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Who is Makoto in Genshin Impact ?

Who is Makoto in Genshin Impact ?

The Electro Archon is a character as fascinating as enigmatic, especially since he has been given several names: Raiden Shogun Narukami Ogosho, Baal, Beelzebub, Ei or Makoto. Even if you have followed the story, you can be a bit confused. In reality, there are 3 Raiden: Baal (Makoto) the first Electro Archon , Beelzebub (Ei) her twin sister and current Electro Archon and Raiden Shogun the puppet created by Ei. In this article we reveal who Makoto is in Genshin Impact. However, if you haven't finished all the quests about Raiden yet, you may be spoiled about some of his story.

Makoto's identity in Genshin Impact

At the origin of the Inazuma story, there was not one Electro Archon, but two. At least two entities that played that role: the twin sisters Makoto and Ei. Makoto from Genshin Impact is the twin sister of Ei, the current Archon of Inazuma. Makoto was known as Baal, while Ei was known as Belzebuth.

It was Makoto who ruled directly over Inazuma, while his sister acted in his shadow. Makoto pursued an ideal completely opposite to Ei's: the ephemeral. For her, every good thing must have an end.

Raiden Shogun

Also, Makoto was a peaceful young woman while Ei, her sister, preferred to fight. Her character is thus more gentle. The two sisters were complementary and particularly close, so that Makoto's death in Genshin Impact was a real cataclysm for Ei.

The idea of eternity only made her more obsessed, which pushed her to create Raiden ShogunEi created a puppet in which she implanted her ideal and a part of her consciousness to rule according to her will. Ei then took refuge in the Plane of Euthymia to meditate and preserve her eternity. Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto, Ei's puppet, is one of the bosses you can face in Genshin Impact.

Baal / Makoto Story in Genshin Impact

In the end, very little is known about Makoto in Genshin Impact. Except that Ei and Makoto fought together during the Archon War. After defeating all their enemies, Ei sacrificed her body so that Makoto could ascend to Celestia (the residence of the gods) and become one of the Seven Archons, because she considered him more worthy than herself. But once Makoto became the Electro Archon, she recreated Ei and made him her kagemusha, a shadow warrior. For the rest of the world, there was only one Electro Archon: Baal.

Ei in Genshin Impact

The two sisters ruled together despite their differences. Makoto took care of the people and political affairs while Ei fought on the front lines. But everything changed 500 years ago when a cataclysm broke out. Monsters swept through Inazuma.

Makoto, when she was not a warrior, went to fight them in Khaenri'ah, a place of which we know very little at present except that it was destroyed. The inhabitants who lived there were transformed into monsters, only Dainsleif seems to have escaped. Ei then left to join Makoto, but unfortunately arrived too late and saw her sister expire with her last breath.

Makoto and the Sacred Sakura of Narukami Shrine

Ei managed to save a part of Makoto's consciousness from Genshin Impact. She transferred it under the Narukami Shrine. Makoto had also placed a part of her in her sword, the Musou Isshin. Ei got it back later. But it was only after Ei had used all her power in a fierce battle with the puppet she had created that Makoto awoke.

Ei and Makoto in Genshin Impact

She faced her sister one last time to say goodbye and apologize for having abandoned her all these years. Before what was left of her consciousness disappeared forever, the former Archon gave her a Sacred Sakura seeds. She also told him that she regretted not being able to see what Inazuma looks like now.

However, the course of time is different in Makoto's mental space from Genshin Impact, so that the seed has grown in the past to become the sacred Sakura which is enthroned in the Narukami Shrine. It is indeed rather hard to follow, besides Ei suspects Makoto of having used a superior power belonging to Istaroth the god of time and wind.

Image of Ei, Makoto's twin, in Genshin Impact

This Sakura has great powers and protects Inazuma. In exchange for Electro Seals, he will give you many rewards.

Now you know who Makoto is in Genshin Impact. When she was Archon, she was known as Baal. So Ei is a separate person. We have also written an article about Ei to help you understand her better.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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