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White Lily Cookie toppings: Build, Beascuits and best teams 2025

Cookie Run Kingdom White Lily Cookie

To celebrate its third anniversary, Cookie Run Kingdom has introduced the fifth and final Ancient Cookie. If you've successfully summoned him and want to learn more about the White Lily Cookie build, you've come to the right place! In this guide we'll not only reveal the best set of toppings to maximise her skills, but we'll also recommend the best team compo to accompany this legendary cookie on all your adventures! We'll also take a look at some of the most useful content.

Here are our tips for building the best White Lily Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom. Not only does she deal damage to enemies, she also deals extra damage depending on how many upgrades she has on her. Enemies affected by this skill will be trapped in her vines, which will have the effect of immobilising them and preventing them from using their skills for a short period. What's more, when an ally suffers a debuff, she benefits from a Restoration which, once accumulated, removes all debuffs and heals all allies.

The choice of the best toppings for White Lily Cookie varies according to its use, given that it belongs to the Explosion category and has very versatile skills. Two options are highly recommended to meet the challenges you may face in CRK!


Preferred stats

Cookie Run Kingdom Raspberry Set

Raspberry X5

Priority :

- CD%


- Crit%


Secondary :

- Increased beneficial effects

- RES. harmful effects

- Attack speed


Swift Chocolate Set

Swift Chocolate Nugget X5

Primary :

- CD%

- Crit%

Secondary :


- Attack speed


We strongly recommend using a full Raspberry Set for your toppings if you have a powerful team and want to finish off all your opponents or enemies quickly. This set increases ATQ%, which maximises the damage inflicted.

The Swift Chocolate Set is ideal for those looking to spam their skills and control enemies. By equipping the whole set with this topping, you can reduce the cooldown time on abilities to minus 10 seconds, which will very often allow you toapply buffs and consequently inflict major damage on the opposing team!

The best Beascuits to equip her with

As with the toppings, the best Beascuit to equip for the White Lily Cookie should focus on either its recharge time or its DMG resistance. For secondary stats: attack speed or Res Crit. You can also add Debuff resist, HP or Crit!


There are many possible team compositions to make the most of White Lily Cookie's skills. Among them, one team in particular stands out and will have the advantage of making the most of this rare cookie during your next PvE or PvP battles. Here's an example of a recommended team with White Lily Cookie:




Financier Cookie



Financier Cookie

Almond set or

Swift Chocolate Set

Cookie Tank :

- Crimson Coral Cookie

- Icicle Yeti Cookie

- Burnt Cheese Cookie


Cookie Fettucini


Fettuccine Cookie

Almond Set

Cookie Tank :

- Crimson Coral Cookie

- Icicle Yeti Cookie

- Burnt Cheese Cookie

Golden Cheese Cookie


Golden Cheese Cookie

Swift Chocolate Set or

Raspberry Set

Cookie DPS :

- Black Pearl Cookie

- Crème Brûlée Cookie

- Frost Queen Cookie

Snapdragon Cookie

Snapdragon Cookie

Swift Chocolate Set

Heal/Soutien :

- Parfait Cookie
- Silverbell Cookie

- Cream Puff Cookie

For treasures to use, we recommend the following:

  • Old Pilgrim's Scroll (ATQ%),

  • Squishy Jelly Watch (time reduction),

  • Dream Conductor's Whistle (CRIT%, RES DMG Resist%, ATQ%).

White Lily Cookie is a powerful Explosion-type cookie, both potent and versatile! Behind her fragile appearance, she's an impetuous fighter in CRK, thanks in particular to her abilities, which not only inflict significant damage and control enemies, but also support her allies in battle thanks to her restoration. What's more, she's immune to the effects of Spore Dispersion and Mushroom Mutation, making her very strong in the Beast-Yeast world. As a result, this cookie is indispensable to your team in Beast-Yeast PvE content, but is also effective in arena battles.

We hope this guide has helped you get to grips with the build and toppings of White Lily Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom. Don't hesitate to check out our other tips for improving your cookies on CRK!

Sopy_Jo An intrepid explorer of mobile games, I travel through different universes, searching for my next great adventure. These days, it's Cookie Run: Kingdom and Summoners War that occupy a good part of my days.
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