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Genshin Impact - An Unshakeable Culinary Dream

Genshin Impact - An Unshakeable Culinary Dream

To complete the Genshin Impact Children of the Forest quest, you will have to complete several missions. One of them is the quest An Unshakeable Culinary Dream. This quests series consists of helping the brothers of Arapacati on their culinary adventures. In this way, you will be able to learn new recipes, but also to collect many Primogems. We detail the solution of all the Genshin Impact An Unshakeable Culinary Dream quests in this complete guide. You will also find tips and tricks.

How to unlock the Genshin Impact Unshakeable Culinary Dream quest ?

To unlock the Genshin Impact An Unshakeable Culinary Dream quest you must first complete the quest suite Aranyaka -1: Woodland Encounter and start the Aranyaka - 2: Dream Nursery quest.

If you have not already done so, go to the house of Arapacati. It is located right next to the Vanarana Statue of the Seven. You will have to help his family to cook different dishes.

Cooking, the Flavor of Nature

To complete the Cooking, the Flavor of Nature quest, approach the position indicated on the map and look for a column of smoke. When you see it, walk towards it. You will find a pot and an inert aranara. Use the Dendro element on him to revive him.

Launch the Cooking, the Flavor of Nature quest, the first quest of An Unshakeable Culinary Dream

The latter asks you to go and look for a head mushroom. Only, it is located in a submerged area. Go to the point marked on your map and defeat the enemies surrounding the mechanism to unlock it. You can then lower the water level.

Activate the mechanism to lower the water level in the Cooking, the Flavor of Nature quest

The head mushroom is located in a tunnel, but to be able to retrieve it, the trick is to clean the dry area with Dendroganums.

Destroy the Withering Zone to recover the head mushroom

Then take the head mushroom back to Arachatora. The Aranaras will give you the recipe Mushroom Hodgepodge, 40 Primogems and 4 Hero's Wit.

Cooking, a Pleasant Memory - the second quest of An Unshakeable Culinary Dream

Find Arasaka to launch the second quest of An Unshakeable Culinary Dream: Cooking, a Pleasant Memory

To complete the Genshin Impact Cooking, the Flavor of Nature quest, teleport to the Ghandava Statue of the Seven of and head to the column of smoke. Then try to pick a peach in front of the cooking aranara.

Talk to Arasaka

The latter will ask you to get an ingredient from an NPC with a big backpack. He is at the ranger's outpost. Exchange a few words with him. He will give you a bottle of sugar.

Get a bottle of sugar from the merchant Iaanesh

Bring it back to Arasaka to complete the quest Cooking with Joy. You'll get the recipe Selva Salad and 20 Primogems.

Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming

Start the Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming quest

You can then move on to the Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming quest, the third quest in An Unshakeable Culinary Dream. You will find a smoking pot on top of a cliff in the middle of Apam Wood. Examine it. Arapas will ask you to fetch some water. But of course, he wants a very specific kind of water.

Defeat the crocodiles to get water

Crocodiles swarm the area. Beat them and collect water to bring back to Arapas. To thank you, he will give you the recipe for Masala Cheese Balls, 30 Primogems and 2 Hero's Wit.

Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing: The Last Quest of an Unshakeable Culinary Dream

The next part of the An Unshakeable Culinary Dream quest continues in Genshin Impact with the Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing quest.

Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing beginning, the last part of An Unshakeable Culinary Dream quest

Again, spot the cook aranara by the smoke coming out of his pot. Araphale is in a tunnel next door. Talk to him, then if he doesn't react, use the Dendro element to wake him up.

Use the Dendro element to wake up the aranara

Go and defeat the Ruin Guard who sleeps near the Araphale pot. Then join the aranara by following the apples that are on the path.

Follow the apples to find the Ruin Guard

Wake him up again with the Dendro element. He will then return to his pot. All you have to do is taste his recipe. This earns you 30 Primogems, 200 Adventure EXP, 20,000 Moras and 2 Hero's Wit.

A Delicacy for Nara

Now return to Vanarana to find all the aranaras you just helped. If you don't see the objective on your map, you will have to win Vanarana's dream by playing a melody in front of the stone with a tree in the heart of the village (just to the right of the small pond).

Join the Anaras in the village to complete the An Unwavering Culinary Dream quest

You can then report to Arapacati. He is surrounded by his whole family and lectures them. After a few dialogues, you complete the Genshin Impact A Delicacy for Nara quest and with the quest suite An Unshakeable Culinary Dream. This unlocks the achievement Master chef Marana and you receive 40 Primogems and 3 Hero's Wit as a reward.

That's it for this guide to the quest suite Genshin Impact An Unshakeable Culinary Dream. This is one of the tasks that validates the Children of the Forest quest. But there are probably more to unlock. We'll soon provide you with their solutions in detailed guides that can be found on our Genshin Impact tips page.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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