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State of Survival Gen 9 Heroes Guide

State of Survival Gen 9 Heroes Guide

Have you just unlocked Arthur, Essie or Derek, one of the State of Survival gen 9 heroes and want to know what their potential is? In this guide, let's learn about their history, the exploration and military effects of their skills, and the stats these SoS heroes can achieve at max level.

Arthur, State of Survival gen 9 hunter hero

Arthur McCollum is the State of Survival gen 9 hunter hero. Born with a disease that stunts his growth, he is nevertheless endowed with great intelligence. Victimized at school because of his small size, he has found a refuge in mechanical engineering.

Arthur, State of Survival gen 9 hunter hero

Since then, he has built himself an exoskeleton that allows him to move around in a jet pack, but also to fight, thanks to his mechanical fists and his rocket launcher that he gladly uses on the hordes of infected.

Maximum statistics

Military (without hero equipment bonus)

  • March capacity: +13,400
  • Hunter attack: 1030%.
  • Hunter Defense: 1,030%.
  • Hunter Health: 158.25
  • Hunter Lethality: 158.06%.

Explorer (without hero equipment bonus)

  • Health: +142 870
  • Attack : +10 090
  • Defense: +2,090

Arthur's skills, State of Survival gen 9 hero

CompetenciesExplorer effectMilitary effect
Arthur's Knuckle Sandwich skill in State of Survival
Knuckle Sandwich
Activates Arthur's exoskeleton, which launches a punch that deals damage, repels enemies and stuns them for 2 seconds.Every four turns, he delivers a punch that inflicts extra damage to infantry units, but also damage to riders and fighters.
Flaming Spitball Skill
Flaming Spitball
Every 15 seconds, Arthur fires a rocket with his exoskeleton, which deals damage and reduces the movement speed of targets.Arthur's exoskeleton attacks increase the damage done to affected enemies.
Late Bloomer skill
Late Bloomer
During the whole fight, Arthur gains attack every 15 seconds.High tech upgrades are activated. This increases the damage of your troops and allied troops.

Essie, State of Survival gen 9 rider hero

Essie is the State of Survival gen 9 rider hero. Her real name is Inessa Petrova, and since childhood she has been accompanied by her best friend, Dobrynya, who is none other than a brown bear. Unable to accept her parents' divorce, she leaves home to isolate herself in the mountains with Dobrynya.

Essie, State of Survival gen 9 rider hero

Since the apocalypse, they have become a deadly duo, taking advantage of the brute strength of a bear, but also the agility, strategy and stealth of Essie.

Maximum statistics

Military (without hero equipment bonus)

  • March capacity: +13,470
  • Rider attack: 1030%.
  • Rider Defense: 1,030%.
  • Rider Health: 158.25
  • Rider Lethality: 158.06%.

Explorer (without hero equipment bonus)

  • Health: +206,950
  • Attack: +4 170
  • Defense: +2,090

Essie's skills, State of Survival gen 9 hero

CompetenciesExplorer effectMilitary effect
Essie's Energy Drink skill in State of Survival
Energy drink
When Essie drinks her energy drink, her attack is enhanced for 5 seconds.Every 4 turns, Essie drinks her drink, which increases the damage of allied riders during that turn and triggers an additional attack.
Bear Companion Skill
Bear Companion
Dobrynya charges at the infected and deals damage per attack. Every 6 seconds, the bear roars, reducing the attack and movement speed of enemies.Every turn, additional damage is inflicted on targets.
Skill Grizzled Roar
Grizzled Roar
When the health drops below 80%, the roar improves the attack.Every 5 turns, Dobrynya roars, increasing the damage dealt by allied riders and reducing the damage of all enemy units by 10%.

Derek, State of Survival gen 9 infantry hero

Derek Williams is a reptile specialist, especially crocodiles. Like Essie, his best friend is an animal. You guessed it, it's a crocodile named Bingo. No one really knows the story, but Derek is said to have had a shocking experience as a teenager that marked the beginning of his fight against animal cruelty.

Derek, State of Survival gen 9 infantry hero

Naturally very kind to people, this State of Survival gen 9 hero has a highly developed sense of justice and cultivates an immense hatred of poachers. We also know that he has a score to settle with his uncle, which is probably related to this story.

Maximum statistics

Military (without hero equipment bonus)

  • March capacity: +13,400
  • Infantry attack: 1030%.
  • Infantry Defense: 1,030%.
  • Infantry Health: 158.25%
  • Infantry Lethality: 158.06%

Explorer (without hero equipment bonus)

  • Health: +248 250
  • Attack : +4 870
  • Defense: +2,090

Derek's skills, State of Survival gen 9 hero

CompetenciesExplorer effectMilitary effect
State of Survival Derek's Whizbang Blast skill
Whizbang Blast
A huge lead bullet inflicts area damage and stuns the infected for 2 seconds.Every 5 turns, the Whistle inflicts bonus damage and increases the damage taken by targets.
Croc Death Roll Skill
Croc Death Roll
Bingo charges at the infected and inflicts damage per attack.Every turn, additional damage is inflicted on enemy infantry.
Nature's Revenge Skill
Nature's Revenge
Each time Derek kills an infected, his defense increases for 3 turns. This effect is cumulative 5 times.By connecting to nature, Derek can apply a shield to allied troops.

That's it for this State of Survival gen 9 hero guide. You now know the story, skills and maximum stats for Arthur, Essie and Derek. To find out more about our other guides and to get ahead in the game, please visit our State of Survival tips page.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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