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How to get skins in State of Survival?

How to get skins State of Survival

The mobile management game State of Survival is a very good survival game where you have to build your HQ by killing hordes of zombies. Apart from its post-apocalyptic Warpath-like gameplay, many of you are wondering how to get skins in SoS. It's true that slaughtering the undead in style is even more fun! So let's take a look at how to get Skins State of Survival for free or at special events on iOS and Android.

Skins and State of Survival events
Skins and State of Survival events

How and why do you get skins in State of Survival?

So, you want freeskins on SoS to kill zombies? Nothing could be easier. Well, first of all, you should know that if you are a very young player, the skins are not yet within your reach. Indeed, to get skins SoS, you need to have a minimum level of HQ of 22. It is at this level that you unlock the "equipment" tab of your character and the "Theme" tab.

To speed up your State of Survival progress, optimise your troops to win as many battles as possible. Plan to spend several hours on the game, before you can get free skins . You can still read our tips for leveling up. Especially since skins will give you statistical advantages later on. In the meantime, here are some tips on how to get skins in SoS:

  • Check your in-game mail. It may sound strange, but you can get skins from HQ, skins from frames or deployments directly at rewards by email. Many of you don't open them! This is a pity because you will often win Speed Up and (possibly) skins. This is due to either the opening of an exclusive event or the receipt of an alliance gift.
  • Get looks from HQ to increasetroop attack or equipment production on SoS. For the HQ looks, the theme benefits are cumulative. We therefore advise you to focus on obtaining them. To get skins from HQ, play exclusive and seasonal events or enter promo codes on the shop. Most of the free skins from HQ do not give any benefits. Only the skins events or skins paid are used. If you need to invest in skins SoS, skins from HQ is the place to do it!
  • For the skins deployment, there is no advantage for the player except for the styles when attacking infected! Here you can win the skins during events OR buy them, but we do not advise you to pay money into the skins . Simply, your troops move faster. But, we have so many Speed Ups on SoS that it's not really useful (except for the style)!
  • Buy bundles, packs and take advantage of the shop's promotions. Indeed, you will notice that a lot of skins are unfortunately paying. In order not to break the bank and still have skins when you want, you can watch the promos available on the store. The prices vary between 5 € and 11 €, most of the time. However, you have to know how to analyse whether a bundle is profitable or not. If a bundle offers you a lot of Speed Up, resources as well as a skin plus a character and it is €6, it is worth taking it. The bundle containing Lucky was particularly interesting for this reason.
Lucky in State of Survival
Lucky in State of Survival

Skins and SoS events: Get free skins ?

When you want to get a good start in State of Survival, you want freeskins . Or, failing that, skins to be obtained during events in the game. It is therefore essential to participate in in-game events in order to earn your own skins ! Amongst the events, there are of course the limited time events in collaboration with other franchises. I'm thinking in particular of the SoS x The Walking Dead event. But you also have seasonal events like the Christmas event or the Halloween event, which come back every year.

For events that are exclusive to a region OR for an exceptional event, the skins are also limited in time. That is, these skins can ONLY be obtained during that specific event. This differs from seasonal events which promise the renewal of skins, but also the return of old skins! In short, if you play the seasonal events, you are sure to get at least one skin that has appeared before.

Skins of framework, deployment and HQ in a time-limited event SoS
Skins of framework, deployment and HQ in a time-limited event SoS

Be aware that skins gives you extra ability points. This is for example the case of the skin of frames of the Halloween event, Screaming Pumpkin Head, which gives + 2% in Troop Defence. This skin can be obtained at the Halloween State of Survival events each year. The skin of HQ of Halloween gives, for example, 2% Troop Attack. Combine the two and you will greatly increase your gains in battle.

The same goes for the Easter Bunny frame, which you can get at the SoS Easter event. This frame also gives you an extra 2% in Troop Defence. Note that these seasonal frames can be obtained either by paying €5 per frame or by playing the events throughout the year and doing all the missions. Frames are extremely useful in-game, as they increase your game stats and therefore allow you to earn VIP points, which are useful for purchasing skins.

Skins of HQ Easter event State of Survival
Skins of HQ Easter event State of Survival

One year you could even win fireworks as a battle skin , see you on New Year's Day to see if this skin is still up for grabs!

You can earn skins frames, skins deployments or skins from HQ during the following seasonal events : Music Day, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year's Day, New Year's State of Survival and Summer Event. All of these skins State of Survival increase your stats between troop defence and attack.

Get Skins with SoS gift codes

As you know, to get gifts or promotions in the shop, you can use mobile game promo codes! Among the rewards : food, resources, speed up (Spead Up), but also... Skins ! Luckily, there are many State of Survival promo codes available. The gift codes allow you to get a lot of advantages and to find skins sometimes disappeared from the events store.

You might ask, but where can you find codes and coupons to redeem for skins SoS? Well, simply, the developers have set up a Facebook and Instagram to keep you informed. On the other hand, you'll be more quickly aware of event debuts and gift codes by joining the State of Survival Official Discord. News posted on their servers canget you free skins on the game.

Enter a gift code in State of Survival to get Skins
Enter a gift code in State of Survival to get Skins

Skins free SoS, skins events and State of Survival promo codes... You now have all the tips you need to get skins in the game. Tell us which skins you are interested in in the comments so we can help you get them. On that note, happy gaming to all and be well!

Eleysiss Survival, craft, BR, FPS, MMORPG... In short, discovery and fighting! What more could you ask for?

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