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New season of AFK Journey: Waves of Intrigue coming soon!

New season of AFK Journey: Waves of Intrigue

Following on from Song of Strife, AFK Journey announces the arrival of a new season, Waves of Intrigue. On the programme: a brand new zone and its story to discover, a new mode, new gameplay and a host of rewards, to name but a few. Get ready for 19 September!

New locations and heroes for the second season of AFK Journey

As its name suggests, Waves of Intrigue, the second season of AFK Journey will focus on adventure at sea. There will be three new locations to discover : Rustport, Sea Heart Island and the Blackthorne Sea.

A new season also means new AFK Journey heroes. Waves of Intrigue will welcome three new heroes:

New heroes for the new season of AFK Journey

  • Dunlingr of the Eternal Voice, reminiscent of the ocean god Neptune.
  • Nara from the Wrathful Wraith faction, a kind of zombie Harley Quinn who fights with a blade on her arm.
  • Sinbah, a seaside savant with a pirate's look.

New gameplay to discover in Waves of Intrigue

Adventure at sea inevitably means sailing. The new season of AFK Journey will feature all-new gameplay , giving you the chance to travel on the water. You'll also be able to learn new skills: stealth and alchemy. All of which adds a little more depth to the game!

New locations for the new AFK Journey season

Other new features and rewards for the 2nd season of AFK Journey

  • Peaks of Time, a mode that lets you relive the events of Song of Strife, the first season of AFK Journey.
  • A new Primal Lord, with Plague Creeper and Crazed Shellbrute.
  • Waves of Intrigue game modes: new Dura's Trials await you, as well as a new multi-server Supreme Arena and the new season of Honor Duel.

    Artefacts from the new season AFK Journey
  • Rewards for the new season of AFK Journey: summoning letters to be received during the first 7 days of connection, new hero skins for Rowan, Marilee and Sinbad, the new character. Of course, you'll also be able to obtain new AFK challenge rewards and Legendary Trials. The Dream Realm will also be offering new gifts.
  • Season 2 bonuses and artefacts : Farlight has announced that you' ll be able to improve your faction skills with new bonuses, as well as seasonal amulets and artefacts and new equipment for your heroes. In particular, the new seasonal mode allows you to earn the Heroic Gauntlet.

More events will take place during the new season of AFK Journey and will be announced shortly. So get ready to set sail on the seas of Waves of Intrigue on 19 September!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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