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Genshin Impact Xianyun Materials

Genshin Impact Xianyun Materials

If you've recently obtained Xianyun, or are looking for pre-farm materials before she arrives in your world, don't worry - we've got you covered with the help of these Genshin Impact Xianyun materials farm tips.

Listed down below are Genshin Impact Xianyun Materials for both Character Ascension and Talent Ascension. Be sure to take note of these as you farm and grind for the Cloud Retainer.

Genshin Impact Xianyun Materials - Character Ascension

When you ascend a character in Genshin Impact, it not only enhances their level and base stats but also unlocks their Ascension Passive Talents. These talents play an important role in Xianyun's support character, so it is suggested to ascend and level her up to a minimum of level 80. Here is a list of all Genshin Impact Xianyun materials, including the total of all the items needed to help you in making plans.




1x Vayuda Turquoise Sliver

3x Clearwater Jade

3x Divining Scroll

20,000 Mora


3x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment

10x Clearwater Jade

2x Cloudseam Scale

15x Divining Scroll

40,000 Mora


6x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment

20x Clearwater Jade

4x Cloudseam Scale

12x Sealed Scroll

60,000 Mora


3x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk

30x Clearwater Jade

8x Cloudseam Scale

18x Sealed Scroll

80,000 Mora


6x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk

45x Clearwater Jade

12x Cloudseam Scale

12x Forbidden Curse Scroll

100K Mora


6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone

60x Clearwater Jade

20x Cloudseam Scale

24x Forbidden Curse Scroll

120K Mora

In order to achieve Xianyun's final ascension, players must farm a total of:

  • 1x Vayuda Turquoise Sliver

  • 9x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment

  • 9x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk

  • 6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone

  • 168x Clearwater Jade

  • 18x Divining Scroll

  • 30x Sealed Scroll

  • 36x Forbidden Curse Scroll

  • 46x Cloudseam Scale

  • 420K Mora

Check out our build for Xianyun Genshin Impact!

Genshin Impact Xianyun Ascension Materials - Talent Ascension

Apart from the Character Ascension, Talent Ascension also matters. As for Xianyun, upgrading her talents to at least level 6 is recommended to reach higher damage with her skill, burst and plunge attacks (C6), and improve her teamwide healing. By the way, check out Xianyun's best teams! To make things easier, you can find a table below containing all of the Genshin Impact Xianyun Materials for Talents.

Talent Levels



3x Teachings of Gold

6x Divining Scroll

12500 Mora


2x Guide to Gold

3x Sealed Scroll

17500 Mora


4x Guide to Gold

4x Sealed Scroll

25000 Mora


6x Guide to Gold

6x Sealed Scroll

30000 Mora


9x Guide to Gold

9x Sealed Scroll

37500 Mora


4x Philosophies of Gold

4x Forbidden Curse Scroll

1x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom

120K Mora


6x Philosophies of Gold

6x Forbidden Curse Scroll

1x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom

260K Mora


12x Philosophies of Gold

9x Forbidden Curse Scroll

2x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom

450K Mora


16x Philosophies of Gold

12x Forbidden Curse Scroll

2x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom

700K Mora

1x Crown of Insight

Take note that these Genshin Impact Xianyun Materials only applies to one talent. Crowning all talents; Normal attack, elemental skill and elemental burst will require thrice the amount.

To ascend her talents to Level 10, players will require a total of:

  • 3x Teachings of Gold

  • 21x Guide to Gold

  • 38x Philosophies of Gold

  • 6x Divining Scroll

  • 22x Sealed Scroll

  • 31x Forbidden Curse Scroll

  • 6x Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom

  • 1653k Mora

  • 1x Crown of Insight.

That's all for our quick Genshin Impact Xianyun Materials Farming tips. When farming for Xianyun, it is worth remembering that farming for these materials requires patience, skills in fighting bosses and monsters, and a hefty amount of resin, so see to it that you come prepared.

If this helped, do not hesitate to visit our Genshin Impact tips and tricks to find similar guides including the ascension materials for Navia, Lynette, Nahida and Gaming.

Heizo A writer with a love-hate relationship with role-playing games, gacha, MOBA, and first-person shooters. In her free time, you'll usually find her either whiffing her shots or recovering from a massive tilt.
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