Your characters tend to take too much damage in Genshin Impact ? In that case, a healer could greatly improve your team. And Barbara is just the right person for the job. The idol is a Hydro type and fights with a catalyst. She excels in the art of healing her teammates, so she is an asset not to be overlooked, whether in the abyss or in dungeons. To help you make the most of her abilities, we've put together this comprehensive guide to Barbara from Genshin Impact. With our tips and tricks, you'll know how to give her the best build: which artefacts and weapons to choose, which stats to focus on, etc.
How to unblock Barbara in Genshin Impact ?
Barbara is one of the characters you can get directly in the game. To unlock her, you must have an adventure level of at least 18 and have completed the For Cyan's Shadow quest. You can then complete the permanent event Fervent Anthem.
You can also get Barbara by doing invocations with the Standard Wish or theEventBanner. By summoning her several times, you can increase her constellations.
These are worthwhile, especially C6 Always the Best for You, which immediately revives a fallen character and heals them to 100%. The effect can be triggered every 15 minutes.
What is the best equipment for Barbara?
Barbara is mainly a support character. Her abilities are healer oriented and are based on her max HP. You are advised to increase her health as much as possible with the artifact sets to make her a powerful healer.
The best artefacts for Barbara
Ocean-Hued Clam
You can enhance Barbara's healing power in Genshin Impact with a good build. The RPG offers some excellent artifact sets to enhance this character. Released in update 2.3 and available in the Hibernation Court dungeon, the 4-piece ocean-tinged clam set is perfect for Barbara. It provides a 15% healing bonus and causes a sea foam to appear that accumulates the amount of HP recovered from healing for 3 seconds. It then explodes and inflicts 90% damage (up to 30,000 HP).
Maiden Beloved
You can also focus entirely on healing with Darling Love. This set increases healing by 15%. As an added bonus, after casting an elemental skill, your teammates receive 20% more healing for 10 seconds.
In both cases, for the main stats, bet onATK for the feather, PV% for the flower, PV% on the hourglass and the cup, then healing bonus on the crown. As for the substats, we recommend PV%, energy recharge, elemental mastery,ATK% and DEF.
The best weapons for Barbara
Malice (prototype) (4★)
In order to complete Barbara's equipment in Genshin Impact, you will have to equip her with a suitable catalyst. No need for a 5-star weapon! You can simply make her the Malice prototype at the blacksmith's. It will restore its elemental energy and make all your characters recover 5% of their HP after an elemental rampage. A little tip: you can refine it to increase its level by creating several of them.
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (3★)
If you do not have the necessary resources, you can equip him with Dragon Hunter History. When you change characters, the new hero placed on the battlefield gains a 24% attack bonus.
Barbara's climbing materials in Genshin Impact
To get Barbara to level 90 in Genshin Impact, you will need to collect several resources:
168 Anemophilous mushrooms, to be collected under the cornices of houses in the town of Mondstadt, Deauclaire and Domaine de l'Aurore ;
1 shard, 9 fragments, 9 pieces and 6 varuneda lazurite stones as well as 46 Pure Water Heart, which you get by defeating theOceanid.
18 divination scrolls, 30 sigil scrolls and 36 cursed scrolls. To get them, you will have to defeat a good number of Shaman Hilichurl.
But we reassure you: to play Barbara as a support, you can stop at level 70. With a good equipment, it will be more than enough.
How to play Barbara in Genshin Impact ?
Barbara is one of the best healers in the game. And for good reason, unlike Bennett, her elemental ability It's on for the Show also heals. She applies a Hydro ring around herself and the other characters. She can then heal the whole team by performing normal or charged attacks. She simultaneously drenches her teammates and nearby enemies, making her an excellent Hydro applicator. You can use this to generate elemental reactions.
And if your characters still need to recover HP, engage her elemental rampage Shining Miracle. It restores the entire team's health to Barbara's max health.
In order to play Barbara well in Genshin Impact, you are advised to increase these two abilities as much as possible. Barbara will be particularly useful in the spiral depths, where it is impossible to heal characters other than with abilities.
Which team should Barbara play in?
Barbara fits into almost any team. Her gameplay is very simple; as soon as the need arises, you simply use her elemental ability or her elemental rampage. However, we recommend that you do not recruit a second healer to your team. Barbara is sufficient on her own. But if you feel that she is not healing enough, add another Hydro character such as Mona or Xingqiu to increase the healing received by 30%.
Barbara works very well with Electro heroes to generate electrocutions, which inflict a lot of damage. You can also use her for evaporation by combining her with Pyro characters. We recommend you play it withDilucwho will act as the main DPS. Complete this team with Venti or Sucroseto spread Diluc's flames more easily and finally Fischlto apply the Electro element with Oz.
And if you don't have any 5 star characters, you can make a team with free characters: Amber, Xiangling and Kaeya.
With this guide, you now have all you need to play Barbara well in Genshin Impact. Her gameplay is quite simple and relies mainly on her healing spells. With the right artefacts and good stats, you can heal all the members of your team. We hope that our tips and tricks have been useful to you. And above all, that they have inspired you to recruit the idol who, with the help of his songs, will save you from a potentially tragic end.
Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.
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