can celebrate having reached the end of the hidden mini-games in Brawl Stars.

Are you interested in these kinds of articles about Brawl Stars? Don't hesitate to go to how to colour your nickname, to discover a new funny tip!

Matthieu Coming from a time when mobile gaming was only possible in the form of Game&Watch (or Tetris for the wealthy), I now have several decades as a gamer to put into practice in my tests and guides! :)

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