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Sprout Brawl Stars Guide | Tips and Tricks

Brawl Stars Sprout Guide - picture one

At the time of writing, no less than 41 Brawlers are available in Brawl Stars, the free-to-play mobile action game from Supercell's Finns. In the game, each Brawler has very specific abilities that will make it effective depending on the mode of play. In this article we focus on how to use Brawler Sprout. You will therefore find in this guide, all thetipsin order to manage Sprout in the best way in Brawl Stars.

Brawler Sprout in Brawl Stars

While some of the Brawlers in the game will unlock as you progress through the trophies (you'll find the exact list in our guide to getting started in the game), you'll have to be patient to hope to unlock some of these Brawlers. Indeed, some of the fighters will only be available if you are lucky enough to find them in a Brawl box. In this case, Sprout is a mythical character and will therefore have a 1% chance of appearing... So be patient! 😉
If you lack patience, don't hesitate to take a look at our guide to Barley, another powerful support Brawler that is much easier to unlock.

Sprout - Statistics

To say the least, Sprout doesn't shine with his basic stats. Still, don't be fooled by his inexpressive face, he can become one of the most interesting Brawlers in the game. Because after a good training session, you will be able to manage his abilities to the best of your ability.

Brawl Stars Sprout Guide - statistics
Despite weak basic stats, Sprout will shine in the long term

Sprout's health points are just about right. With 3,000 basic health points, he will be able to reach 4,200 points at his maximum level. These statistics place him in the low Brawler average, but he is the toughest pitcher.

His 'normal' movement speed places him in the average range of Brawlers. This means that he will be slower than his fellow tanks and assassins, but will not be as fast as the other throwers in the game.

Sprout - Attacks and gadgets

Sprout's attack makes him one of the most original Brawl Stars fighters, but also one of the most difficult to handle. Indeed, Sprout attacks by throwing a grenade that explodes when hitting an opponent or after 3 seconds.
If this damage (940 base and up to 1,400 points at maximum level) seems very low and the explosion zone of his grenades disappoints (even if it can be increased via the star power), Sprout knows how to compensate with an excellent attack range and a Super original.

Brawl Stars Sprout Guide - attacks

Indeed, the "long" range of Sprout's attack is very interesting. From 5 squares at the start, Sprout's attack can reach 8 squares after rebounds. Note that it can also bounce against walls. The very nature of his attack will make hand-to-hand defence complicated, but Sprout has a very interesting range.

Finally, Sprout's Super is one of the most original attacks in the game. It can make the use of Sprout very powerful by combining it with good teammates. Indeed, Sprout throws a seed that will make a hedge grow that blocks the way for 10 seconds. The hedge naturally lands in a cross (3 squares by 3) and will extend its range when it is thrown 2 squares away from a wall in order to reach the wall.

Guide Brawl Stars Sprout - hedge

Sprout's gadgets can make him even more fearsome and powerful:

  • Mulch : allows him to eat a bush and recover 2,000 health points (more than half his maximum health)
  • the Scissor: offers the possibility to quickly relaunch your Super.

Sprout - Usage and gameplay

How to use Sprout in Brawl Stars ? Due to his long-range attacks, Sprout is naturally a Brawler whose abilities are very effective in the gem raiding mode of Brawl Stars. Hiding behind a wall, he can be a great nuisance to his opponents. Moreover, his special is particularly effective in this game mode. Indeed, it allows you to completely block part of the field or an opposing Brawler.

As you will have understood from reading this guide, Sprout is an original Brawler whose handling can be complicated at first glance. But advanced players will use Sprout as a key part of the team. You now have all the cards in hand to eventually make your Sprout very powerful.

Don't hesitate to visit the general Brawler guide to discover tips on other Brawlers! This will allow you to know the game and its Brawlers inside out!

Matthieu Coming from a time when mobile gaming was only possible in the form of Game&Watch (or Tetris for the wealthy), I now have several decades as a gamer to put into practice in my tests and guides! :)

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