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Road to Freedom Guide AFK Arena: best compos, path and tips

Road to Freedom AFK Arena

Are you looking for a solution to complete the Road to Freedom AFK Arena adventure? Would you like to know the ideal composition for completing this new Voyage of Wonders? Join Eugène, Lucilla and Liberta on their journey to save their friend Gavus. Battles and puzzles await you throughout this adventure. Take advantage of our advice to succeed 100% and unlock all the rewards.

Road to Freedom AFK Arena: the best team compositions

Combat is a big part of AFK Arena's voyage of wonders to freedom. Although there aren't many battles, you still need the right team composition to get through them successfully. You may not have the characters in our recommended teams for Road to Freedom, so feel free to borrow them from your friends.

Tip for the best team composition for this Voyage of Wonders

To help you get through the various battles that lie in your path without difficulty, we suggest this team composition. And to find out all about the best characters in AFK Arena, check out our dedicated tier list!



Class / role




Mage / AOE

As the rest of the team focuses on defence, Eugène can launch attacks on all enemies at the same time.



Support / Continuous damage

By linking an allied hero to an enemy hero for 7 seconds, Liberta allows the ally to receive healing when the enemy receives damage.




As well as attacking enemies with her scythe, Lucilla gives allied heroes a non-negligible attack and defence boost to finish battles quickly.




The attack boost offered by Silas to the allied hero with the fewest HP is a good complement to other team support, especially if the boost affects Eugene or Lucilla.



Support / Regen

With no fountain of youth during this adventure, Astar's healing will keep your team alive.

With this team, the final battle of this voyage of wonders will be a breeze. We also have an equally effective alternative to help you complete the Road to Freedom adventure!



Class / role




Mage / AOE

As the rest of the team focuses on defence, Eugène can launch attacks on all enemies at the same time.



Support / Continuous damage

By linking an allied hero to an enemy hero for 7 seconds, Liberta allows the ally to receive healing when the enemy receives damage. Combined with Astar's healing, this helps the team maintain their health.




As well as attacking enemies with her scythe, Lucilla gives allied heroes a non-negligible attack and defence boost to finish the fight more quickly.



Mage / continuous damage

Gavus is an excellent choice in the team recommended for the final battle, as he attacks directly the enemy who does the most damage.



Support / Regen

With no fountain of youth during this adventure, Astar's healing keeps your team alive.




Class / role




Mage / AOE

As the rest of the team focuses on defence, Eugène can launch attacks on all enemies at the same time.



Support / Continuous damage

By linking an allied hero to an enemy hero for 7 seconds, Liberta allows the ally to receive healing when the enemy receives damage.




As well as attacking enemies with her scythe, Lucilla gives allied heroes a non-negligible attack and defence boost to finish the fight more quickly.




The attack boost offered by Silas to the allied hero with the fewest HP is a good complement to other team support, especially if the boost affects Eugene or Lucilla.



Support / Buffer

By increasing the speed of allied heroes, Twins allow Eugène and Lucilla to attack more quickly.

Step-by-step Road to Freedom in AFK Arena

To complete this adventure and collect all the rewards, a single run will suffice. However, there's a subtle twist to this voyage of wonders. As you can see, there's a boss in the centre of the map.

The aim is to create clones of Eugene throughout the adventure in order to fool the boss. Each time the boss catches Eugene, you'll have to start the adventure all over again. You'll have to use your wits and cunning to get to the end of this journey, creating clones to fool the enemy. But thanks to this guide, you 'll be able to do it without any difficulty.

The stages involved in completing Road to Freedom

The adventure begins with the first battle, which shouldn't be too difficult if you opt for the team we've recommended above.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 1

Continue along the path to your left. A stele and a purple lever await you. Take the opportunity to collect the reward. Pressing the stele will create a clone of Eugene. Interacting with the lever will lower the purple platform. At this point, the boss will move towards you, which will reset the adventure (this step must be completed for you to understand the principle of this adventure).

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 2

You're back where you started. Confront the first group of mobs again, then head to the far right of the area. There are two groups of enemies there. Fight one of them and take the treasure. There's no point in fighting the second group, as they won't give you any relics or rewards.

Just above, press the stele to create a clone and then head left until you reach 4 different coloured levers. Activate the second lever from the top (green), then the fourth lever (yellow). The boss will automatically move towards your clone and make it disappear.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 3

Now activate the green lever again (the 2nd from the top) to block the boss. Continue upwards and activate the stele to create a new clone.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 4

Return to the level of the 4 levers and activate the red one (the 1st from the top), then the yellow one (the 4th). The boss will rush towards the previously created clone, breaking through the wooden barrier.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 5

Activate the green lever, then the red one. Then return to the far right, where you left one of the two groups of enemies, and create a new clone using the stele. Just above you, collect the reward.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 6

Go back to the 4 levers and activate the red one and then the green one to attract the boss to your clone. After that, activate the yellow lever to block the boss, then activate the blue lever, then the red one. A little higher up, on your right, is the reward that you can pick up using the broken barrier.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 7

Climb a little higher to pick up another reward, fight the enemy that stands in your way and then enter the portal to be teleported to a new area where you'll see groups of enemies and purple seals on the ground.

Destroying the seals will give you a malus, but it's necessary to keep going. Destroy the three seals then confront the enemy as shown in the photo below and collect the reward.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 8

Now destroy all the seals to free Gavus, then continue on your way to encounter the boss Morgana, whom you must face with the team we've recommended. Collect the large final chest.

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 9

Road to freedom AFK Arena - stage 10

The voyage of wonders Road to Freedom AFK Arena is over. Did you find our guide relevant and would you like to delve deeper into the world of this game? Take a look at our AFK Arena tips and progress at your own pace. Whether you're looking for tips on how to unlock an adventure or want to find out who the best characters are at the moment, we invite you to browse through our articles and guides on AFK Arena. Thanks to, you'll be able to enjoy your gaming experience to the full.

Christelle B.
Christelle B. A writer with a passion for video games and manga. When I'm not playing, I'm in the middle of writing a novel.
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