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TFT best comps Set 7 - Tier List

List of TFT best comps set 7

With Set 7 release, the race for the TFT best comps has begun. Between the arrival of dragons, new types, champions and augments, it's easy to get lost in the sea of possibilities that the TFT meta offers. So to help you get the season off to a good start, let's take a look at TFT best comps tier list on set 7 Dragonlands. As you will see, the majority of TFT top comps in the 7 set do not have a Dragon champion. Champions in this class take two spots on the field, but count as three for one of their types. This is the big new feature of Set 7, but it struggles to fit into the TFT meta, as augments did so brilliantly at Set 6. Let's start our Tier List of TFT best comps.

Best comp TFT #1: Olaf Assassin

If you've played a few games on TFT set 7, you've probably come across the composition Olaf Assassin. Indeed, with an Assassin emblem, Olaf is formidable alongside Diana. Moreover, this composition TFT allows you to have 4 Bruisers and 4 Assassins at level 7. Of course, you won't have the necessary components to make it in every game. But if you can get it in a Augment or with a spatula, this is THE best TFT composition of the moment.

Olaf Assassin: the best TFT comp of the set 7

It is also very easy to play. At the beginning of the game, buy all the Bruisers you can find in the shop to build up the base of your defence as well as a duo of ADCs like Cannoneers or Swifshots. To stabilise yourself in the middle of the game, the champions Scalescorn Braum and Lillia are a very good choice. Once you reach level 7, you can slow-roll to find Olaf and Diana 3 stars. To find out more about the items you can equip on both champions, we explain everything in our TFT build guide to the Set 7 items.

Composition Olaf Assassin champions

Shen2RagewingBruiser / Warrior
Olaf3ScalescornBruiser / Warrior
Sylas3WhispersBruiser / Mage
Ornn4TempestBruiser / Legend

TFT best comp #2: Guild / Ragewing

In general, Guild champions are always great for completing your compositions on TFT, as they will apply bonuses to your entire team. Nevertheless, it can be interesting to accumulate them. Indeed, for each additional Guild Champion, the applied bonuses add up and are enhanced.

Composition Guild / Ragewing

In this composition TFT set 7, combine Guild champions with many synergies, such as Ragewing, Cavalier or Tempest to cumulate the effects of each.

Your two main units are Hecarim for tanking and Xayah for dealing damage. Equip the latter with items to increase her attack speed and damage, such as Guinsoo's Rageblade and Giant Slayer. Despite the champion's nerf in patch 12.12, Xayah is still powerful with her feather booster.

The champions of the composition Guild / Swiftshot

Shen2RagewingBruiser / Warrior
Ornn4TempestBruiser / Legend

Best composition TFT n°3 : Cannoneer / Revel

The TFT comp Cannoneer / Revel is more powerful than ever since the Corki rework. As of patch 12.12, her spell, Big Bertha, will always explode at target level, allowing her to do damage to more targets.

Tahm Kench is one of the best tanks in the early game. Add another Bruiser to reinforce your frontline and two Cannoneers to ensure a reliable composition .

TFT comps set 7: Cannoneer / Revel

Corki will be your main carry. His ideal build will be a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Quicksilver and Hand of Justice. Until you have Corki, Senna can carry his build or Tristana if you have a magnetic suppressor.

Idas will complete your defence alongside Tahm Kench and Miamsy, the deployed toad when you have at least two Dragonlords. If you start the game well with this Cannoneer / Revel comp, consider saving a Heimerdinger to bring in 3 Dragonlords at level 9.

Cannoneer / Revel comps Champions

Tahm Kench1RevelBruiser
Lulu3TrainerEvoker / Mystic
Idas8ShimmerscaleDragon / Guardian

TFT best comp No. 4: TFT Legend / Dragonmancer

Among the best compositions TFTs on our tier list, this is the one that appeared the most recently. Indeed, the Legends buff has greatly enhanced the use of its units. Here, your goal will be to get 3 Jade champions. If you want to put your items on a temporary carry, Ezreal is still very strong and brings you Swiftshot with Ashe and Storm with Lee Sin while you buy Ornn.

Compo Legend / Dragonmancer

Keep all the Dragonmancers so that you can line up 6 of them later in the game. The success of your game depends largely on getting 3-star Volibear. To do this, you can decide to roll as early as level 7 since the chances of finding champions that cost 3 gold in the shop are the same as at level 8.

However, you'll want to make sure your team is strong enough not to lose too many VPs. If you have the economy and luck in the shop, you can also upgrade Lee Sin or Anivia to 3 stars. If you choose the latter, you can opt for magic items instead of Lee Sin's.

The champions of the composition Legend / Dragonmancer

Ashe2JadeDragonmancer / Swiftshot
Volibear3ShimmerscaleDragonmancer / Legend
Lee Sin3TempestDragonmancer
Anivia3JadeEvoker / Legend
Swain3RagewingDragonmancer / Shapeshifter
Ornn4TempestBruiser / Legend

TFT best comp #5: Jade / Mystic

This composition relies mainly on two champions. Neeko is an excellent tank, who will be joined by Gnar during his ultimate attack, while Shi Oh Yu will take care of the damage. You need to add at least one more Jade champion to reach 6 and get 2 statues that will heal nearby allies and increase their attack speed.

TFT comp set 7: Jade / Mystic

Finally, all support units work, but we recommend the 4 Mystics option to strengthen your magic resistance. On the item side, Neeko is happy to carry all the defensive items. Shi Oh Yu will need to do some damage. For this, equip him with a Bloodthirster , an Infinity Edge and a Quicksilver.

You can put the offensive item build on Ashe at the beginning of the game before transferring it to your Dragon and the extra items or useless magic items on your 2 main champions will go on Anivia.

Jade / Mystic comp champions

Nami2AstralMage / Mystic
Lulu3TrainerEvoker / Mystic
Bard5GuildBard / Mystic
Shi Oh Yu8JadeDragon / Mystic

TFT best comp #6: Bruiser / Swiftshot

Astral champions suffered a nerf when set 7 came out. So forget the composition Mage / Astral based on Nami, which was played in most games on the PBE. While still correct, this one is no longer as effective. However, Varus and Illaoi are still very strong champions in the meta.

From the start of the game, your goal is to get 3 Astral as quickly as possible and unlock the enhanced shop rotations for these champions. From there, stabilise your composition with 2 Bruisers and Swiftshots.

Bruiser / Swiftshot: Varus and Illaoi 3 stars

The final composition will consist of 4 Fighters and 4 Vifters. However, opt for Twitch and Ezreal rather than Ashe. The former gives 10% attack speed to the whole team, while the latter brings Tempest with Ornn. Your victory condition will depend on Varus and Illaoi becoming 3 stars.

It is a very simple composition to play and can be used to move up the rankings. For items, Varus will need damage and attack speed, while Illaoi can carry all defensive items. At level 9, enter Hecarim to get the 3 Ragewings bonus.

Bruiser / Swiftshot comp champions

Shen2RagewingBruiser / Warrior
Sylas3WhispersBruiser / Mage
Ornn4TempestBruiser / Legend

That's it for tier list of TFT best comps in set 7. By following our tips and tricks, you can gain reputation points and perhaps hope to reach the Master rank. However, remember that the great strength of TFT players is adaptation. Play with what the game gives you and don't hesitate to transition if your items don't match the composition you are aiming for. To progress on the set 7, I redirect you to our TFT tips page.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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