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Tyrant Dragon in Whiteout Survival​: event guide

Tyrant Dragon in Whiteout Survival

The Capital—one building that’s got entire States at war in Whiteout Survival. Alliances go all out in the Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival event, fighting for control and the title of Frostdragon Tyrant. If you’re wondering how to get in on the action, this guide has you covered.

Tyrant Dragon in Whiteout Survival: how to participate?

The first phase of Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival is the Alliance Sign-up phase, which lasts for 48 hours. Here, alliances can register themselves for the event. 

Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival : Eligibility Criteria

For Alliances:

  • Only a certain number of alliances can participate, based on their ranking in the Zone. The exact number depends on how many States are present in that Zone—more States mean more eligible alliances.
  • Only R4 and R5 members can register their alliance for the Frostdragon battlefield.

Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival - participate

For Individual Players:

  • Players must belong to an eligible alliance to participate.
  • R4 and R5 members are responsible for dispatching players to the battlefield.
  • A minimum Furnace level is required, but this level varies based on the Zone’s power. Stronger Zones have higher Furnace requirements.
  • Players cannot enter the Frostdragon battlefield with squads currently scouting or on expedition; with burning barricades; or reinforcements from other players. 

Meeting these conditions ensures that alliances can take part in the Frostdragon Tyrant Whiteout Survival event while keeping a reasonably balanced playing field.

Battle Overview of the Tyrant Dragon in Whiteout Survival

Once alliances are selected and the Alliance Sign-up phase ends, the battle for the Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival event begins. Here’s what happens next:

Combatant Dispatch (48 Hours)

The Combatant Dispatch phase is the second stage of the event. During this time:

  • R4 and R5 members (Alliance Leaders) can dispatch up to 60 alliance members to the battlefield.
  • Players who are not selected can still participate by healing the troops of dispatched members.
  • The Championship Prediction event for the Frostdragon Tyrant becomes available, allowing players to place predictions and earn rewards for correct guesses.
  • Any player who joins the alliance after the sign-up phase is automatically disqualified from participating.

Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival battle phase

Eve of Battle (59 hours)

The third phase, Eve of Battle, is all about strategizing and communicating with alliance members. These 59 hours are more than enough for everyone to get ready for the next phase. 

Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival : Battlefield Opens (8 hours)

The fourth phase of the Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival event is the battlefield showdown, lasting 8 hours.

  • All selected alliance members enter the battlefield.
  • The main objective is to capture and hold the Capital, the central building.
  • The Capital becomes available for capture after the first hour of the battle.
  • The player who holds the Capital the longest during the event earns the title of Frostdragon Tyrant and receives valuable rewards and exclusive titles.

Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival

Spires and Bonuses

Surrounding the Capital are four buildings called Spires, which follow alternating control cycles:

  • 30 minutes of vulnerability, where alliances can fight for control.
  • 30 minutes of protection mode, where the captured Spire is safe.

The alliance that dominates a Spire the longest in each round receives powerful alliance-wide bonuses for the next 30 minutes.

Frostdragon Tyrant Rewards

The rewards and privileges earned by the Frostdragon Tyrant last for 30 days, until the next Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival event begins.

Rearmament (54 hours)

Once the deadly Frostdragon battle ends, the participating States receive a special bonus: healing speed +500% and healing cost -30%. This ensures that players can quickly recover their injured Whiteout Survival troops and prepare for upcoming events.

The player who wins the Frostdragon Tyrant title gets to host a grand state-wide feast called "Tyrant's Gift" in celebration. During this feast, all players in the state can leave a like for the winner, with a limit of five likes per day. Each like grants a reward.

With that, we conclude our event guide on Tyrant Dragon Whiteout Survival. This event is similar to State vs State in Whiteout Survival and brings the same level of glory to the winner. To make sure you win these events and gain the next title, check out Whiteout Survival tips & tricks.

Ayesha As an indie RPG enthusiast, I believe life's too short to miss out on epic adventures. In my free time, I relish the enchanting worlds of fantasy novels and movies.
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