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Collection of dragons and snakes Genshin Impact | Quest solution

Genshin Impact Collection of dragons and snakes

The 2.4 update of Genshin Impact offers you the opportunity to explore the island ofEnkanomiya, but also many new quests. Some of them are particularly complex! This is especially true of the Collection of Dragons and Snakes. Are you stuck and can't find the 5 books you need? To get them, you'll have to complete 3 side quests. To make things easier for you, we've put together this complete guide to the Collected Dragons and Snakes quest in Genshin Impact. You'll find out all the steps to follow and our tips for completing the different quests!

Unlock the Collection of Dragons and Snakes quest in Genshin Impact

Before you can access the Collected Dragons and Serpents quest in Genshin Impact, you must complete the quest Until the Dawn of Byakuyakoku.

Location of the Collection of dragons and snakes Quest in Genshin Impact

To start the quest, activate the Evernight mode and go to the library. The library is located at the highest teleportation point in the Narrows. A ghost named Ema is waiting for you on the floor. The former librarian asks you to find 5 books. You can ask her for clues, but you have to admit that they are not very easy to apply...

Ema: the ghost that allows you to launch the quest Collection of dragons and snakes

Buy the book The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku

The first book in the quest is very easy to find: just go to Inazuma City and buy it from Kuroda, the publisher of the Yae House.

Location to buy the book The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku in Genshin Impact

Get the book Before Sun and Moon

To collect Before Sun and Moon, complete the Antigonus quest. To do so, take the teleportation point below the Dainichi Mikoshi and jump into the ruins. Still in Evernight mode, talk to the two suspicious ghosts. They ask you to find Antei.

Suspicious ghosts to launch the Antigonus quest

You can see the search area on your mini-map. Once you have found the ghost, he gives you a core. This is used to activate the Ruin Golem located a little further away. Fight him to get the book back. By completing the quest, you will obtain 40 Primogems, 3 hero lessons and 30,000 Moras.

Get the book Hydrological Studies in Byakuyakoku

This is the most complicated book to obtain in order to complete the Collection of Dragons and Snakes quest in Genshin Impact. To get it, complete Date's Challenge quest using our detailed guide. You will be rewarded with 30 Primo-Gems, 2 Hero Lessons and 200 Adventure EXP.

Find Abyssal Elementosaurus Experiment Reports

Teleportation portal to the Bathysmal Vishap Laboratory

This time go to the teleportation point north of Dainichi Mikoshi and glide to the small island above. Then take the teleportation portal at the end of the island to be transported to the Elementosaurus Laboratory. The ghost on the premises offers you a new quest: Tricolour File.

Cryo Room to unlock the book Bathysmal Vishap Experimental Records

To solve it, activate the elemental pillars with the corresponding items to unlock all the rooms. The Bathysmal Vishap Experimental Records are in the Cryo Room. You will also find a Key Sigil in the Electro room.

Unlock the book In the Light, Beneath the Shadow

For the final stage of the Collection of Dragons and Snakes quest, reach the central teleportation point of the Dainichi Mikoshi. On your way down, you will come across a wall guarded by a Guardian and with barrels in front of it. Blow them up, including the monster, to create a gap.

Wall to be blown up get the book In the Light, Beneath the Shadow

Once inside, activate the Evernight mode and tap on the triangle inside to raise the grid. Then switch to Whitenight mode and go back to the same place to tap on a second triangle-shaped mechanism to move the blue wall this time. You can now access a chest.

Order of symbols to activate to get the book In the Light, Beneath the Shadow

But the book is not inside. To find it, switch back to Endless Night mode, so that you can see the symbols on the wall. Climb on them to activate them. They give you an order via the small dots in front of them. An order to do what, you ask? Well, to go through the portals of the Heart of the Snake! Teleport to the temple and go through the portals in the right order. A chest will appear. It contains the book In the Light, Under the Shadow!

5 portals to cross in the Heart of the Snake

Complete the Collection of Dragons and Snakes Quest in Genshin Impact

Once you have all 5 books, return to Ema at the Gorge. After talking to her, return the books to their place on the shelf to complete the Collection of Dragons and Snakes Quest in Genshin Impact. This will unlock a portal to a parallel world. You will find a luxurious chest below, a Sigil Key, 5 books to complete your collection and a fairy, which you must follow through the portal. You also complete the achievement If Tokoyo Ookami Knew of This...

Portal to be passed through to get to the secret library of the quest Collections of Dragons and Snakes

I hope this guide has been helpful to you in completing the Collected Dragons and Snakes quest! If you want to complete the entire Enkanomiya area, be sure to check out the solution to the Secret of Erebos quest. You can unlock 3 new islands!

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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