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Drill camp in Whiteout Survival​: how to increase your heroes’ levels?

Drill camp in Whiteout Survival

Having to grind for Hero XP and resources can make upgrading heroes feel like it takes forever. But what if there was a way to speed things up? That’s exactly what the Drill Camp in Whiteout Survival offers. This feature lets you instantly increase your heroes’ levels by simply placing them in the camp. Continue reading to find out how the drill camp feature works.

What is Whiteout Survival drill camp?

In Whiteout Survival, players unlock new in-game features with each Furnace upgrade. When you upgrade your Furnace to level 13, you unlock the Drill Camp in Whiteout Survival.

drill camp in Whiteout Survival

The main purpose of the Drill Camp is to help you level up heroes without using Hero XP or other resources. Here's how it works:

  • Your top five highest-level heroes are automatically designated as Drill Instructors.
  • You obtain empty Drill Slots in the drill camp, where you can place other heroes you want to level up.
  • Heroes in Drill Slots will automatically match the level of your lowest-level Drill Instructor (fifth highest hero).
  • You can upgrade the fifth drill instructor and the heroes in drill slots will automatically level up, too.

In addition to this, the Drill Camp in Whiteout Survival lets you reset a hero's level and recover all the Hero XP you’ve invested. This is particularly helpful when you want to reallocate resources from a less effective hero to a better one.

Check out our Whiteout Survival best heroes tier list in order to select your top five.

How to use drill camp in Whiteout Survival?

Once you’ve unlocked the Drill Camp in Whiteout Survival, follow these steps to make the most of it:

  1. Go to the Heroes option.
  2. Select the Drill Camp option to access it.
  3. You’ll see your top 5 heroes displayed as Drill Instructors, along with their levels.
  4. Below the Drill Instructors, you’ll notice empty Drill Slots.

    level resets-drill camp in whiteout survival

  5. Click on an empty slot and choose a low-level hero you want to auto-level.
  6. The hero’s level will instantly match the level of your fifth-highest Drill Instructor (the lowest-level instructor). For example, if your lowest Drill Instructor is level 60, the hero placed in a Drill Slot will also become level 60, gaining all the associated stat boosts and upgrades.
  7. To reset a hero’s level to 1 and reclaim all the Hero XP, select the Level Reset option in the Drill Camp. From there, simply choose the hero you want to reset.

Note: There are a total of 15 drill slots. However, not all drill slots are available instantly. To unlock all drill slots and upgrade more heroes, keep upgrading your furnace levelWith each furnace upgrade, you unlock one more slot.

That’s everything you need to know about using the Drill Camp in Whiteout Survival. This feature helps you save time, conserve resources, and even reclaim wasted Hero XP. For more ways to improve your gameplay, don’t miss our guide on Whiteout Survival Tips & Tricks!

Ayesha As an indie RPG enthusiast, I believe life's too short to miss out on epic adventures. In my free time, I relish the enchanting worlds of fantasy novels and movies.
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