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Fettuccine Cookie toppings: Builds, Beascuits and best teams in 2025

Fettuccine Cookie

Can't wait to find out how to build Fettuccine Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom? Here's everything you need to know about this incredible cookie, introduced in the Lost Golden City update. Behind its pasta-wrapped mummy look, this defence-style cookie proves to be an invaluable companion in many situations. But to make the most of its unique abilities, including the special skill Unstable Fettuccine, it's essential to select the best toppings, the most effective Beascuit and to put together the strongest team possible.

This defensive cookie, like the Elder Faerie Cookie, takes up a forward position to protect his team-mates and clear a path for them. Using his Unstable Fettuccines skill, he provokes enemies and then inflicts heavy damage with his giant fettuccine arms. He also applies a debuff of Increasing Earth DMGs, reducing their attack.

As well as inflicting heavy damage, his Unstable Aura ability amplifies the attack reduction effect of nearby affected enemies. If they are defeated, he heals the whole team, making him a real support! He can also restore his own HP, benefits from a Fettuccine Wraps buff and increases his resistance as the battle intensifies.

Last but not least, once per battle when defeated, Fettuccine Cookie becomes immortal for a limited time and reduces the attack speed of enemies with his Unstable Energy. However, this ability also reduces his own attack speed.

Of the multitude of sets there are in Cookie Run Kingdom, two sets in particular stand out for Fettuccine Cookie, depending on the strategy you adopt! For those looking to make him ultra Tanky, the complete Solid Almond set is highly recommended to boost his ability to absorb enemy damage. On the other hand, if your aim is to make him an effective DPS by making the most of the Unstable Fettuccine skill, opt for the Swift Chocolate Set, which will significantly reduce his recharge time!


Preferred stats



Almond X5 set

Prio :


- ATQ speed



Secondary :



- CD




Swift Chocolate Set Cookie Run Kingdom

Swift Chocolate X5 nuggets

Prio :


- CD

- ATQ speed

- ATQ % OF



Secondary :


- ATQ speed


Another option to consider is the composition of these sets, but in a Pure Gold Cheese toppings version. Even if they are complicated to obtain, they are perfectly suited to Cookie Fettucine as they provide her with additional bonus stats!

Best Beascuit to equip him with

The best Beascuit for Cookie Fettucine is one that favours the DMG Resist stats to extend his life in the field. For secondary stats, we recommend increasing his ATQ, attack speed and RES CRIT.

Beascuits defence

This is a fairly tanky team composition, based on cookies, which provides good cycling between healing, stunning and, above all, the ability to inflict heavy damage. It's particularly effective for demonstrating the full power of Cookie Fettucine's skill in arena battles. If you don't have all the cookies you need to make it up, don't worry; we've got some alternatives too.




Fettuccine Cookie

Fettuccine Cookie

Almond set or

Swift Chocolate Set


Burnt-Cheese-CookieBurnt Cheese Cookie

Almond set or

Swift Chocolate Set

Cookie Tank :

- Financier Cookie

- Crimson Coral Cookie

- Icicle Yeti Cookie




Rockstar Cookie

Swift Chocolate Set

Heal/Soutien :

- White Lily Cookie

- Parfait Cookie
- Silverbell Cookie

- Cream Puff Cookie

Golden-Cheese-CookieGolden Cheese Cookie

Raspberry Set Pure Gold Cheese

Cookie DPS :

- Black Pearl Cookie

- Crème Brûlée Cookie

- Frost Queen Cookie

Snapdragon Cookie

Snapdragon Cookie

Swift Chocolate Set

Heal/Soutien :

- Parfait Cookie
- Silverbell Cookie

- Cream Puff Cookie

For treasures to use with the compo, we recommend the following:

  • Old Pilgrim's Scroll (ATQ%)

  • Squishy Jelly Watch (Time Reduction)

  • Sandstorm Bottle (ATQ%, RES, DMG Resist, reduces enemy ATQ)

Check out our tier list of the best Cookies on Cookie Run Kingdom to create your perfect team!

Fettuccine Cookie is an extremely versatile cookie that combines attack, defence and support. His abilities enable him to deal effectively with enemies by reducing their attack power, while supporting his team with his HP restoration. What's more, his temporary immortality and resistance to interruptions make him a valuable asset in difficult combat situations such as arenas and other PVE content. Make sure you follow this build and level up to the max to unlock its full potential.

After carefully examining every facet of this cookie, you're now in a position to properly build one of the best defence cookies in the game. If you've found this guide useful, don't forget to check out the rest of our CRK tips and tricks section.

Sopy_Jo An intrepid explorer of mobile games, I travel through different universes, searching for my next great adventure. These days, it's Cookie Run: Kingdom and Summoners War that occupy a good part of my days.
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