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Dragon Ball Legends Tier List in 2025: the best DBL characters

Dragon Ball Legends Tier List of the best characters

We meet today for our Dragon Ball Legends tier list ! Not easy to find your way around with more than 100 characters, is it? Between the levels of rarity, the colors and the different versions of each DBL character, we quickly find ourselves lost, and that's normal! That's why we've thought of you and concocted a tier list summarizing the best characters of Dragon Ball Legends, with their rarity and color. Are you ready? Then put on your Super Saiyan outfit and let's go!

The best DBL characters from tier Z

We start very strong with the characters of tier Z! We could also call this rank the god tier of the ranking! At the top of this Dragon Ball Legends tier list, we find of course Beast Gohan. It must be said that with his stats completely OP, it is difficult to stand up to him.

Tier Z characters are the most powerful in Dragon Ball Legends They have extremely effective skills and will be able to lead a team without problems.

RarityName and version of the characterColor
SPBeast GohanBlue
SP LLSaiyan GohanYellow
UL Legendary Super Saiyan BrolyViolet
SPFinal Form CoolerRed
UlSuper GogetaBlue
UlSuper VegitoYellow
Beast Gohan Stats Dragon Ball Legends
When we tell you that the stats of SP Beast Gohan are OP...

⭐ Want to get tons of rewards in the game? Then don't waste a moment and check out our article on all the QR codes Dragon Ball Legends from 2025! There are some nice rewards to be had and the article is updated regularly.

Dragon Ball Legends Tier List: the characters of tier S

The only thing that differentiates the Tier S characters from the Tier Z characters are minor weaknesses. Thus, they are still clearly extremely powerful and effective characters that deserve a good place in this Dragon Ball Legends tier list. Here is the rest of the list of the best DBL characters.

RarityName and version of the characterColor
SPAndroid #17 & Android #18Red
SP LLSuper Saiyan Trunks (Teen)Green
SP LLSuper Saiyan 3 Goku (Dragon Fist)Green
SPSuper Saiyan 4 GokuYellow
SPSuper Saiyan Gohan (Youth)Violet
SP LLMajin VegetaBlue
SPUltra Instinct GokuRed
SPMecha FriezaViolet
SPFinal Form FriezaBlue
SPAngel Golden FriezaGreen
SP WhisViolet
SPPerfect CellViolet
SPPower Awakening PiccoloViolet
SP1st Form Frieza Violet
SPSuper Saiyan God SS VegetaGreen
SP Super Saiyan God SS VegitoBlue
SPHero TapionYellow
SPBuu (Kid)Blue
Super Saiyan 4 Goku Dragon Balls Legends Tier List
Tier Z Super Saiyan 4 Goku DB Legends

Tier A DBL characters

Unlike Tier Z or Tier S characters, the effectiveness of Tier A characters depends greatly on their team. Thus, they will not be able to carry a team by themselves. You will have to play them smart to allow them to reveal their full potential. Nevertheless, they are still very effective characters if they are used correctly. Don't hesitate to support their abilities with Tier S or Z characters, whose rankings you can find above in this Dragon Ball Legends tier list.

RarityName and version of the characterColor
SP LLBardrockYellow
SP Super Saiyan GokuBlue
SP LLFinal Form Frieza : Full PowerYellow
SP LLSuper Saiyan Trunks (Adult)Blue
SPSuper Saiyan Trunks (Teen)Yellow
SPJiren : Full PowerViolet
SPSuper VegitoViolet
SP Ultimate Gohan Absorbed Buu : SuperRed
SPZamasu: Goku Black (Assist)Green
SPGamma 1Green
ULSuper Saiyan God SS Kaioken GokuYellow
SPPerfect Form CellYellow
SPGoku BlackBlue
SPSuper Namekian Lord SlugBlue
SPSuper Saiyan 4 GogetaGreen
SP Super Saiyan God SS Goku & VegetaViolet
SPOtherworld Super Saiyan GokuYellow
SPSuper Saiyan Gogeta Violet
SPGamma 2Blue
SPGreat Siyaman 1 & 2 (Assist)Red
SPGod of Destruction BeerusBlue
SPUltimate GohanGreen
HEWorld Champion HerculesBlue
SPSuper Saiyan BardockBlue
Gamma 1 is a very good character relatively easy to obtain in DBL
Gamma 1 will prove to be a powerful fighter if used properly

Dragon Ball Legends Tier List: The characters of tier B

Finally, we close this DB Legends tier list with the tier B characters. While not necessarily inherently bad, these characters are definitely a step below the others. Don't count on these characters to lead your team, but they can still do a good job if you know how to use them to your advantage.

RarityName and version of the characterColor
SP1st Form FriezaGreen
SPSuper Saiyan God SS Evolved VegetaYellow
SPSuper Saiyan Kid GotenViolet
SPSuper Saiyan 2 Youth GohanRed
SPFinal Form Frieza : Full PowerYellow
SPSuper Saiyan God SS Goku (RoF)Red
SPHalf-Corrupted Fusion ZamasuRed
SP Android #21 : EvilViolet
EXGohan & Trunks (Youth)Green
SPSuper Saiyan Broly : Full PowerBlue
SPSuper Saiyan God SS VegetaBlue
SPSuper Saiyan God Super Saiyan VegetaViolet
ULOmega ShenromRed
SPSuper Saiyan Vegeta (ToP)Blue
SPAndroiod #17: DBSYellow
SP LLVegetaRed
SPMetal CoolerGreen
SP Super Saiyan Goku (Bird)Yellow
SPFusion ZamasuViolet
Piccolo Demon King in the Dragon Ball Legends tier list
Piccolo in the Dragon Ball Legends tier list
RarityName and version of the characterColor
SPGod of Destruction ToppoGreen
SPBuu : KidGreen
SPFinal Form Frieza : DBSRed
SPSuper Saiyan God SS GogetaYellow
SPDemon King PiccoloYellow
Sp PiccoloYellow
SPSuper Saiyan VegetaYellow
SPKaioken GokuGreen
SPSuper Saiyan Pink Goku BlackRed
SPSuper Saiyan 3 GokuGreen
SP Majin Buu GoodGreen
SPAndroid #21Blue
SPSuper Saiyan God SS Vegeta (Future)Purple
EXAndroid #17Red
SPSuper Saiyan Pink Goku BlackViolet
SPAndroid #18Yellow
SPAngry GokuBlue
SPAndroid #18Green
Dragon Ball Legends Tier List: Vados
Vados will do the job, provided you choose your team well

Here we are at the end of this Dragon Ball Legends tier list ! As you've probably noticed, we've been focusing on the high rarity characters, as they are often the most powerful. With this information, you should be able to put together an effective team. Of course, you may not agree with everything in this tier list. After all, as long as you find your winning team, that's all that matters 😉

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