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Corbac Brawl Stars Guide | Tips and Tricks

Brawl Stars Corbac Guide - image one

Among the 41 Brawlers currently available in Brawl Stars, the free-to-play mobile action game from Supercell Finland, some fighters are more popular than others. This is the case of Crow, the toxic assassin who, with his special abilities, can become an indispensable part of the game. You will therefore find in this guide all the tips to get to know Crow in Brawl Stars as well as possible.

Brawl Stars Crow - Presentation

7 Brawlers are unlockable via your trophy progress (you will find this list in our guide to get started in the game). But Crow is one of the Brawlers that can only be unlocked via a Brawl box. The latter being a legendary fighter, you will have less than 1% chance of unlocking it each time you open the box... Patience is a virtue! 😉

Crow - Statistics

Crow is an assassin Brawler, which implies that his statistics are a priori average. But after a good training (his mastery requires a good management of the movements and an increased vision of the game), its use can become frightening for your opponents.

Brawl Stars Crow Guide - statistics
Its weak defense makes Crow a Brawler made for advanced players.

Crow 's health points are low compared to other Brawlers. With 2,400 basic health points, his maximum level allows him to reach 4,200 points. Crow is therefore one of the most fragile fighters of the Brawl Stars.

One of Crow's main assets is its speed. Moving at 3.2 squares per second (compared to 2.8 squares per second for the majority of Brawlers), he can reach playing areas very quickly. Moreover, he is in the Top 3 fastest Brawlers, just behind Mortis and Léon.

Crow - Attacks and gadgets

Corbac 's attack is a double-edged sword. Throwing 3 daggers in a cone, inflicting 300 to 420 points of damage depending on its level, Corbac's attack also poisons the enemies. The damage from this poisoning will be active for 4 seconds and inflicts damage equal to the damage of one of his daggers. Thus, by successfully hitting an opponent with his 3 daggers, Crow can inflict up to 1,680 points of damage.

Guide Brawl Stars Crow - attacks

Moreover, the range of Crow's attacks make him a formidable figure among the Brawl Stars fighters. Being able to reach an enemy 8.33 squares away, the Brawler boasts one of the greatest attack ranges in the game.

The Super de Crow called "Survol" can be compared to El Costo's by adding specificities that make it even better. Indeed, Crow will launch himself at a distance of up to 8.33 squares while throwing a volley of daggers around him at the start and finish of his jump.
Being able to inflict damage on 2 distinct areas, Crow's Super allows him to become the ultimate assassin or almost. By landing well on an opponent, then following up with a volley of 3 classic attacks, Crow can defeat any Brawler quickly.

Crow Poison

Crow's gadgets are not to be outdone:

  • Its " defensive boost ", which can be activated twice per game, allows the fighter to generate a shield that protects him from 60% of the attacks received for 3 seconds.
  • The other " numbing toxin " gadget can make the assassin all the more formidable. Three times in the game, Crow can make his poison slow down his enemies for 3.5 seconds.

Crow - Use and game mode

Because of its legendary appearance, Crow is one of the only Brawlers that can adapt to any game mode. Once you've mastered it, you'll have the opportunity to become an undeniable asset for your team. The main job is to learn how to move well. Keep your enemies at bay by avoiding their attacks as best you can, then pounce on them with the flyover to annihilate one or more weakened members of the opposing team.

Note that the poison of Crow can have several uses. Indeed,any enemy touched by it will be visible to everyone, even if he tries to hide in a bush. So try to hit as many enemies as possible as often as possible (be careful to measure the risks of your attacks, Crow has very poor health!).

As you've understood by reading this guide, Crow is one of the most threatening Brawlers of the Brawl Stars. If you have to be patient (and lucky) to unlock him and control him as well as possible, he will quickly become an indispensable part of your team (and a hated part of your opponents).

Looking for more tips on Brawl Stars? Feel free to check out the general Brawler guide for tips on other Brawlers! 😀

Matthieu Coming from a time when mobile gaming was only possible in the form of Game&Watch (or Tetris for the wealthy), I now have several decades as a gamer to put into practice in my tests and guides! :)

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