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Serenitea Pot Genshin Impact : All about Housing

Guide Serenitea Pot Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact allows you to create your own world: Serenitea Pot. The housing system, in addition to offering a lot of customisation options thanks to a large number of decorations, also allows you to grow plants, collect PrimogemsThe housing system, in addition to offering a lot of customisation options thanks to the large number of decorations, also allows you to grow plants, collect XP scrolls and ephemeral resin! To help you take advantage of all the possibilities of the housing, we have written this complete guide to Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact.

How to unblock Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact ?

To unlock the Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact and access the housing, complete the quest " A Teapot to Call Home ". It is given to you by Mrs. Ping in Liyue when you complete the Archon Chapter I - Act 4 quest "We Will Be Reunited" if you have at least AR level 35.

Inventory tab Gadgets in Genshin Impact

After a long dialogue, you get the gadget " Serenitea Pot ", which is placed in your inventory. Use it to summon a teapot in front of you. By pressing it, you are propelled inside and discover your world.

Tubby, the Teapot spirit

What are the options for customising Serenitea Pot on Genshin Impact ?

You can personalise your Serenitea Pot by creating and placing decorations, but also characters and animals.

Choose the type of kingdom

The different world settings for Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact

Once in your world, the first step is to choose the type of configuration: suspended islands, mountains or a deserted archipelago. You will then be able to change your realm. From level 40 of the Inazuma Sacred Sakura, you unlock the Inazuma theme.

Making objects in the Serenitea Pot

Decoration manufacturing tab in Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact

You can make many objects in your Serenitea Pot ; buildings, exterior and interior decoration, walls, fences, etc. All you have to do is talk to Tubby The Teapot Spirit and go to the " Make decorations " tab. At the beginning, you will only be able to make 3 decorations at a time. There are three types of rarity: 2 stars (12 hours of creation), 3 stars (14 hours of creation) and 4 stars (16 hours of creation).

They can be crafted instantly with the Vial of Adeptal Speed. You can buy 5 per day at Tubby by going to the Kingdom Bazaar tab, then Decorations.

Obtaining craft plans for the Serenitea Pot

Success of the Mystic Scroll in Genshin Impact

There are several options for getting your hands on decoration plans:

  • Buy craft plans from Tubby in the "Decoration Plans" tab with the kingdom's parts;
  • Achieve the Mystic Scroll achievements. To access it, click on the teapot tab at the top right of your screen when you are in your world;
  • Find decoration recipes through exploration: you'll find a lot of them in Inazuma's chests, especially on Tsurumi Island.

Once you have collected the recipes, go to your inventory to learn them, then you can make them.

Find materials to make decorations in Genshin Impact

To make objects, you will need different resources:

  • Chunks of iron and white iron;
  • Wood (spruce wood, birch wood, bamboo stalks, dulcimer wood, etc.); knock on trees to pick up pieces of wood;
  • Red, yellow and blue dye: make some in the "Making / Dyes" tab. You will need Sunsettia, Berries and Mint.
  • Fabric: you create it in the same tab as the dyes with Silk Flowers.

To make it easier to find the different materials, take a look at the interactive map of Teyvat.

Place your decorations in the Serenitea Pot

Now that you have created objects, it is time to place them. To do this, press the hand logo at the top right of your screen. Each area of the kingdom is limited by a maximum load counter.

How can we increase the Trust Rank of Tubby ?

Serenitea Pot Trust Rank in Genshin Impact

Tubby's trust rank unlocks new features of Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact. There are 10 levels in all. When you level up, you get 60 Primogems, 10 Vial of Adeptal Speed (only up to level 4) and decoration plans.

To increase the Teapot spirit's Trust Rank, you need to make new decorations. A small blue icon in the top right corner of your decorations shows you if you have not yet made them.

Don't forget to take your rewards levels and coins of the realm when the gauge is full.

How to increase the gain of coins of the realm in Serenitea Pot ?

The levels of mystical energy in the Serenitea Pot

Your kingdom generates coins every hour. These coins are used to buy plans, decorations, 20 Hero's Wits, 40 Mystic Enhancement Ores, 200,000 Moras, 5 Sanctifying Essences, 20 Sanctifying Unctions and an Transient Resin each week in the "Kingdom Treasures" tab.

At the beginning you will only get 4 coins per hour, but it is possible to earn up to 30 coins per hour by increasing your mystical energy. To do this, place as many decorations as possible in your world.

Growing plants in Genshin Impact

Crops in the Serenitea Pot

The Serenitea Pot website even allows you to grow plants in Genshin Impact, which is very useful for raising your characters.

To grow plants in your Serenitea Pot, first buy crop fields from Tubby in the Wealth of the Realm tab. There are 3 types, each of which offers to grow different plants. You can have 2 of each type.

Now that you have plots of land, you need seeds. You have two options:

  • Buy them at Tubby in the Cultures of the Kingdom tab;
  • Collect seeds yourself with the Seed Dispensary. By equipping it, you collect seeds every time you pick a plant. To unlock the Seed Dispensary, raise the reputation in Inazuma to level 3, you then get Sobweed seeds and can then start the quest " The Art of Horticulture ".

Once you have placed your fields in your kingdom, interact with them to plant your seeds. They will need 2 days and 22 hours to grow, then you can harvest them.

How to visit a friend's Serenitea Pot ?

To visit a friend's Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact, simply select their profile picture in the friend tab and click on "request a visit to Serenitea Pot ". At weekends, you can find the Traveling Depot. This is a seller of rare items, including animals.

You can also control access to your world via the map: direct entry, entry on demand or forbidden entry. Friends visiting your kingdom can reduce the time it takes to make your decorations by 4 hours by interacting with Tubby.

Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact

Even if you are not a housing enthusiast, Serenitea Pot is not to be overlooked in Genshin Impact. It can bring you a lot of resources every week and Primogems. And if you're not quite up to speed yet, check out our beginner's guide to quickly progress and discover all the RPG has to offer.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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