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Guide Lulu support Wild Rift | Build and Runes S1

Guide Lulu Support Wild Rift

The little witch Yordle is misunderstood by her peers, but she will find comfort in the players. With her magical butterfly, this champion is an excellent support pick, but can also find her way into sololan. Her ultra-complete skill set will make your allies happy and your enemies unhappy. This is perhaps the character's only flaw, she needs others to shine. To harness her full potential, this guide Lulu support Wild Rift will teach you everything you need to know about the champion. Itemisation, teamfight decision making and lane strategy will soon be a thing of the past.

Those familiar with the PC version of League of Legends may be thinking that they don't need a guide to Lulu. However, Lulu Wild Rift has some notable differences that may come as a surprise! 😯

Recommended build for Lulu support: items, runes and skill order

Lulu is characterised by a very utilitarian profile. She is able to offer various bonuses to her partners (shield, movement speed, attack speed) while hindering the movements of her opponents. Her ability to transform enemies that get too close to your team into polymorphs will drive more than one assassin crazy. The itemisation of Lulu in support will seek to reinforce its strengths to give it even more buffs and debuffs. On the other hand, without being totally passive, Lulu is more of a reaction character than an action character with no real means ofengagement. Those who prefer to play a more play-oriented utility support can always turn to Nami.

Build Lulu Wild Rift
Build recommended for the witch Yordle.

What build for Lulu support Wild Rift?

  • Must-haves: In order to effectively support your allies and make life impossible for your enemies, theBurning Censer (more damage), the Knight's Vow (shield) and theHarmonious Echo (healing) are essential. Incidentally, the latter is important for Lulu who has no way to heal his allies in his skill set.
  • Boots: Like the vast majority of utility supports, Boots of Lucidity are favoured on Lulu to give it even more skill acceleration. In enchantment, Redemption is a wise choice. It gives a real plus to the champion who has a shield but no real sustain.
  • Situational items: Lulu has a number of choices in last items. Some will seek to gain strength to be less fragile, others will buy mage items for more damage. Choose the middle path of utility. The Unholy Grail of Athene and Zeke's Convergence are very good items that provide both offensive and defensive benefits. You can also imagine a tankier but still useful Lulu fighter with Frosty Gauntlet and Abyssal Mask.

Which runes for Lulu support Wild Rift?

  • Main rune: It's hard to beat the ambivalent rune Aery (shield and damage). It strengthens the lane phase of Lulu , which can be used to poke enemies continuously. In teamfights, this additional shield is also welcome.
  • Secondary Runes: Weakness (bonus damage on hindered targets) and Loyalty (bonus resistance in duo) are obvious choices, which fit very well in the gameplay of Lulu support. For the last rune, the choice remains very free. For our part, we're leaning towards the Maquis rune for roaming all over the map.

Which skills should be improved first?

All the skills of Lulu are powerful. However, it is recommended that you choose this order to maximise the power of the champion: Pix to the rescue! > Fantasy > Bright Duo. We know that the latter skill is tempting to prioritise, due to its higher damage. But this skill is not ambivalent and is useful in a more limited number of situations.

How to make good use of the skills of Lulu in support?

skill Lulu Wild Rift
Pix, the fairy companion (passive)
Pix gives a hand to the ally to which it is attached to inflict magical damage to the target of basic attacks.
Skill Lulu Wild Rift
Dazzling duo
Pix and Lulu each fire a magic projectile in the same direction. They pierce all enemies to wound them and slow them down for 2 seconds.
Skill Lulu Wild RiftFantasyThe fairy butterfly creates a magic circle which gives a bonus (ally) or a malus (enemy) to the first champion who enters the circle: bonus in movement speed and attack speed or transformation into a harmless polymorph.
Skill Lulu Wild Rift
Pix to the rescue!
Pix attaches itself to a champion. It injures enemies, but offers a shield to allies.
skill Lulu Wild Rift
Prodigious growth (ultimate)
Allows an allied champion to grow instantly for a short period. It gains extra HP, throws nearby enemies into the air and also slows down opponents who remain nearby.

The vast majority of Lulu 's skills are dual-purpose. You will therefore have to balance your choices between defensive or offensive use of Fantasy and Pix to the rescue! As a general rule, we always prefer the shield and the polymorph. To maximise the effectiveness of the Radiant Duo, always keep in mind the placement of your butterfly. Depending on its position, Lulu can gain range or find new angles. This skill allows you to poke to gradually melt the opponent's HP, to be used without moderation in lane provided you have mana.

Ultimate competence of Lulu
Wait for the right timing!

As previously stated, Lulu is a formidable reaction champion. You should not cast your spells too early and sometimes wait for the enemy to commit themselves to the fight to counter it. The polymorph and Prodigious Growth, to be most effective, should not be cast too early. Wait for the right moment to use them.

With which champion should a good synergy be set up?

Good synergy with Lulu : Vayne
Vayne benefits greatly from the skills of Lulu.

Lulu is a partner of choice on the botlane for most shooters. Vayne takes full advantage of the witch Yordle who more than makes up for her relative weakness in lane caused by her short attack range. Together, the two champions can quickly become unstoppable. More surprising, but just as effective, are champions who charge into the pack like junglers Olaf and Master Yi also make eyes at Lulu support. So don't hesitate to contact us during the draft phase.

Counter from Lulu support Wild Rift: who should we watch out for?

Counter at Lulu : Bliztcrank
Beware of Bliztcrank who will want to force you into a disadvantageous hand-to-hand combat.

Lulu has the profile of a fragile support who prefers to stay back in combat while boosting her allies. If she comes face to face with an opponent, she will be forced to use her skills to escape and will lose all utility. The players of Blitzcrank Lulu also has no way of escaping a Jarvan IV Cataclysm, so it is best to avoid this opponent.

Advanced tips and tricks for playing Lulu support Wild Rift

list of roles on Wild Rift

Lulu has no real secret techniques or advanced combos and keeps the gameplay relatively simple and straightforward. However, the best players will be able to exploit all the strengths of the champion in great detail. For example, when Pix locks onto an enemy, it reveals it and allows you to see it... even if it is hiding in a bush. Finally, Prodigious Growth is to be used as a priority in case of emergency. But it is also possible to use it as a source of sustain to stay longer in lane.
Some players will be tempted to play Lulu in other roles. The Yordle has arguments to play as a sololane at mid and top, which gives it an additional strategic value during the draft. With her utility profile, she always brings something to the table. However, it is necessary to choose another way of itemisation 😀

With this guide Lulu support Wild Rift, you now have all the cards in hand to play the little witch. This champion is a sure bet that never disappoints! 😎£
Check out all the other Wild Rift champion guides to learn every trick in the book from your favorite heroes!

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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