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Easily complete the Hot Ashes of Hustle Castle

guide Hot Ashes hustle castle

In the Hustle Castle campaign, there is one particularly difficult level that many players struggle with: Hot Ashes(" Hot Ashes "). The first mini-boss in the world of the Burning Lands, this level represents the first peak of difficulty in the game. Here is a short guide to getting through it!

Hustle Castle burning ash map

As a reminder, Hustle Castle is currently one of the most popular mobile games and its game mode Hot Ashes is one of its key features.
It is just as important as the castle building, the arenas and its main campaign. Let's take a closer look at what Studio Nord has been able to concoct for its large community on mobile and PC with this game mode.

Analyze the boss of the Hot Ashes

There are several strategies to overcome this level, but be aware that all these techniques require your castle to be advanced. A level 6 throne room and a level 4 barracks (which can accommodate 4 fighters) are the recommended prerequisites for completing this level.

Before going into battle, it is always very important to gather information about the opposing fighter(s). For example, you will find out that the boss is immune to physical damage and that he will attack your archers first.

Example of a boss
Physical attacks will be useless against this boss

The first thing to note is that the Hot Ashes boss will attack your archers directly and then go up to the front line and try to destroy your mages.
On the other hand, if you don't have an archer, the boss will attack your tanks in the front line. It is therefore strongly advised not to send an archer during this fight.

Good to know: Play Hustle Castle on your PC to enjoy the game on the big screen. It's much more convenient to succeed in Hot Ashes !

Train a team with the right equipment

The damage you cause will thus be almost exclusively done by your mages. Do not hesitate to equip one of your mages with a resurrection power in order to be able to call back to life one of your tanks or mages if necessary.

Hustle Castle mage weapon
A magician's weapon allowing the resurrection of a character will help you a lot

The spells you use are also very important for winning Hot Ashes. At this level of advancement, you will be able to produce the level 1 regenerating ray and the level 2 magic orb.

These two spells will help you finish the Hot Ashes.
Indeed, by sending a level 2 magic orb at the boss, you will do significant damage to the boss.
Furthermore, using the regenerating ray when one of your tanks has few health points left will allow it to survive longer, without the help of mages.

With these tips, you should be able to master Hot Ashes easily.
Check out our other Hustle Castle tips to get the most out of the game!

Matthieu Coming from a time when mobile gaming was only possible in the form of Game&Watch (or Tetris for the wealthy), I now have several decades as a gamer to put into practice in my tests and guides! :)

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