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Lucky in State of Survival | Presentation and techniques

lucky state of survival

The strategic survival game State of Survival is becoming increasingly popular. While the various game modes do much for the popularity of the title, the charisma and aesthetics of its heroes is also an important point. The character of Lucky in State of Survival is particularly successful. So who is Lucky, how do you unlock her with fragments and what are her techniques? We tell you all about it in this guide!

Presentation of Lucky in State of Survival

Lucky is a member of the shooting troop. Check out our guide to the game's troops for more details. Her rarity is legendary and she is particularly effective in raids and sieges.

Presentation of Lucky in State of Survival

Strongly reminiscent of Harley Quinn in its aesthetic, Lucky never separates from his teddy bear. The teddy bear, which spits fire and explodes when dead, is a great companion for Lucky.

How to get Lucky in State of Survival?

Like all heroes in State of Survival, Lucky is unlocked via fragments that can be unlocked and/or purchased via a VIP pass. To do this, first select Lucky from the list of heroes.

State of Survival Lucky, blocked at the beginning of the game

By clicking on the "plus" icon on Lucky's screen, you will be taken to the screen where you can obtain VIP kits. These will give you the opportunity to recruit Lucky via fragments.

State of Survival Lucky, fragments

Thus, you will have the possibility to acquire a VIP account (for €5.49) in order to receive via VIP privileges: the fragments necessary to recruit the heroine Lucky. "Lucky (fragment)", as shown in the image.

VIP Pack

You were able to recruit Lucky, one of the most popular heroines in State of Survival. Why is she used so much? We'll explain it to you by introducing right away.

Lucky's techniques

Upon reaching level 5, Lucky will have access to 3 different attack techniques. These can be very useful and make your army one of the most formidable in State of Survival.

Lucky's attack techniques in State of Survival

Cuddles (level 3)

Explorer: For this attack, Lucky equips his teddy bear with spiked armour, increasing his health by 2440 and inflicting 123.60 damage to all your enemies who attack in close combat.

Military: Lucky 's presence alone gives allied troops a 25% health bonus.

Slice and dice (level 5)

Explorer: Using this technique, Lucky will have a 1 in 3 chance of throwing 3 Circular Saw Blades each inflicting over 278 points of damage to your enemies.

Military: Allied troops have a 25% chance of attacking a second time for 200% damage.

Teddy Bear Terror (level 5)

Explorer With this technique, Lucky will choose to equip his teddy bear with a super-powered flamethrower (giving him 309 attack points and 1220 health). Note that if destroyed, the teddy bear will then explode, inflicting 309 points of damage to nearby targets.

Military: Teddy the teddy bear will distract enemies allowing allies to reduce the damage received by 20.

With all this information, you can see why Lucky is one of the most popular heroines in State of Survival. By using her skills well, this hunter can become the most strategic element of the game.
For more tips on State of Survival, check out our list of all our articles on the game!

Matthieu Coming from a time when mobile gaming was only possible in the form of Game&Watch (or Tetris for the wealthy), I now have several decades as a gamer to put into practice in my tests and guides! :)

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