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Gossip Harbor who poisoned the food: the mystery revealed

Gossip Harbor who poisoned the food

Gossip Harbor may be a casual, relaxing game, but it's also got a pretty dense story with lots of twists and turns. If you've just started the game and are in the first story arc, you're probably wondering: in Gossip Harbor who poisoned the food? If you're in the mood for a spoiler, then read on!

Find out  in Gossip Harbor who poisoned the food!

If there's one mystery that players are passionate about, it's in Gossip Harbor who poisoned the food. You'll need to play for several hours to solve this mystery, and if you want to make faster progress, we've got some Gossip Harbor free energy links for you!

Warning: we're about to reveal the answer to this question, so if you don't want to be spoiled, leave this page!

The person who poisoned the food is Riley, a character we meet in the very first arc of the game.

Gossip Harbor who poisoned the food : Riley

This revelation comes on day 21 of the Gossip Harbor adventure. What's more, as soon as he's unmasked, he's put in prison for poisoning the customers of Quinn's restaurant. After that, we don't see him for a very long time and when he reappears, we witness a rather surprising revelation...

In the end, was it really Riley in Gossip Harbor who poisoned the food?

Riley eventually reappears after several arcs of Gossip Harbor (and multiple romances between the game's various characters). Relations between Riley and Quinn improve as a revelation is made: in reality, it wasn't Riley who poisoned the food in Gossip Harbor, but rather the Gnomes who somehow bewitched him into committing the act.

You certainly didn't see that coming, did you? In fact, the gnomes are behind many of the events in Gossip Harbor! The boat crashing into Quinn's restaurant comes to mind, for example.

Boat accident in Gossip Harbor

We've just answered the question that many players are asking themselves. And if you want to progress faster in the game, we recommend that you consult our tips and tricks for Gossip Harbor!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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